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mesh/texture and other general problems
gregcoll replied to gregcoll's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
There's one file on Nexus that contains a Blender file you could perhaps use as a starting point - Slooty Vault Jumpsuit Suit I think most modders have given up on using the blender .NIF import/export scripts that aren't maintained and instead use the .FBX format to import/export using Outfit Studio as the intermediary to create the .NIF file. Workflow looks a bit like: Export from Blender in .FBX, import into Outfit Studio, export from Outfit Studio into .NIF format and vice versa. Hey, thanks for the information. I will give it a try. As I said, I learned to alter mesh in 3DS but I just love Blender. I donate a little every time I download it. I do see some advantages in other areas with 3DS so I will continue playing with it. I need to practice making mods so that I can get a handle on all the components. Thanks again. -
First, I would like to thank all modders for their hard work. I have just started making some mesh/texture modifications and, while I have had success (seemingly?) with some simple ones, the more advanced ones are giving me problems. I am just now learning how to use 3DS Max and can alter mesh and textures/maps and can do the simple things like animate, etc but haven't gotten heavily into it yet. I have used Blender for several years (I am not an 'expert' but am fairly proficient) and have made some fairly complex renderings with riggings, constraints, etc. As I said, I have had some success. I changed some simple meshes (for practice) by following a guide. I used NifSkope, 3DS Max and Blender. They were all rigged and so involved skeletons, skin instances, etc. However, I am currently trying to modify a mesh made for the CBBE body that the guide can't handle. I might be wrong (and frequently am) but it seems that it would be easier to simply modify a mesh that already has the right instance assignments than to make a whole new mod. For one thing, I can't import a .nif file with the CBBE body into Blender (I am using the recommended 2.49 version) because the texture is incompatible (maybe more issues but the loading process stops there). I can alter the .nif mesh in 3DS but as soon as I start modifying the mesh (on a copied practice file, of course) I get a warning of a skin instance and that problems might occur. They are right. As soon as I click yes (I don't even have to make any changes), all of the bones lose their affiliations. They are still there but can't be seen anymore. I can export and swap the altered mesh data into the original .nif file with NifSkope. A peculiar thing is that the original mesh is below the grid but the altered mesh is above the grid. There might be a problem when I rename the new trishape with the original name (the original name is 'Scene Root [0]') I can open the new .nif file in 3DS and it looks right. When I replace the original file with the new file it causes the mesh to be invisible in-game, which is nice with a CBBE body, but not what I was looking for. Another peculiar thing is that I can't export a mesh from 3DS without a skeleton. That is, I can import a .nif without the skeleton and then immediately try to export it but get an 'unspecified error'. Also, while I am listing problems, I can't open the texture .dds files. I have tried NirfanView and Gimp2 with the applicable plugins but I can't get them to open. Do I need to import/export the files with another program to condition them so that they can be opened/modified? What I really need is to go through an in-depth tutorial but I have only been able to find elementary guides that basically tell me what I already know (if that). My problems are due to the fact that I don't know how all of these things work together to make a working file. It's like I am building a circuit and load a counter with data and clock it with a rising edge when the component requires clocking with a falling edge and so I get corrupt data. If I learn how the counter works and how to properly apply my inputs then the circuit will work. I would really like to know these things (and should), but I can't find a source for the information. I know that someone knows because they have created complex mods, such as with CBBE body, but I don't know where they got their information. As I said above, I am currently trying to modify a mesh in an existing mod but what I would really like is to know how to do this. I appreciate all information, but Please don't tell me that 'there's tons of this stuff online, just Google it' unless you can direct me to a particular site because I have spent a bit of time looking...and looking...and looking...and looking... Thanks again.
Chemistry Station missing category from mod
gregcoll replied to gregcoll's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Thanks very much, I'll try toggling through the first two digits. Do you have any idea how to activate the mod into the chem station? Or where I might look? -
Hi, Sorry if this is a repeat question, I searched first but didn't find anything. The problem: I installed a mod that should add a new category to the Chemistry Station that has recipes for craftable items. The items are armor. I can view the items in Bodyslide and FO4Edit. I don't see the category or recipes in the Chemistry Station. Any Chemistry Station. No matter how many I build or where I put them. My attempts at a remedy: I have triple, quadruple and quintuple checked the instructions and have uninstalled and reinstalled ALL mods three times (some four or more) manually and with NMM. I have posted a couple of posts (with several edits updating my progress) on the mod page but haven't gotten a reply, so I am here to see if anyone might have any ideas. Further description: I can't add the items using additem with the item ids I find in FO4Edit or I would just do this for the time being even though I would like to use the method intended by the modder. This may mean that there is some installation problem. However, I do see them in Bodyslide and and FO4Edit and they take my CBBE preset with no problem. This should mean that the textures, etc, are loaded but the means to access them ingame is missing (their being tied to the chem station). Question: By what means does this mod add a category and recipes to the chem station? Many other mods do this also, so it is apparently not uncommon. Can I modify some .ini files or otherwise force the game to accept the mod's intention? Other information: I had used the FO4 Beta some months ago but opted out and haven't used it for a couple of months. The mods always show checked/installed and otherwise okay in NMM. The mods are listed in my plugins.txt. Even though I opted out of the Beta, is it possible that my initial use has caused some problem? I have a couple of other mods that work fine. I appreciate your help and ideas.
