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Posts posted by SolitudeAeturnus

  1. Look up unecessary violence or even Deadly reflexes, something like this was already made in oblivion (people who lost their wrists bled out pretty quickly and help their wrists, people who lost their legs bled out quickly and hoped around,) sadly animals can't survive without a limb unless imediate action is taken.. so it'd be pretty unrealistic to not have them bleed out within a couple of seconds, still a decent idea =).

  2. So i came up with this idea in early 2012 and wrote it down, haven't looked at it since then and decided i might aswell post it here, someone may get a kick out of it, be inspired/improve upon it or bring it to life, as you can see it draws alot of influence from the Sims games as i think in a way they have some of the best general ai i've seen.

    alot of the things i wrote down aren't greatly explained or Coherent like adding the idea of traits specific to the npc (e.g. a rogue npc would be doing appropriate actions for a rogue), also note that this was just a small part of the idea i was planning on building on later by making it more elaborate and interesting.

    one last thing, i think that if this is possible then maybe people could bring elaborate ai like this to great mods like frostfall where npcs react to the invading cold, and suffer the very same concequences the player does, i also know that for an idea like this to be possible it'd be extremely script heavy =(.


    Skyrim Bed find

    Tired meter reaches full

    find home bed

    Path finding

    sleep in bed

    Leave bed when convienient

    Skyrim food find

    Food meter reaches full

    how much food is left in home

    if none buy food

    if no money either work or steal food

    Hunt for food

    lower food meter after eating and add health

    Hunting package

    Decide if enough food

    if for work and in hours

    Decide if NPC has neccessary tools

    move to hunting ground

    Attack animal

    Remove neccesary items from container

    Rinse repeat

    Either cook or move back to employer/buyer

    Sell items to buyer

    Remove items add coins


    Hunger meter

    Does NPc have required items

    Move to cooking pot

    Cook food

    Either eat food or sell food

    If eat, remove hunger and add health


    Decide if neccesary equiptment is available

    look for bandit area or hideout

    Attack bandit

    Take required items

    Bring required items back to Commander/Employer

    Remove items add gold

    Getting tools

    Decide if NPC has neccesary tools


    Buy tools


    Decide if neccesary tools are available

    Does this NPC possess required materials

    Move to Smelter and merge materials

    Find Anvil and craft item

    Improve item at grindstone in neccesary

    Wear or sell required item.

    Buy food package

    out of food

    make sure you have coins

    choose nearest shop

    Talk to Shop keeper

    purchase food, remove money add food (depending on budget.)

    Getting money (dependant on traits)

    Out of money

    Work for money

    steal money

    Sell items for money

    store money or buy items


    Is NPC Thirsty or bored

    Check the time (for alcohol.)

    Find nearest legal drink source

    move to drink source or buy drink

    pick up item

    move to table


    Drinking at the bar

    What hour is it and is NPC bored

    Move to bar

    Talk to bartender

    Remove gold add Alcohol

    Move to Table Drink Alcohol (6 Sips then glass disapears.)

    Interact with NPC

    Pay Bard

    Remove gold Bard sing song

    Interact with NPC

    "Talk to bartender

    Remove gold add Alcohol

    Move to Table Drink Alcohol (6 Sips then glass disapears.)"

    Find Job

    does NPC already have A job

    Find nearest employer

    walk to Employer

    Talk to NPc

    Add coins and contract (note)

    Job Script added

    Selling items

    Check for sufficient items

    Make sure items aren't neccesarities

    Walk to selling spot

    Look for buyers

    exchange items for coins

    Bored Mechanic

    Things that decrease bored meter

    Figthing (based on the amount of damage dealt and taken) or watching A fight (amount of time watching)

    Drinking (amount of drinks and time spent)

    Socializing (amount of people interacted with)

    Working Extreme jobs (like hunting or briganding.)


    Things that increase bored meter


    Working (boring jobs.)

    Talking with disliked people

    Doing nothing


    Hunger Mechanic

    Things increasing hunger meter

    Excercise (amount of stamina used up, every 10 stamina used up increases meter (base it off the amount of stamina used up not on the amount left over OR new stamina system.)

    Drinking Alcohol

    Losing Health


    Decreasing Hunger meter

    Eating food

    Drinking water

    Health Potions


    Npcs start with around 100-200 stamina (or less or more depending on fitness.)

