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About naomis8329

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    United Kingdom
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    Fable 3, Dragon Age 2 and Skyrim depending on funny bone
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    Dragon Age Series, Tes Series and Witcher Series (more than one game but I'm a woman what do you expect)

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  1. Well PC1 up and running with a new 3Ghz processor and new GC. Having some freezing and lagging but that will be my fault as I copied the files to DAO after reinstalling the game
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      Freezing and lagging is either due to highly scripted mods, or high-quality textures/meshes, or some issues in your GC settings.


      Try anisotropic filtering off, and keep anti-aliasing off. Since it is a new graphics card, see if the BIOS is not limiting the GC's memory bandwidth/frequency. Do not overclock the GC unless you have a good cooling system in place.

    3. CheeseyBall


      When I tried overclocking, all my games crashed.

      That's why I don't use it.

    4. RedVexHK


      when are you going to be back online??

      Miss you.

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