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Posts posted by shonuv

  1. You should turn all those items into "static" that way they won't be affected by havoc or collision at all. It would be tedious since you have so many items, but its the best way. To do that:



    You can then replace your carefully placed items with these new Statics by highlighting the old items the render window, then Ctrl F. This brings up a replacement window.

    Uncheck the box that says Same base object type only and now you can find your newly created Static in the dropdown box.


    This will preserve the rotation and translation of your items.


    Just a warning though, after you uncheck the same base object checkbox, it takes longer to load the list since its a list of everything in the creation kit.


    Hope this helps, but it looks like it would be a pain to do.

  2. So you want to make a stand alone follower that doesn't need a "my mod requires these mods to work"?

    Assuming your're planning on getting permissions, and giving credit and releasing to the Nexus, I'll give you the basics.


    For the body, you need to make a skin for your follower. A skin is just an armor. Armors use armoraddons to point to the correct mesh(nif).


    So in the ArmorAddons section, duplicate and rename the NakedTorso, NakedHands, and NakedFeet. In the Biped Model section, point each of these to the corresponding .nif file in your mesh folder.

    Next go to the Armor section, and duplicate rename the SkinNaked armor. At the bottom where it says models, delete the existing models. Right-click and new. Now select the torso, hands, and feet that you just made.

    Now you can create an Actor and use this new "armor" for the skin.


    Making armors and clothing is the same process.


    To use custom skin textures for your follower, you'll need to either edit the nifs in nifskope, or make a TextureSet(duplicate and rename SkinBodyFemale_1) in the creation kit. Point them to your custom .dds texture files.


    For custom hairs, go to the HeadPart section. duplicate and rename an existing hair, then point to the custom nif file in your mesh folder.

  3. More work? Definitely, but I live by the motto, "Why work smarter when you can work harder?" :laugh: I was planning on having about 20 open tombs for this crypt (yes I'm that morbid), but now I'm thinking maybe 5-10.

    I knew I could hack together something that would work, but I was hoping to keep my scripts nice and short with those arrays. :cool: Too bad I failed.

    I will test extensively before I release though.


    So far my modding experience has been designing interiors as well as re-texturing, but then I realized that my mod would be "just another simple player home" Just like the thousands of basic player home mods on the Nexus.

    So I decided I should add some "features". And thus my journey into Papyrus began.


    Thanks for reading Philippe, and good luck with your own papyrus learning. Cheers

  4. As far as the copyright thing goes, Bethesda doesn't care what you rip from other games, as long as its not stuff from Bethesds's other games. Its just a mod after all.


    I think for the skeleton thing, you're probably going to need to extract the werewolf skeleton from the meshes.bsa and use that to rig to your mesh. I'm not 100% sure though.

    But at least you should get BSA Browser so you can get the games files to start looking at and messing\testing around with.


    Then your going to need to convert your rigged mesh into a nif.


    After that, its just a matter of creating a new race in the creation kit. That means making an armor addon that points to your nif, then an armor(aka skin) that uses your new armor addon, then pointing your new race to that skin.


    Sorry if this is too vague, but maybe it could help you narrow down what kinds of tutorials to google.

  5. Well that is definitely easier for me to read. I'll give her a shot and see what happens. Thanks for the reply


    edit: For closure.


    I didn't use any of that .length i += stuff, I just filled out the array with the ck property drop-down thing and manually pointed to each individual element in my script.

    It went something like


    If conditions().blablabla.



    elseIf other.stuff().blablabla



    What evs :confused: Working is working right?

  6. I'm trying to make a simple crypt mod for storing corpses(thralls)

    Some goog searches lead me to the notion that I should add the corpses to some aliases in an array to make sure they don't get deleted when the engine does cleanup.


    My problem is that I have a hard time wrapping my head around arrays.


    So far I've managed to add a corpse to the first alias in the array and then move the corpse to my crypt cell, but I have no idea how to fill out subsequent elements in the array, or how to hand pick elements to remove when better thrall options come along. This line worked CorpseAlias[0].forceRefTo(deadBody) but I know I'm missing a bunch of .Length and i >= and stuff. I just don't know what I'm looking at when I see other peoples scripts dealing with arrays.


    I did look at the wiki, but for some reason when I see examples that use any form of "hello" and or "world", my brain just shuts it out (practical application?)


    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


    And on a different note, is there a way to place ragdolls with any degree of precision?



  7. I had problems with conditions as well. It seems the only conditions that are looked at are perk conditions. My workaround was to create perks with the hidden box checked, then add these perks via script when the player had the necessary items in there inventory. I hope this helps

  8. I've got some static items in the room bound that aren't being rendered in game. If I remove all the room bounds in the creation kit, the items render. I checked to make sure the room bound encompasses the whole area. I've extended it well beyond the items in question.


    Anybody else have similar problems, or ideas on the matter?

  9. Okay, that makes sense.



    Thanks for the responses, i'll go try out the script above and see what happens.





    edit: The above script works like a champ. Thanks again. Oh, and dimmu, so as to not leave ya hanging, yes your assumptions were correct. The items on the shelves are static objects parented to the xmarker, and are purely aesthetic.

  10. First you need to click on any object in the render window. This will make a bounding box that your trigger will fit to. Then click the Create Trigger button at the top of the creation kit. It is the T inside the cube icon. Now a drop-down list of activators will show up. Choose your activator such as the DB10FireDammageTrigger and then re-size the new activator box to fit your area of lava.



    As for the piston trap, I'm afraid I don't know where to begin on that one. If you look at the swinging blade trap, its set up to loop the animation, but the piston trap is set to play one animation going up, and one animation going down. There is probably a way to script it to loop through those animations, but that's beyond my limited scripting ability.



  11. I'm trying to make a script that will populate shelves with clutter based on whats added to a container.


    I can get it to work when adding items to a chest, but it doesn't do the opposite when removing items.


    I have this on my OnItemRemoved event

    If self.GetItemCount(akBaseItem as Ingredient) == 0
    It disables the xmarker even if the container still has other Ingredients in it. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.
  12. Double click the static that you want to be your container in the Object Window on the left. Where it says model, click and drag to high-light the whole .nif model path, right click and copy. Now duplicate any pre-existing container from the Container section in World Objects. Double click your duplicate and where it says model, click the edit button. Click edit again and click back until your looking in the meshes folder. Now where it says "File Name" right-click and paste. Hit Open and now you should have a preview of your new container using the mesh of the static.

  13. I couldn't enter Whiterun either, until I removed my texture folder. I don't know, maybe it had to do with the number of NPCs in Whiterun, and the huge 4096x skin textures that had to load.


    edit: It was exactly the 4096 size textures. I cut them down to 2048 and then I could get into Whiterun

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