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  1. Your avatar has been stolen that is so sad, is nothing sacred these days. Speak soon honey stay safe xx
  2. who stole your avatar honey, it's such a shame, nothing's sacred any more lol.
  3. well stealth thats what rhymer is working on at the moment right? gideon architecture... very nice work btw ryhmer, the one thing I'm missing in your model is the halfround ring of stones just under the roofs, that is in your concept, (stone arch is the name I think? not sure) makes sence to me to have one of those, think it will fit with the rest of the building (or do you plan to add it in the texture?) still working on blackrose prison myself, made several sketches/concepts already but not happy with it just yet, it all ends up not looking dark enough, after all its a prison in the swamp where the most dangerous criminals are send, it should look dark and foreboding,not a number 1 holliday spot.... so will be a tiny bit longer before its there...
  4. well I took a look at the map earlier, and we know stormhold is build on stone pillars above the marsh (I was personaly thinking like houses on stone platforms with wooden bridges, but now that I see ryhmers concept that makes more sence, something more like venice, loads of channels to deal with the water... ofcourse if you look at the map the gideon is build a little bit higher then stormhold, closer to blackwoods and not truly in the marsh. more like on the edge. maybe still in a area that looks more like blackwoods but its still probaly build on soft ground like stormhold!! by stormhold (what is quite north if you look on the map) the marsh already started. while the ground is probaly still higher there so not to much water, its soft and squishy, and the more south you get, the closer to the middle of the marsh the more water you get, till in the middle of the marsh I think its a lot of water with the ground that is there mostly held together by the roots of trees. what makes the cities closer to the middle trully be build on pillars. or maybe like tree houses in the trees. have to research some argonian architecture to be sure. maybe they got wooden palisades or are build in the trees? you need to keep the crocodiles and other predators away from your village after all.
  5. very nice rhymer since both stormhold and and gideon are both imperial and ayleidic I agree on recyclying several of the meshes, we could probaly make a few unique buildings to both cities so both get there own flavour I really like what you are doing for gideon, it fits with what was in my mind also, for stormhold: these is is an old living hist tree, so that one would maybe sit in a nice place in the middle of the city, with a sort of plaza around it (with the traders etc...) personaly I see the blackmarsh as a litle bit more decayed. since its at the edge of the empire it should be less majestic then the middle province. but then again we got the beautifull ayleidic structures to balance that out I gues...
  6. hehe well I just started over on my concept so will be a litle bit longer before it is finished.....
  7. well the description I have of stormhold at the moment (of what I could piece together from some sources) is: imperial architecture, but build on stone pillars above the marsh: this city is directly under imperial control its mostly imperial architecture, but its build on a older city that was created by the Ayleids the same as Gideon, so we can probaly use the same meshes for both cities, with a few twists ofcourse to make them stand appart a litle. Stormhold is close to the borders of morrowind, and cwhat means this city is of imperial strategic value, so it probaly has some kind of walls or at least another way to defend itself. Teswiki says: (not officially cannon, typed by ex dev tho) "The description of Stormhold is of a city suspended above a vast swamp and under constant rainstorms. Bridges are slung like spider webs between huge trees and stone buildings on stilts (presumably not wooden stilts-- such couldn't support the weight and also sit rotting in a bog). Noteworthy is the mention of three Hist trees in Stormhold alone, countering speculation by some fans that only one Hist still lives."[7]
  8. working on a concept for stormhold and blackrose (the imperial prison) at the moment so..... well on blackrose at the moment, need some more info on stormhold, so any descriptions in words are welcome...
  9. okey well I promised stealth I would help a bit also, make some meshes/textures and for the rest draw up some concepts and maybe write some things... I will not be doing any work in the editor itself tho. but if meshes are needed, or concept drawings of areas. do not hesitate to ask. At this moment I'm writing up a design document describing in words the different areas, and what you can see in them. its still a early work in progress. but if anyone wants it, send me a message.... its mostly based upon things I could find on the TES wiki. and well once more info is known or created by people or if you have descriptions of areas you want me to add, or maybe creatures, again let me know... its mostly just brainstorming/thinking ahead. but well its just so much fun to think about things...
  10. okey a little update... My wacom tablet broke earlier today, so I got no way to paint my models at the moment, this will mean it will take me a bit longer for me to release everything, not going to bother painting with just a mouse, because I will probaly end up throwing it trough a wall.... however if anyone is good at texturing and want to give texturing my models a try, send me a private message, and maybe they can release a version, and once I get my wacom up and running I can create my own version of the texture!!!
  11. see this topic started a life of its own without me, so much posts for me to read... not sure about the stats of the armor yet, first want to finish the model and textures. then I worry about the rest.... and no mirrored UV"s in my model actualy scruples... and well with a bit of luck I will have some more images for you guys in a day or two...
  12. 1 once in a lifetime beautifully engraved gold shoulder protection plate, now with this limited offer, comming right up for ivenoname... but seriously I do see what you mean, might work something like that, will have another look at the whole shoulder today see what I can manage :)
  13. okey changed the shoulderpad a bit, what do you guys/girls(/aliens?) think of something like this, not 100% sure myself, but trying to add a shoulderpad that is not to bulky....
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