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Posts posted by khmp

  1. In response to post #43440950.

    tengoku18 wrote: I updated my Nexus Mod Manager and it deleted all of my mods. Worse yet, when I download my mods it doesn't add to my list. This doesn't make me very happy losing almost of my mods.

    Do you see any of the mods you downloaded when you view your mods folder? I'd find out where they are being downloaded to first. Then ensure the specific settings for your game (the fourth tab in the Settings window) are all correct. Hope that helps even a little and you figure out where the wires got crossed.
  2. Read ~5100 words today. fist_bump_baby_meme.jpg


    I know it seems truly important to everyone in the modding community but the note on which you finish - the certainty that Bethesda will eventually get their s#*! in order - I contrarily do not see that occurring even eventually. I'm sure there are people that work there that see the problem and want to correct it dearly. But I can almost guarantee that they do not have that same mentality your team does. They will not hire a team of moderators. The tedious DMCAs will probably be par for the course as this goes along rather than self policing. Plus as you yourself noted, rightly so, they still need to make the site worthwhile.


    All that being said, I have no issue with being wrong about that. I hope I am. I'd love for someone to be able to say in the future to me, "I told you Beth would do it right, you pessimistic bastard". I simply don't share that same level of optimism.


    Finally, thank you for adding those additional uploading checkboxes. It's a nice touch. Anything that makes things more cut and dry is to my liking. Now go get some rest.

  3. In response to post #31669955. #31673880 is also a reply to the same post.

    keh520 wrote: I found it pretty easy to workaround this issue yesterday by running NMM, running the launcher, then re-checking everything in the NMM list. I can't believe how quickly you guys came up with a real solution to the problem. Thank you! Bigger problem: why the heck is Bethesda sabotaging our ability to mod? Also changed yesterday: used to be able to get to the "data files" menu on the launcher by clicking the bright spot under the right eye of the helmet- that is gone too. Is Bethesda attempting to stop us from modding and what prompted that departure from the Bethesda model?
    BeingShotAt wrote: I think you're jumping to conclusions

    I just think that if they wanted to prevent modding they'd have taken a better step to do it. Quite possibly a wrong assumption and you may be correct. Again just a different look at the same issue.

    Or... tinfoil hats on. A push to use third party tools that circumvent the launcher! *dramatic music cue*

    Also many thanks for updating NMM Fabio.
  4. In response to post #31569145.

    leevon13 wrote: yo, thanks for the heads up.

    Would it be possible to get the names of the mod files that were affected?

    Yes. Please for the sake of avoiding unnecessary paranoia and drudgery through the files of items we've downloaded over this weekend. If this is applicable.
  5. In response to post #31566170. #31566375, #31567315, #31569360, #31569445 are all replies on the same post.

    algustin wrote: help im trying to change my password but it keeps telling me that my current password is wrong even tho im sure it's right
    urielz wrote: try resetting you password
    algustin wrote: and how do i exactly do that? please?
    esfewsf wrote: log out and when you try to log in again look for a "forgot password" button. Maybe you have to enter a wrong password to get to the screen where you can find the "forgot password" button.
    algustin wrote: yeah i did that like a second ago thanks anyway

    Make certain you know the email account you're sending your password reset to beforehand if you're unsure beforehand. Then simply sign out and when you go to log back in there will be a link for forgetting your password in the log in window.

    [edit] Nevermind you got it XD
  6. An assumption for an assumption? I believe what you are basically trying to state is the following: Introducing money into a hobby is intrinsically corrupting to the hobby and the hobbyist. If this is your deduction then I strongly advise you to reconsider your position. There is far too much gray area in that statement to wholly believe it.

    There are so many unique circumstances that you and I cannot begin to fathom spurring on their creative works. It may be money. It may be prestige. It may be love. It may be to learn. It might just be a lark. I think you're precluding your ability to see any other motivation than personal betterment as misguided. When in fact any one of those reasons can result in another person's gaming experience becoming enriched.

    If I am misconstruing or otherwise projecting, please correct me.

