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About naomis8329

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fable 3, Dragon Age 2 and Skyrim depending on funny bone
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age Series, Tes Series and Witcher Series (more than one game but I'm a woman what do you expect)

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  1. Thought I'd share some great news as its been so hard the last few years. Christmas was such a stressful time with the strokes, but with any luck he's gotten through those too with the surgery. The kids have been brilliant and gone through so much... I'm proud of them all. My love to y
    1. naomis8329


      ou guys as always lol. Stupid fingers. xxxxx
    2. SilverDNA


      1st try to calm down

      2nd untie your fingers-knot.

      3rd Smile.

      4th You have said it all above and we love you too. :-)

    3. vvk78


      Kudos to you and your kids for your patience, love and caring, that have enabled your partner to recover his health. Our best wishes for a great time ahead.
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