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  1. Sorry to ask. But when you have this off your plate do you think you could do a vault girl bobble head mod? The only one that i can find is a bit... slutty for my tastes. I would love if you could make one or if someone else see's this and drops your style vault girl into bobble head form. Thanks. *goes back to lurking*
  2. Man de ja vu... bben I was in your shoes once, but take it from me eventually you will at some point have so many mods that skse will be a thing. So rather than thinking about it as just one mod you must have to make other mods work, think of it as a a massive tool box that will open up your available space to deal with stuff.
  3. So after not having played skyrim for several months I have gotten the itch to play it again... but shortly after starting a new character I began to remember why i stopped. My shouts where on instant cool down and i could not find the file responsible. also I felt as though i need to re assess my mods and as such here I am. I am hoping some people can help me to get some more focus in my mod selection and yah... so i think i will actually start getting to my point now :tongue: Character Appearance enhancements: I have these pretty much figured out. Unp bodies, Bella's, and Apachii hairs... though i am open to suggestions Gameplay enhancments: This is going to be a doozy of a list :C please bare with me. 1) "Transformations": I understand the appeal of the vampire (lord) and were wolf "subraces" but I personally do not like either option. I personally would like a "power option" which doesn't actually involve the "transformation" Perhaps True Dovahkiin strength and speed could do the trick? I don't want to start out instantly all powerful, but i am looking for something which over time could make me feel as though evolving into something like Cloud Strife or Zack Fair. 2) Combat options: well perhaps better described as play style? I like to play stealthy assassin esque characters. Mod's which would help enhance this would be nice. But adding on to the above... when a stealthy kill is not an option I tend to switch to a two handed sword and try to use my powers/abilities to the best of my abilities to "power through" the encounter. So again something to enhance this "sub" style would be nice. Secondly under this section I tend to wear light armor as it is more conducive to stealth game play a mod that rewards me for not wearing armor at all (clothes still yes) and making me feel like an over all bad ass would be much appreciated 3) Magic: I am not a fan of the way magic is handled in skyrim. I preferred the magic system of oblivion. Magic should (in my opinion for what it is worth) be an additive to whatever your preferred play style... not force you to drop everything so you can renew a spell or heal or whatever. some help with this would be nice if it exists. Also if there is any sort of "magic" mod out there that adds a spell or lesser power or something of that nature that lets me say teleport behind an enemy in "crouch" and get a quick free backstab would be nice... or blade beams. you know things like that. 4) Equipment: for the most part the equipment of the vanilla game just feels blah to me. some mods that add nice things without breaking the delicate balance of the actual game would be nice. I already have pulled down JaySuS Swords but would like further recommendations. Also a major kudo goes out if anyone knows of any mods the breaks the "god like enchanting" cycle but replaces it with meaningful enhancements to everything blacksmithing enchanting and alchemy. also i like throwing knives... i wish they could "replace" bows/cross bows for medium range combat... but the throwing weapons mod did nothing for me... the damage was less than lackluster and the time it not only took for the weapon to actually be thrown but also projectile speed was in my mind atrocious. So if anyone knows of a better mod or perhaps how to tweak that mod to make the knives more useful please let me know. 5) Critical hit fixes: anyone know of any meaningful crit fixes? 6) Races: First off i am not a fan of beast races... i just cant get into playing as an argonian or khajit. I do not hate them... i just have no desire at all to play them. in fact without hard on cheating none of vanilla races do much of anything for me. So unless someone can suggest a mod that makes racial choices more appealing for vanilla races i will probably be using a mod race... Lunari maybe? just to be clear i am looking for suggestions for the above things. I am not looking for some one to do all the work of finding mods for me. But there are quite a few mods out there atm and the knowledge of the many is far greater than the knowledge of the one... so post if convenient for you... or search away if you will. I just don't want people of accusing me of not wanting do do the work myself (you haven't seen my mods folder... or my former subscribed list in the steam workshop)
  4. Is this problem too daunting a task?
  5. So I have a bunch of mods installed and whenever I am playing mah Skyrimz and i get my first shout I seem to have instant cool down times. While at first it was fun just endlessly Fus'ing something to death with my back against a corner so no one could melee me or running away really fast with Wuld I quickly became bored with insta cool downs and want a semblance of balance again. I usually use BOSS to modify my load order then tweek it slightly with the launcher mod manager. And in chat I was directed here. So I recently ran BOSS one more time and am attatching the resulting text file for any to examine who might know where this issue is coming from. If you guys need my pc specs just ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.