    My personal concerns IF modding were to become monetized:
    Content Sharing.
    Creator/Consumer Interaction/Responsibility.
  7. In response to post #23660344. #23661704 is also a reply to the same post.

    @DragonOpzZ: Irony?

    I may be possibly misunderstanding his point, so forgive the following if that's the case. I believe he is trying to say that technical modifications may get lost in the shuffle. Items that are not necessarily providing content themselves but provide backend support to enable other features.

    Personally I think that if something such as SKSE were to become released and subsequently monetized. It would stand to reason that it would need a demo to showcase the work in action. Something tangible for consumers but also generating a working example to hopefully foster support from other modders that would then build around it.
  8. I cannot follow sadly. They are colored so thoroughly vile in Skyrim that it is hard for me to see any other side of the spectrum. Their society has become an insular echo chamber for misguided hateful ideas that beget destruction. And that's the tricky part for me as every faction seems to fall into that category in vacillating shades. It just so happens that I find the haughty misanthropic Thalmor the least appealing of the group.


    Their dictum reminds me of the batarian hegemony in Mass Effect now that I think about it.

  9. I literally meant passing a form list to GetEquipped:

    if(actor.GetEquipped AllPowerArmor)
    Err... I have an NVSE plugin with functions that let you access all loaded forms and put them in lists. Link is in my signature if you're interested in that sort of thing.


    The official wiki does not mention that it can accept formlists as an argument. Overridden/extended by NVSE? My apologies for the presumption before. And yes I am interested. Downloading your plugin now. Just to be clear, I can create a list dynamically taking into account all the mods I have loaded during run time - in turn, I can then use that list for comparison testing using your plugin? I hope that question is as clear as I think it sounds :laugh:

  10. it happens both

    My recommendation then is do what I do when I go into a house where the breaker board doesn't have a diagram. What does turning this one off do? Start disabling them and playing to see changes in performance. :happy: I'd start with the heavier asset mods such as vurts.


    cant i use texture optimazier on high and se where that leads to?

    Absolutely. Experiment and work on it until you grow bored or figure it out. I won't dissuade you there.


    what do you mean bye global script hitters?

    I preface with I don't know how much overhead a script that runs constantly could create but I know it is utterly possible to make a sluggish script that runs all the time :tongue: So scripts that must run all the time is what I was referring to. When I look over your listing I don't really see anything that jumps at me with that regard.


    Back to the first point. Toggle, test and hope for the best. Hopefully you'll get it nailed down.

  11. I'm unsure as to why a mod would not appear in the load order other than the obvious that it installed somewhere other than the Data directory. Which you say it is, so I am at a loss there. I'm not a user of FOMM but for FNVEdit to not be able to open a file... Does it error out when it tries to open the *.esm? That aside, and because it's not "at a glance overt", you have downloaded both ST Robot Race v2 and the ST Robot Core v2_1 patch? Regardless, just post back to update fixed or otherwise.

  12. If you need to check for more than one item, you can pass a form list of those items instead of calling GetEquipped on each of them individually.

    Thanks for the input luthienanrion. I assume you mean using RemoveAllTypedItems because of the formlist? And 100% agree that it is very concise and easy on the eyes. There are two issues though that I couldn't bypass without a bit of trickery. And please correct me as I move forward if my thinking is off.


    The first being that I don't want to remove the items I have equipped. It was my major bug-a-boo with sorting mods I had encountered and the reasoning behind my personal venture to learn. But if I still wanted to use it which I have thought of doing, I would first have to move my equipped items into a temporary container. Then call removealltypeditems and then shift my equipment back and re-equip.


    Second but more importantly. My demand is not having to rely on a formlist (list of known inventory objects) not for the sake of obstinacy but rather the fear of missing items outside the scope of this mod. For example: "Mod Y introduces X armor. But the FormList only takes into account Z armor." Now I say that because AFAIK I cannot generate a formlist dynamically in game and have it save some level of permanancy without creating an overhead "runonce" script. But for the sake of learning if you have the time/will could you explain how you would go about it. I'm at my "sponge" settting in regards to scripting so impress and mold how you like XD



    As I sit back and think about it some more... If I could potentially "exclude" items on the fly from a dynamically generated formlist, assuming I only have 1 of any particular piece, it would and could work.