I may have solved the problem. It seems to have something to do with the relative setting and the degree of amplitude when creating the key. I wish there was an instruction page for this. Please close this thread.
I am using Blender 2.62 and love it tremendously. I also have a serious (and probably noob) problem when trying to animate with shape keys. The problem is this: if I create a new shape key that uses vertices from a previously created key then the mesh becomes seriously deformed as the new key is applied. Example: I create a key that moves the arms forward to grab an object. I then create a key that rotates and/or moves from that position to another position. The result is severe distortion of the mesh. According to the 2.4 manual (there is no page for this in the online 2.6 manual), a new key is created according to the currently selected key. This seems to not be the case for 2.6. There is an option to select the parent (can't remember exactly what it's called) and I assume that this would create the new key in that shape. Not always the case, regardless of where I have the sliders set. I have tried moving the keys up or down, muting them, changing the parent from basis to the previous key and to itself. I have tried putting the shapes in full on or off before making changes and probably every combination of the above. None of this has any effect on the problem. Sorry if this is a simple thing but I have been searching online and can't seem to find an answer and most tutorials only show the basic things that I already know. I am certain that there is something easy that I am not doing because this is a major problem and I doubt that they would have released this version with such a bad animation problem. Please help if possible. One other thing. I noticed that even with my first key that if I rotated a set of mesh then the off axis would be scaled with the rotation. Example: in '3' side view I rotate a group in the y and z directions. The result is that the x scaling is slightly increased as the rotation moves through its cycle. I've tried to make sure that I am always in an axis view before making any rotations to keep the alignments correct. I don't know.
New Vegas reviews from firends
gregcoll replied to dontpanic's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
The written word is incredibly interesting and difficult (for want of a better word). Did you feel that? You knew what I was saying, but in the back of your mind you are thinking ‘that was more than one word’. Whoa…did you feel that one, too? Now what, am I trying to be clever? AM I clever? Do I actually have something worthwhile to read? Maybe I am just trying to foray into some convoluted collection of circumlocutions to make myself appear intelligent or you stupid. Or, what??? This is the power of the written word. By my presentation of a few words and ideas, you have filled in some blanks and begun forming a picture of me. This is why some people prefer books to movies. That is, in a movie, the actors and events are specifically depicted, whereas in a book one can apply any form of character description or backdrop or … but, I digress. Yes, powerful; and yes, problematic. I regularly read papers written in English by persons of non-American (Chinese, Japanese, Indian, etc) origin and so I typically ignore most simple mistakes since I am most envious of their ability to communicate in a foreign language. Nevertheless, I NOTICE all of these mistakes, as do any who read the material and are so capable. If I am reading something written by someone who should clearly be competent in English writing, (e.g., an American), I will generally ignore a few mistakes because everyone makes mistakes that might be unnoticed by the author for various reasonable reasons. However, when I am bombarded with constant errors that clearly have nothing to do with presentation or style, I tend to relate the author’s grammatical competence with his ability to formulate rational thought. As a result, interest is lost along and any concern with the work done by the author along with any good (great, brilliant, prophetic) ideas that might be present will likely be ignored and lost. Different is sometimes good, half-ass is generally just half-ass. Please note that I am not talking about indiscretions between friends where I might think ‘Well this is my good bud, RockHardWarHammerBabeMagnet, and I know that he doesn’t know the difference between there, they’re and their, but he’s a good guy and I know what he means’. The rest of the world does not know you. Anytime you present yourself, you are by definition subjected to the world’s scrutiny; a world that knows nothing of you. I have found it generally good practice to assume that my audience knows nothing of me or my presented material. This way, my entire view of the subject (and the audience’s view on my view) can be evaluated through the words given, by me. Speaking of opinions, they’re just like a$$holes, everyone has one. It is a fool’s errand to express your opinions and worry about other’s. You will definitely never please everyone. People’s attitudes change not only with time, but are affected by whether they had scrambled eggs or Cocopuffs for breakfast. However, this is actually the function of a review, to express Your opinions. And this is exactly what you have received from the posts here … opinions. Simply take what you hear and use what you will; just remember that people who don’t know you can only know you by what you have shown them. Keep these things in mind, write a well-presented review (giving validation for extreme bias usually helps) and it just doesn’t really matter what others may think, it is your perspective of the game. By the way, I think the review needs a little polishing. -
I have one MAJOR issue with this game
