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About naomis8329

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fable 3, Dragon Age 2 and Skyrim depending on funny bone
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age Series, Tes Series and Witcher Series (more than one game but I'm a woman what do you expect)

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  1. Why are there only 24 hours in a day? I need at least 48.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WarlordAge


      Sleep, what's that? and yes it was great talking to you :)
    3. Keanumoreira


      I could use 50; my daily energy levels need time to be stretched over a long period of time instead of having to be interrupted by sleep. :)


      I imagine as I age, that will decrease....

    4. naomis8329


      Sleep is something I remember to do before I collapse in a heap
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