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  1. No. Ireland never bowed to the British Empire. Skyrim made the empire of Tiber Septim. What do you mean with Ireland never bowed to the British Empire ? Were they not, with interruptions, for 800 years under British Rule and northern parts of it still belongs to the UK ? If you read some parts of the wiki entry about this time i.e. civil war/war of independence/Easter Rising you will notice some small similarities. The conflict was waged between two opposing groups, one who supported the Treaty and the other one for whom it represented a betrayal of the Irish Republic. * wish for an Irish Free State to gain independancy from the Empire * aim to end British Rule in Ireland * Nationalists * Anglo - Irish Treaty with superior law, which was the main reason for the civil war * two combatants in the civil war: Free State Army + National Army * the name "Brotherhood" There is more if you read about it....
  2. I found the wiki elderscroll article.. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Stormcloaks The war between the empire and the stormcloaks is loosely based around the russian revolution and the irish 1916 rising/irish civil war. Some parts of it reminds on the Skyrim Story http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Civil_War
  3. Allegedly, parts of the background story is taken from the Irish Revolution ~1920. The racist part of the Stormcloaks reminds me more on the United States until the 60ies in the last century when they had a similar apartheid like in southafrica with major state racism and even this was more severe than how the Stormcloaks are doing. The nazis were not just racists they actually mass murdered people which did not fit in their concept of supremacy/master race and worldview, the supremacy reminds me more on the Thalmor. But even the supremacy of a race did happen in the colonial era. White supremacy with their racial theory and the idea of a master race/eugenics were widespread in many nations since the 19th century. Google for "de Gobineau"
  4. I think it depends really what kind of mods you are playing with. Mods like Skyrim Redone, Climates of Tamriel, Cold & Wet, maybe in addition Basic Needs and an additional Injurie modification slow you down. You have too look for firwood and shelter (your tent) if it is freezing cold after a while or a blizzard starts. You have to care about food and sleep if you use such a mod. If you install mods like the Hunter Guild, you roam around just for the wildlife. In other words such mods add a lot of possibilities and gameplay in addition to any regular quests. It is not getting boring that fast, rather without such modifications but thats maybe a personal taste. But I think thats the strength of the Elder Quest series/Fallout in combination with such community mods which really fits well. My play style is to get the quests done rather than look at the scenery etc. I was awed by the scenery on my first run. After that its all just the same old thing. A lower end laptop can put a real damper on trying to spice things up with the enhanced and variety type of mods. I'd rather just fast travel if I'm able to and get the quest done rather than walk my way thru places I've already been and risk unnecessarily filling up the game's memory and crashing to desktop. It is a personal preference and I've no qualms with anyone who does and can walk/run everywhere. It is not about the scenery what I was talking about, rather the gameplay. You get more identificaton with the game world, its a new game into the existing one with all its quests with such survival mods. And with a combination of certain mods it makes sense to walk, ride a horse or sometimes use a carriage rather instead of fast traveling on your map. Yeah, its a personal preference of gameplay. It seems like you did finish the game already and did restart with a new character, this is of course a different situation aswell if I did not missunderstand you. It is just great that you can choose different ways how to play this game.
  5. If you use Frostfall and Wet & Cold, dont forget to get the clothing mod: Winter is comming - Cloaks. You will need warm cloaks. A superb combination with these mods is Skyrim Redone, which is really an awesome mod (if you walk a lot better slow down the Wayfarer XP gain, you can change this in the uncapper ini). They are all compatible and fine tuned to fit together. Addtional interesting mods which fit here aswell are: Skyrim Redone like already mentioned, Get Snowy, Lanterns of Skyrim, Light up the night - People have Torches, Real Shelter, Travellers of Skyrim (there is a newer mod called ERSO who did update it and you can take it from their mod package), Better Torches which will help you in the dark nights which you will see with Climates of Tamriel aswell the Lanterns and ppl have Torches mod. And if you walk quiete a lot and avoid fast travelling, the mod Hunting in Skyrim - Hunter Guild is quiete cool. There is also a Fishing Guild mod out there, didnt test this one.
  6. I think it depends really what kind of mods you are playing with. Mods like Skyrim Redone, Climates of Tamriel, Cold & Wet, maybe in addition Basic Needs and an additional Injurie modification slow you down. You have too look for firwood and shelter (your tent) if it is freezing cold after a while or a blizzard starts. You have to care about food and sleep if you use such a mod. If you install mods like the Hunter Guild, you roam around just for the wildlife. In other words such mods add a lot of possibilities and gameplay in addition to any regular quests. It is not getting boring that fast, rather without such modifications but thats maybe a personal taste. But I think thats the strength of the Elder Quest series/Fallout in combination with such community mods which really fits well.
