Thanks for the tips, ResolveThatChord. I want the south of the continent to look quite like Skyrim or Cyrodiil and in a way familiar. The more north you get on the continent, the more different it gets. The fact that things do look familiar in the south, will strenghten the feeling I want to give that this is a civilized colony which is also trying very hard to be a part of the civilized world. Like the European colonies in America, or Roman in Britain and so on. In the north though, that's where the Morrowind-weirdness starts :D Thank you, Natula123, for your kind comments. This will indeed be a game in itself when I'm done with it. I have all the time in the world this time around, unlike when I did Dibella's Watch for Oblivion when I had Skyrim's release as a deadline. :)