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Everything posted by kerrigan1603

  1. Vault Meat is shadman's Fallout character, and many do call the perk style version of her Vault Meat, but she is a Vault Girl. She was loosely drawn in the Vault Girl style. I personally don't like calling her Vault Meat, I don't really like that name, a lot of people really like that Vault Girl and they want her in my mod, I don't plan on changing it. My mod also features the ORIGINAL Vault Girl as seen in the post above mine on the previous page, and a Vault Girl design I came up with myself. They are all VAULT GIRLS. Anyone can make a VAULT GIRL and it doesn't have to be the original design.Also it's spelled offense. I'm also making perk animations for Fallout 4 New Vegas and some of them even feature Vault Girl. Any chance you could make Vault Girl look more like thishttps://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/2f/GoodspringsReputation.png/revision/latest?cb=20110122225653 Also if your going for the Fallout 4 Classic Vault Girl look, your Vault Girl is perfect expect for one thing, the chin has a uneven bump where the Fallout 4 Classic Vault Girl has a completely smooth & round chin. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/6/6f/Fo4_Action_Girl.png/revision/latest?cb=20160121005852 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/2c/Icon_Fo4_Party_Girl.png/revision/latest?cb=20160121005924 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/b/bb/Icon_Aquagirl.png/revision/latest?cb=20160121010132 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/1/19/Fo4_Black_Widow.png/revision/latest?cb=20151204002730
  2. Any midwestern power armor mods made by someone other then nevermind 43?
  3. Nah, we want the exact super shotgun from doom
  4. also does that mean it will have the same critical chance damage, like it does in fallout 3?
  5. It would be nice to if someone made an mod, to have the alien blaster have the same damage & critical chance as in Fallout 3/New Vegas.
  6. the question is why not have evangelion power armor
  7. i agree, this is something that someone should totally work on :)
  8. does that mean its a possible, hope im not stepping on any toes, what was discuss recently in the thread on this subject, im not in on know
  9. could you please make an standalone version that adds the weapons & doesn't replaces anything, i f#@king love the weapons your making but loves fallout vanilla guns the way they are & i don't want to have to choose one over the other.
  10. i hope someone makes the YCS/186 & H & H Tools Nail Gun & the bear trap fist
  11. the question I want to know is? Will this have a dialogue box with more then 4 options like in fallout 3/new vegas then the limited to 4 dialogue tree?
  12. ...basically yes in use, though it's also a nice contrast. Ammo for the revolver is depressingly scarce but it's damage output is obscene. The Laser revolver seems to have the opposite problem, in that it's ammo is infinite but it doesn't do much damage (with one charge. It's damage output goes up considerably as charges are added). If we're worried about balance, I propose requiring multiple ranks in science before being able to mod the gun to be overly powerful. Also, had an idea for a Minutemen (my favorite faction, I swear) heavy laser cannon that took Fusion cores for ammo. Obscene damage is the name of the game! i hope you do make a laser revolver as well as a laser flintlock
  13. i second this Loading Screens With Extra Sarcasm Cynical Loading Screen Texts
  14. you should be able to target the crotch & butt & depending on the enemy facing you forward or backwards,you give them a a good kick up the backside or kneel them in the crotch http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rsz_1478465-kick_super_7419.jpg
  15. i know, i was showing them in hopes that people would get in touch with creatxir & get permission
  16. a mod that allows me to see how much & whats there carry limit of my companions like in fallout 3/new vegas
  17. a mod that allows me to see how much & whats there carry limit of my companions like in fallout 3/new vegas
  18. a mod that allows me to see how much & whats there carry limit of my companions like in fallout 3/new vegas
  19. could someone please make a old gauss rifle sound mod but put it somewhere,since it will be removed here,like on these websites where you dont have to worry about trademark stuff http://www.modsfallout4.com/ http://fallout4moddl.com/categories/ http://fallout4.gamebanana.com/ http://fallout4.2game.info/ http://www.monkeymod...gory/fallout-4/
  20. could someone please make a old gauss rifle sound mod but put it somewhere,since it will be removed here,like on these websites where you dont have to worry about trademark stuff http://www.modsfallout4.com/ http://fallout4moddl.com/categories/ http://fallout4.gamebanana.com/ http://fallout4.2game.info/ http://www.monkeymod...gory/fallout-4/
  21. could someone please make a old gauss rifle sound mod but put it somewhere,since it will be removed here,like on these websites where you dont have to worry about trademark stuff http://www.modsfallout4.com/ http://fallout4moddl.com/categories/ http://fallout4.gamebanana.com/ http://fallout4.2game.info/ http://www.monkeymods.com/category/fallout-4/
  22. desert eagle please http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/zumbiblocks/images/c/c1/Deagle4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140421201550 http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/130/images/56745-1-1408451330.jpg
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