gregcoll replied to Elsarian's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I have been waiting for the initial ‘big’ bugs to be dealt with before even considering the purchase of this game. I have played many, many games (think all the way back to Missile Command, Space Invaders, etc.) I have watched as this niche known as gaming has grown from what can only be considered a time-wasting enterprise to a lifestyle complete with factions and paid team members. I have been, well… lurking if you will, so that I might observe the reactions of those of you who have purchased on day one so that I might possibly learn something useful. I very rarely post anything as I have noticed that quite a lot of topics and comments become a battlefield, usually with both sides losing and the point lost. I don’t have the time (and don’t like) to argue and there is also the fact that I haven’t yet played and could not contribute if I wanted. I have noticed that there have been quite a few threads on this particular subject (Steam). I have to say that its requirement is also one of the main reasons that I am hesitant to purchase the game. I shall try to elaborate on this to make it understandable without kicking sand in anyone’s face, if possible. There are those of you who have cited (quite correctly) many advantages in having a Steam account. I won’t list them here for the sake of brevity, but for those of you who don’t think that the site has any redeeming qualities, I urge you to check the threads, visit the Steam website, read reviews, etc. Knowledge is power. There is also the side who finds fault with this ‘counter-measure’ to piracy attempts. The shortcomings of this service have also been well documented. Now, being an owner of Half-life 2, I have had some unhappy moments with Steam in the past. I certainly don’t hold my previous feelings against them because they seem to have made steps to improve some of the issues I was dealing with at the time, and, for me, that is what progress is all about….making things better. And besides, most choices usually wind up being between the lesser of two evils. My one unresolved issue, one that I feel is also problematic for others and maybe not voiced as such, is that of power. If you read the first part of this post you will know that I have been around longer than a few years. I remember when Wal-mart used to be a relatively small store (certainly no Super Wal-marts or 24 hour operation) with locations only sparsely scattered around. People loved Wal-mart. This is obviously the case or they would not have shopped there allowing it to grow into what it is now (I am currently in China for work and there are three stores in this one town). Not to pick on or single out this franchise, mind you, it merely provides a good example. With its phenomenal growth and subsequent acquisition of power, it has now become the store America loves to hate. The list of good and bad will also not be listed as these are also well documented and a subject of opinion. I, for one, shop at the Super Wal-Mart directly across the street from my house (in America) for convenience and its very large available inventory. However, several other stores and even entire cities have filed lawsuits against Wal-mart because its large buying power enables them a tremendous advantage and has directly caused the failure of several other chains, not to mention small businesses. I actually have to go out of my way to shop at other stores (which I sometimes do) in trying to do my small part to prevent this franchise from becoming a monopoly. For those of you who aren’t quite sure what a monopoly is, think Saudi Arabia and oil and all of the politics associated therewith. Some may say ‘Well, this is survival of the fittest’. To this I offer ‘Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely’. I am pointing no fingers or making accusations, I will merely remind you of our society’s (and world’s for that matter) past history and point out that this is the reason why our government is a three branch system (please no comments on the actual quality of our present government). I know this may seem like a drastic comparison, Steam isn’t out to take over the world…not yet anyway. I could lamely point out that I personally know a couple of people who regularly pirate material, so no prevention there. I don’t deal with these people. It’s not that I am anything close to being considered a morally governed person (right and wrong are usually a difference of opinion; or, the winners write the history books) I just believe in paying a man for his work, as I expect to be paid for mine. Thieves are simply either kids who don’t know any better or bugs in need of a squashing. However, since this hasn’t stopped dedicated piracy, the only reason for its inclusion would seem to be monetarily motivated. If I wanted the benefits found in Steam’s services I can readily and easily obtain them. I would be happy to subscribe to them if this were my choice; as previously stated, it has some very useful utilities. I simply don’t want to have my desire for gaming used as leverage to force this service (which I feel is most likely the product of corporate manipulations as opposed to actual game safeguarding) on me. I want to be able to kick or congratulate myself for my own decisions. An internet connection should be a convenience, an expedient method to solve problems, not a requirement (at all). This is not to say that internet-linked games are bad, fact being, they may perform in a superior manner; however, to each his own. Possibly this type of problem could be avoided if games requiring a connection belonged to a different genre to readily identify them and avoid disappointment (I don’t even look at games that are exclusive to systems that I don’t own). I must agree with the Steam advocates in saying that those who dissent should simply state their dissatisfaction and move on, but with some modicum of respect. Those who dislike this requirement should state their reasons, accept the current state of affairs and make your decision. The publishers will here our collective voices and use this to make future decisions, money talks. Now, while there is no evidence of anything as Machiavellian as was hinted here and most likely is very far from Steam’s intention, I only say ‘Remember Wal-mart’. I can not say what will happen, only what I have seen. As for me, there are a lot of good games coming out right now so I can’t say if I will make the sacrifice…but it does sound pretty cool. -
So, yeah. I'd just drop it. It's always been my observation that bben gives good advice. I think it might help to look at it from the game maker's point of view. It's not that they care if you have the dlc, it's just that this is how they pay their bills. And you are correct that they don't and can't make any more money from the dlc. The thing is, they don't publish new games every day, some may take years and so these dlc prepayments probably either went towards the development of a new game (nice!) or helped keep their heads above water until this game's debut. If they didn't fight to keep this 'tradition' alive then the majority of the people would simply wait for the free stuff thereby wrecking these guys' worlds. Anyway, it's JUST dlc, and not too important. I agree with bben again when he implies that you would better spend your time on some other mod. And most likely a better one (if you invest the time spent worrying over this). It's easier to just drop it now before I read about your court battle with some mega-corp in the paper (most probably a bad thing). Good luck and good gaming!