Hello all, First time poster. Inspired by mods like the Elsweyr mod for Oblivion, do we have any idea of how feasible/possible it will be to add sweeping areas to mod in Skyrim? I'm probably the least educated person in the realm of mods, so perhaps someone else can weigh in. However, my thoughts dwell on the idea of adding the region of Cyrodiil to Skyrim's map akin to the Elsweyr mod for Oblivion. It would seem fairly straight forward, as all of the content has already been covered. It would require a vested replication effort on the part of the modder/team to recreate Cyrodiil as depicted in Oblivion. Also, the Lore details that the events in Skyrim take place 200 years after the events of Oblivion. So, this would open the opportunity for creating new quests that are in relation to the Lore, Factions, and Politics of the era in which Skyrim is based. The only barrier to this, is dependent on the limits Bethesda imposes on map boundaries... but I'm sure this can be either bypassed or Bethesda will choose to make them moddable directly. I loved Oblivion immensely and really found Cyrodiil to be an interesting and expansive land. I'd love to see it recreated with the updates in Skyrim and really think that it'd make for a wonderful addition. Furthermore, I can understand the notion that this would be essentially creating Oblivion all over again. To an extent, it is... but as for the landscape, it would probably consist of mainly just replicating the landscape (With certain improvements to the cities, villages, etc to reflect changes in Lore) and creating new quests to fill that land. At least some of the work is fairly self explanatory as it consists of just copying the land presented in Oblivion. In conclusion, I really think this would be a worthwhile endeavor and would definitely like to contribute to the process if it were to be undertaken. Note - Perhaps this is better suited to the Mod Suggestion thread, but I feel it's such a large subject that should be discussed in all of its details.