  6. Sounds good. Only thing is that I have no idea what you just said... so yah. I guess that defeats the purpose of me responding to your post. But thanks for the response anyways. :thumbsup:
  7. Hey folks I installed Unnecessary Violence II: Tacking Action and am rather enjoying the mod. But one thing nags me. That one thing is the throwing knives. Hunting them down in shops is a real drain on my early economical wallet when I am trying to play the game w/o cheats of any sorts (this would include exploits like the scroll duping exploit.) But my close quarters stealth characters are very fond of the throwing knives (in open areas they use bows from pretty far away). I was wondering if/how it would be possible to create a spell along the lines of Bound X using throwing knives. I would do it myself but I imagine this would need scripting... something I know nothing about. If some one could give me some fairly clear instructions I would be very appreciative. Thanks in advance.
  8. i know a friend that is a pretty decent programmer... if we get to this maybe i could convince him to start doing some coding or continue where others have left off etc etc...
  9. wait there where functional versions of this???...!!! when did this happen????!!!
  10. from what i can tell it would be illegal to modify the crack open oblivion's original code far enough to put in the multi-player options... but then if that is true what about teh OBSE wouldn't that be technically illegal then?... and if not wouldn't it be possible to make a new scripting feature similar to OBSE and add it to the game for multi-player support? i realize there would be much coding or what not for such a thing but wouldn't an add on feature like this be legal? i don't see why not because of all the new tools and add-ons that already exist for this game... more over what if someone where to program the functionality of an oblivion-esque multi/co-op and approach Bethesda and ask for permissions to make the proper modifications for said game or what not... i don't know how into other games some of you are but a similar but different thing has happened with command and conquer generals: zero hour... a mod made by fans implementing the Russians into the game where they never existed before... they made all the models and what not and programed all of the Russian units and everything themselves and EA caught wind of it and gave it their stamp of approval... don't you think that if some one where to pull of something amazing like that and it was embraced by the community that Bethesda would give it its thumbs up?
  11. well it seems i may be on the verge of starting something... any one else care to weigh in?
  12. the brick wall is there's plenty of multiplayer games out there. If you want to play one with your friends select one go on line and play.I love Oblivion as it is,I love to mod it,which we will lose with a multi-player.I'm selfish when it comes to giving back to the oblivion players some of my talent by enriching their game with mods. Seems some think only of what "they" want and not what "they" can give back!. believe you me i only wish i could mod... but unfortunately i am not 1337 enough to know how to mod things... i can only do tiny tiny tiny things in tescs... and even that stuff i generally bomb in. my problem is i honestly just don't know the ins and outs of modding...
  13. the brick wall is there's plenty of multiplayer games out there. If you want to play one with your friends select one go on line and play.I love Oblivion as it is,I love to mod it,which we will lose with a multi-player.I'm selfish when it comes to giving back to the oblivion players some of my talent by enriching their game with mods. Seems some think only of what "they" want and not what "they" can give back!. believe you me i only wish i could mod... but unfortunately i am not 1337 enough to know how to mod things... i can only do tiny tiny tiny things in tescs... and even that stuff i generally bomb in. my problem is i honestly just don't know the ins and outs of modding...
  14. well running a pirate version is not my problem... i have a legit goty edition... however when i run obmm it wants me to install it in the oblivion directory... why would that be... wouldn't it be an independent operation that runs then starts oblivion for you?
  15. i wonder just what kind of brick wall is keeping this from happening cause i would think that this game has so much for co-op and other such... fast travel, sneaking, lock picking, and etc aren't needed to be done at the same time but having one person unlock a door and another two slashing up the zombies and skeletons coming for you all with a mage throwing around a few buffs heals and destruction spells for good measure...
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