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  1. I like to play Fallout tactically, not so much as a shooter. I really liked the old VATs-system, where time was paused and you could choose your targets without rushing. I'd really like a mod (or console command) to pause VATS or slow it down some more so I don't feel so rushed when using VATS.
  2. So I guess we need to work with the Unreal Development Kit to mod this game? Does anyone have any experience with it? I've never worked with it. Is it hard? If you want to try it out, you can download itt here. Mind you, it's a whopping 1.8Gb!
  3. Exactly. CKM and BSL are CK-related files I believe. The Workshop uses the .esp and .bsa. There are several programs you can use to unpack . bsa's: BSAopt, BSA Commander, BSA Unpacker, etc.
  4. I didn't see a mention about this yet, so thought I'd spread the word. There's a topic in the official forum's mod section, named [!IMPORTANT] BSAs and You by Lojack. It's clear and well-written. An excellent job by Lojack! It's a really important read to understand how conflicts and load order are handled. Both for mod users and modders it's useful to know and understand. In short (if I understand correctly, please read the OP in the topic itself): Basically the load order is as follows: * Official bsa's (registered in Skyrim.ini) * Loose files in the data-directory, manually or NMM-installed mods for instance. * Custom bsa's (loaded through similarly names .esp's), Workshop-instaled mods come in this form. When there's a resource conflict (a texture for instance) the latter loaded 'wins' (as it always works). But what if there is a conflict between two custom bsa's? How is the conflict handled, what's the load order? Well it turns out that it's alfabetical. So if you have a conlicting textureA.bsa and textureB.bsa the latter will always win. Regardless of date, etc. Also the fact that custom bsa's always override loose files (like mods installed with NMM) is important to know. If you've installed something through the Workshop and later install something manually or though a mod manager like NMM and there's a conflicting texture for instance then the Workshop-mod texture will always win. I find it important information so wanted to share it here on the Nexus as well :)
  5. I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but I hope this helps: The order in which stuff (like textures) is loaded is: * Official bsa's (registered in Skyrim.ini) * Loose files * Custom bsa's (like the ones from the workshop or the HD DLC, they are loaded through esp's) When there are conflicts the last loaded texture wins. So if you've got unpacked textures (either installed through NMM or manually) in your data folder they will override official textures. So uninstall any texture mods in the data folder and it'll load the official textures.
  6. 1. Make sure you aren't a pirate. 2. Press steam tab "View" 3. Select "Tools" 4. It should be in there somewhere. I checked in Tools and it aint there... And Now [eople say the HD pack was 3 gigs,, it was 40MB for me What the hell is going on here? And dont worry i spent 150 Euros on the game... Collectors edition lol... if only for that lovely artbook <3 You're probably confused, the CK is 40Mb, the High Res Pack is 3GB :)
  7. For Fallout New Vegas there was the incredible Mod Configuration Menu by Pelinor (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42507) It was a method to configure a whole bunch of mods that were compatible with the MCM. It made for a unified, easy way to make mods configurable, both for modders as for user And I'd love to have something like this for Skyrim, a unified mod configuration system, so we would be needing additional items like a 'ring of weather', etc. Why would modders have to reinvent the wheel to unlock options for their mods if we, the community, can make for a unified central method? Now I'm the world's worst programmer and would even be able to screw up a 'hello world' therefore I'm putting it out as a request. Your views?
  8. You can start by uninstalling Script Dragon?
  9. As the title says: Fallout is on sale today, from now for another 24 hours. It's €4,99 (so probably $4,99 too). And the DLC are also on sale (€11,44 total). Get it through your Steam client, or here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/22380/
  10. I'm thinking of making a mod to expand the cooking-part. Creating more different dishes to work as an alternative to potions. Although it'll probably have to wait until the Creation Kit is out, though. :confused: The things I'm thinking of are: * Make varieties for the dishes, which give different effects For instance, adding fire salts to a stew to make a spicy stew which gives additional fire resistance. * Adding more recipes and dishes in general There could be a lot more dishes to be made from the possible ingredients. * Possibly later on, maybe even making a full skill out of it including perks. Improve you gastronomy skill, get cooking perks and make even better stews and such! * Skill improving items Let's get some proper use for that chef's hat! And who wouldn't want to have steel gauntlets of major gastronomy? :tongue: * Maybe making some more varieties of ingredients Different ingredients, with slightly recoloured textures (akin to red apples<>green apples) So, what do you think of it? I'm open for suggestions and ideas! :)
  11. I just woke up and thought about the overlay. Rushed to the computer and searched for this topic, but Michlo had beaten me to it :) But disabling the 'Steam Community' should solve the problem :)
  12. If you use the borderless window (see the Nexus for that) then they'll also not be registered. But are they really such a problem? You only get each once. Ever.
  13. Can you have a dog and a follower like Lydia at the same time?
  14. The Steam and retail edition are identical, so don't worry, DLC will work just fine. Skyrim is s Steamworks game, so you can just buy it at the cheapest seller and activate it on your Steam account :)
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