  13. do i need a better cpu?

    Ha! Your PC specs are better than mine and I don't have these issues. I'd only recommend the reverse if it were to suffer the same struggle running the vanilla game. The amount of mods you have running falls well below 140 so you're fine there as well.


    The next thing I would look at would be asset heavy mods. Texture packs, lighting overhauls, weather overhauls, global script hitters. This is just a feeling and calling it specious wouldn't be out of line, but if I were you I would start with vurt's foliage, fellout as I see those in the load order and progress from there to things like MMUE. It may break your save but for now I think the most important thing is getting it playable again. And just to be clear does the lag occur while in an interior cell, exterior cell or both?

  14. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34703/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D34703&pUp=1


    When you run this program it should have every mod you have ticked on and ready to load so select OK. Assuming load order is the reason for your crash the program should error out on whichever mod is causing the crash. Once you know what it is, you can correct the order and barring another misplacement you should be fine.


    video by Gopher:

    Skip to 13 minutes as that's what is relevant.

  15. Have you tried altering your Stutter Remover ini settings? Or outright disabling it to see if there's a difference?

    If you have a problem caused by a recent version of NVSR:

    1. Find your NVSR ini file. See the "Master" section at the top of it. Disable features from there (by changing ones to zeroes) until your problem goes away. If you can change all the ones to zeroes and your problem remains then likely NVSR was not at fault. Re-enable features that weren't the cause of your problem.

    2. Post here. Describe the problem. Tell me which line in the "Master" section was associated with the problem. If you have used a previous version of NVSR that did not cause the problem, let me know about that, including which version it was.


    and optionally, 3. If you're feeling industrious, try finding the section of the NVSR ini associated with the particular feature you're having trouble with (not all features have ini sections, but many do), and try adjusting its settings to see if they have any effect on your problem.


    That will at least give me a fighting chance of figuring out what went wrong. Hopefully.

    If you have done all that, what is the performance issue? Input latency? Rendering? Everything? Is it location specific?

  16. Ah you mean the "Lone Wolf Radio" map marker then. I've looked using that search phrase and nothing jumps out at me that fits your description. But it may help you or others narrow it down. If I stumble across it though I'll update this post.

  17. Neophyte to papyrus scripting would be an understatement. Gleaning as I go. Not knowing enough and still plunging into the dark unknown.


    I am attempting to make a generic sorting routine for items. Similar to the Schoolhouse Base mod by Mike Hancho, et al of course. While I love them and the idea behind them - I wanted to go a bit deeper. Something that is "mostly generic" and by only being given an item's properties, sort it effectively. For example:

    "Ah that's Super Bouncing Stretch Armstrong Mk2 from Mk2 Destructo mod. The Form ID says it's a weapon and more specifically a mine. Let me put that in the mine box. No need for a form list or prior knowledge of the mod's existence to get that stuff on lock."


    If this has been done before can you point the way otherwise please continue reading.


    My question: Is there an easy way to determine whether or not the object you are looking at (rCurrentObject in the code) is equipped on your character? That's the gist of my issue. Here's the relevant snippet:

    short nPos                    ;    Position in the container through which we are iterating
    short nFormItemType            ;    Type of the item we are currently on during iteration (Form Type ID)
    ref rCurrentObject            ;    The current object we are looking in the player's inventory
    set nPos to player.GetNumItems
    while (nPos)
        ;    Define the position thereby the object we want to examine
        let nPos -= 1
        set rCurrentObject to player.GetInventoryObject nPos
        set nFormItemType to GetType rCurrentObject
        ;    Form Type ID comparison tests
        if (nFormItemType == 24)    ;    Armor Check
            ;    Are we wearing this piece of armor?

    My fear is that I will have to compare the object against each equipment slot (20) for each and every item that is considered armor. While certainly doable I cringe at long potentially unnecessary if elseif elseif elseif...zzz statements. I figured I would ask for advice before going to sleep and cross my fingers. If you see something out of place please feel free to correct or question. :blush: <- guarded optimist?

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