basically what I'd like to see, be it now or when the Creation Kit is available, is a function that allows me to hide my armor while keeping the properties of it. Say I find a great legendary Synth chestpeice, but it doesn't match my outfit and I'd rather not wear it, but the protection and effect are too good? Just hide it. It would make the pieces invisible while keeping the protective and legendary properties on. Heck, once the Creation Kit is out it'd be nice to see a mod that lets you equip armor in a "Vanity slot" instead, similar to Terraria or Starbound. Edit: So my original idea does exist however I wasn't searching well enough, and it doesn't say it works with mods unless they're designed with it in mind. I'll be giving it a try, but I do think a Vanity system would still be great to allow us to wear better armor for protection while having nicer looking armor equipped.