  7. Who wont in the higher ranks, I dont see a difference here SC or Imperial. Ulfric did challenge the King Torygg and killed him and someone has to be in power. Stormcloaks are the Nationalists who want souvereignity and are actually fighting against the White-Gold Concordate, which turns the empire into a puppet of the Thalmor with all their demandings. It was more or less a dictate by sword-point and nobody in Tamriel would have accepted it otherwise. The Stormcloaks believe that it was a betrayal on whole Skyrim. The religous part plays a huge role when it comes to Talos and the Thalmor Justiciars, punish everyone of them who still excercise it. And therefore the people of Skyrim are especially dissatisfied, due to the Talos outlaw...their religion. Wheras the Imperial Legion see the Stormcloaks as traitors, due to their demand of souvereignity not beeing under the rules of Thalmor and the allegedly murdering of the High King Torygg. In the Markarth Incident, Ulfric did arrange with the Imperial Legion to allow free worship of Talos. The Empire rescinded upon the agreement due to pressure form the Aldmeri Dominion, which are the Thalmors. This betrayal left Ulfirc bitter towards the Empire and is considered to be the initial concept of the Stormcloak rebellion. The Thalmor who believe to be supremacists try to disempower the empire with their in the meanwhile weak Imperial Legion. They want to hold and widen out their own power and aims and supress every protests under their supremacist elves rule. The Thalmor are actually the representants of the Second Aldmeri Dominion, who actually believe into supremacy of races and actually this means they believe in supremacy in Mer over Men. Where Mer describes the elven races and Men the human ones. I would not join too early any faction until you know a bit more about the background stories. Do the Quests "Diplomatic Immunity" read the journals and follow the background stories of the Thalmor and how they contribute, listen to the people in Skyrim and watch how the Imperials and Stormcloaks actually treat them, not just how they talk to or about them. I did read its better not to join any faction before mid level and a lot more background knowledge of the politics ingame. The race of your character will probably influence the decision and the feel of the factions aswell, any elf character will probably be insulted by both factions :P. At the end there are probably no really true "good ones" like in real life. I did not join any faction myself so far, need to find out a lot more first to make a decision. Parts of the story are allegedly taken from the Irish War of Independence from 1916 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_War_of_Independence
  8. Thank you, digitaltrucker. I did remove the MoveDist and this was the reason I could snipe like with a modern sniper rifle, this was overpowered hehe. I saw aswell the following suggestion: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.0 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.0
  9. I did struggle a bit with the bow aiming and did read about adjusting some settings in the Skyrim.ini. These are the codes I did add into the Skyrim.ini and they did help a lot at the beginning. After reaching lvl 20 and getting more stronger with perks and bow skills, these changes are actually too strong. [Combat]f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7[Actor]fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000 I can snipe opponents from a very far distance and due to the additional sneak multiplayer its like a walk in the park...from range. How can I adjust this again, beeing not too powerfull like using a modern sniper rifle but still have a more or less reliable bow aiming ?
  10. Fast Travel ? No, fast travel destroys immersion and an adventurous gameplay and actually the game gets a lot faster boring with it. I walk a lot and use only sometimes the carriage or Travel by Boat mod but never the fast travel on map, sadly the Scenic Carriage mod does not work for me..... Survival and Immersion modifications contribute a lot to expirience a great gameplay, they are the Soul of the whole game series inclusive Fallout. Without them the original games are only half as much fun. The more you slow down the gameplay, the more you are not always a superman, the more you have to actually struggle for survival in the harsh environment.....the better the game gets. Morrowind had a very long gameplay time with its bigger world, the vanilla game already did not offer any fast map travel. That did start with Oblivion. My Character is only lvl 20 and I have played already ~ 77 hours and this with Skyrim Redone and the Uncapper. But well I have installed mods like "Hunter Guild" , which offers additional gameplay and quests aswell. With fast travel I dont expirirence what Iam looking for in this game besides following the story: Adventures, Exploring + Survival... If you dont know the Travel by Boat mod, worth to check it out besides Scenic Carriage which could work for some.
  11. Thank you for the response, a seperate category for Landscape & Nature (wildlife) type pics would be fore sure appreciated and not pushed away by the masses of character/portraits images.
  12. The Image Libarary offers at the moment the following sections: * Aesthetics * Combat * Funny * Misc (what is this anyway) * Mods * Poses A big amount of the uploaded images are just portraits, often from females. You will find such images with "Aesthetics" and "Poses". There is one big section missing: LANDSCAPE & SCENERY You cant really search for such type of Screenshots since too many of the other type of images are popping up. Landscape & Scenery is for sure one bigger section since Skyrim aswell other Elder Scroll game titles offer breathtaking nature, especially with all the modifications available. I would really suggest to think about this idea, it is actually needed and Iam sure a lot of players would appreaciate it. What do you say about it and thank you for the Nexus websites. Cheers
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