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About naomis8329

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    United Kingdom
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    Fable 3, Dragon Age 2 and Skyrim depending on funny bone
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    Dragon Age Series, Tes Series and Witcher Series (more than one game but I'm a woman what do you expect)

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  1. Why, I really do dislike that word
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. naomis8329


      I really dislike the word WHY, whoever came up with it really has a great deal to answer for
    3. AliasTheory


      Your rationalization has to come from somewhere. So...why? Because you dislike explaining yourself? So few letters, so much meaning?

      I've once been told when questioning anything deeply and intellectually to ask 5 "whys." If you can't answer all 5, you aren't digging deep enough.

    4. naomis8329


      That's just it, I get asked why I don't know how many times a day and I then ask why myself. Its neverending lol
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