    Actions only take up little Amounts of stamina

    Power attacks around 3 stamina, standard attacks between 0.5-1.5 stamina

    Sprinting around 0.25 stamina A second

    Jumping 0.4 A second

    You loose Around 0.017 Stamina for every second Awake

    Eating makes you loose between 3-10 stamina (depending on portion size

    Working makes you loose between 25-50 stamina

    Drinking Alcohol makes you loose betwen 25-70 stamina (depending on amount.)

    Crouching will increase your stamina loss from 0.017 to 0.035

    While your stamina is over 85% you will gain around 1-5 stamina A second (depending on fitness.)

    with 75% stamina it's decreased to 0.8-3.5 stamina A second

    Below 50% it's decreased to 0.45-1.8 per second

    at below 40% it's decreased to 0.15-0.40 Stamina per second

    Below 30% it's not 0.09-0.13 per second

    Below 10% You will pass out and gain 8 per second (For Gameplay reasons, use the "paralyze Effect")

    While sleeping you'll gain 15% of you're stamina for each hour and A half (or 12% per hour.)

    Drinking water will bring back between 10-18 stamina (not %)


    stamina perm set at 1-5

    if 1

    at full stamina decrease rate at 0.56

    at 85% stamina decrease rate at 0.85-0.97

    at 70% stamina decrease rate at 0.99-1.042

    At 50% decrease rate at 1.15-1.35

    at 40% decrease rate at 1.56-1.75

    at 30% decrease rate at 1.96-2.34

    at 10% player collapses for between 8-17 seconds (gaining 6 stamina A second)


    If anyone bothers with this stamina system i suggest creating 2 seperate stamina bars, one for current stamina

    (Based off ATP system. maybe 2 minutes of inactivity recharges it to 98%, each time bar deteriorates max % reduced by 2 until npc/player rests), and another for overall stamina

  3. Thankyou for posting =) i do really appreciate it. sadly i too use this method you mentioned of splicing and trying to comprehend scripts from the game/other mods and i haven't found one yet that does something similar (A spell that's duration is based on magicka rather than on vanilla system). and i myself created a bound armor spell for use by npcs (Mythic dawn) and used that scripts ideas into creating this one =(.

  4. Try using Wyre Bash and see what results come up, or open up skyrim launcher and click on Data files and see if they are active their, or you can try clicking activate on all of them then deactivate the ones you don't want.


    i don't know anything about this "install directory" thing but if i had to guess it's either the game's location, or the location of the mods you wish to install, either one shouldn't matter unless you are "Installing" the mods rather than just activate/deactivating them.

  5. Spell dispels straight after casting.


    Game location : Desktop

    Dlcs : All, Game version Newest

    Skse: Latest

    Helper Programs : Boss


    the problem i am having is the spells i made dispel instantly after i have casted them


    ( Here i will show you the layout of the spells )

    i added a condition on the spell on fakearmorforai: HasKeyword <actortypeanimal> = 1.00 to stop it actually working which is a method i've tested and used on many spells with no issue.


    type :ArmorSpell


    What it does Type Magnitude Duration

    spell Effects: FakeArmorforai Damageresist, self 50.7 1 Hour

    EmptyEffect for scripts Script, self 0 0


    Magic Effects for emptyEffectscript: Flags: No duration, No Area, No Magnitude

    Keywords: MagicArmorSpell



    Script used to point the spell above to the spell below: script created so i can slowly drain magicka

    and dispel it if magicka isn't high enough

    (it points to a spell with the real armor spell + magicka drain)

    Spell property AddSpell auto
    {The new Spell we will cast.}
    ; EVENTS /
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor ckTarget, Actor ckCaster)
    if (GetCasterActor().GetActorValue("Magicka") <= 9.0)
    Event OnEffectFinish(Actor ckTarget, Actor ckCaster)
    if (GetCasterActor().GetActorValue("Magicka") <= 9.0)
    Heres the script when it worked
    Spell property AddSpell auto
    {The new Spell we will cast.}
    ; EVENTS /
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor ckTarget, Actor ckCaster)

    type :ArmorSpell + Magicka drain (The one the script Activates)


    What it does Type Magnitude Duration

    spell Effects: RealArmorSpell Damageresist 467 1 Hour

    MagickaDrain Magicka 8 1 Hour


    The magic Effect for the realarmorspell is the same as the vanilla ones (Ebony flesh, stone flesh, etc..)

    and the drain one works perfectly, so i think the issue is infact the script.




    if you require any more information please tell me, although i don't think load order, pc specs or anything else matters as it's an issue with the very script i created.


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