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  1. Hey folks. Looks like I've encountered a problem I can't seem to fix via console, at least not without some help. Problem is with the quest "How Little We Know", "Wild Card: Side Bets" and "For the Republic, Pt. II". They're all linked in some way, so I'll explain what I did. ======================================== I got the "Wild Card: Side Bets" quest quite awhile ago. I went into the Gomorrah, talked to the receptionist, talked to Cachino and after all, I had Cachino killed an I helped the Omerta bosses (Big Sal, didn't see Nero during the whole quest). I talked to Troike and Clanden, got them what they wanted, finished the quest. Later on, I found out that the Omertas were actually working for the Legion. This changed my mind, and I definetely didn't want to support those plans. So I planned on killing the whole Omerta family some time, but didn't do it just yet. During the quest "For the Republic, Pt. II" I was sent to the Strip once again to investigate what the Omertas were up to. I went to the Embassy, talked to that woman who sent me to the Gomorrah receptionist once again. So I went there, talked to the receptionist, and, of course, I couldn't talk to her again. By that time, the quest "How Little We Know" was already done, but was started again after I talked to that woman in the NCR Embassy. Since I didn't want to support the Omertas and knew what they were up to, I decided to arm myself heavily, get a companion and wipe them out. I did, but noticed that some people were missing, well one person exactly, Nero. Never seen this guy. So I got myself the RefID of him, warped him to me, "enable"d him and shot him right away. Big Sal, Button Man and every other Omerta member I could find were already dead at that time. I couldn't find either Clanden or Troike, and didn't kill them. Probably go back, warp them to me via console and their RefIDs and kill them? ====================================================== One way or another, now I want to finish the "Wild Card: Side Bets" and "For the Republic, Pt. II". I killed Mr. House, Yes Man is waiting for me in the Penthouse, Caesar is sick and lying down in his tent (the quest line tells me to tell him that I killed the White Glove Society after he recovered), I played mostly for the NCR and have very high Karma. But the only options I have is telling Yes Man that I approve the Omertas' plans (which I don't - I killed them all to stop them) and to lie to Colonel Moore at the Dam that the Omertas would attack New Reno. I would like to tell Colonel Moore and Yes Man that I killed the Omertas and that they are no longer a threat. Why isn't this possible? I think I'm quite proficient with the GECK and the Console, so maybe someone could give me some advice on how to fix this problem? I guess it's some quest stages or whatsoever, like I said, I'd like to have the speech options to tell Moore and Yes Man that I killed the Omertas. Or at least that I do not approve their plan at all. I mean, I helped them at first, but now I changed my mind and killed them all. So why would I tell Yes Man that I approve their plans? Quite messed up that is. I didn't look into the quests in the GECK yet, maybe will do later. "The Vault"-wiki didn't help this time, though it has been very helpful with bugged quests in the past. And no, loading an earlier save is not an option. It's been like 50 hours since I finished that quest the first time, so no way I'm playing all this again.
  2. Yeah, figured that out now. One way or another, I don't see why this wouldn't be possible. Well, if it was possible in some way I guess the team would've made it possible before, so no use for complaining about it. Thanks for the heads up anyways. I hope re-creating the file entry and deleting the old one is alright though?!
  3. Well, looking at the other threads about this topic, this is not possible. So I guess I have to completely delete the file entry and copy it to a new one. what the f***, dear Nexus team. Now that's some real bulls*** right there, why isn't it possible to turn that on again?
  4. Hey folks. I created a plugin for New Vegas and while working on the text formatting, I hid the file from public viewing. While ticking "Hide from public view" I must've also ticked "Disable endorsements", but of course I'd like to activate them so if someone wants to endorse my file he actually can. When I edit the file details I can't find any option to enable endorsements again. What went wrong?
  5. Well like I said, changing anything in the ini file doesn't have an effect, because the game changes those settings back to default upon starting the game. Puts write protection on the file too, so I wouldn't know how to make any ini-Tweaks on my New Vegas game.
  6. I see, that might be a problem. But really, NPCs should be visible from quite far away. I mean, I play at maximum settings and having a scoped rifle, I can't even tell if there is someone walking around that house "over there" (definetely less than a mile away), simply because the game doesn't display those NPCs. So I have to walk up there, and when I see them, they can see me too. Gotta be some way to increase the view distance some way, it worked in Fallout 3 and Oblivion too. You simply had to change some *.ini-Settings, but in New Vegas, you obviously can't make any changes to the *.ini file. At least on my system the game sets it to defaults every time I start the game.
  7. It looks like the maximum settings provided in the launcher aren't near to what my machine probably could handle in terms of range of visibility. Especially when using the Binoculars (with that better binoculars mod, of course), you don't seem to see much in the distance. Is it possible to really maximize the visibility distances of NPCs, Objects, Items, Trees and so on via *.ini-Tweaks or even plugins? Most object distances are alright, but I'm talking about seeing trees and NPCs in full detail like 3 miles away or something. When I'm standing in the Novac dinosaur's mouth, I want to see all the NPCs and objects that are there, not just the ones really quite close to me. I found some *.ini-Settings but changing .ini-Settings doesn't make much in New Vegas, since all changes are being restored upon launching the game. Even changing those things in that _default.ini-thing in the game's main folder doesn't have any effect. So well, I'd like to experiment a little with maximizing the LOD settings, especially for objects, trees and NPCs. Guess some of you guys know how to do this? Maybe some sort of setting hidden in the Construction Set?
  8. Oh, I see. So the quest that NCR gal gave me is not failed. Anyhow, I loaded a previous save now and let them live, guess I'll have my share of killing Legion people later in the game.
  9. I just got into Nipton, send by the NCR. There is this Vulpes guy who tells me that I should spread the word. I answer that his crimes are unforgivable, and then he says that I shall attack them if I wanted to. So I did, and somehow managed to kill them all. But as a result, the quest I came to Nipton for failed. Is that some sort of bug? I mean, he said that I shall attack them if I felt like if I would survive that fight, so why does the quest fail when I kill that dude?
  10. Doesn't anyone have a clue what the problem could be? I really tried everything, and the radio station basically works just fine, but all it does is play the first few seconds of the songs - and it's rather 2-3 seconds than 5 - and then it goes playing the next song for 3 seconds, and so on. I want to hear the full songs, not just the first 3 seconds... :confused:
  11. Well, since everything just *seems* to work and I guess this is a problem not strictly related to NV, and since not too many people seem to look into the NV forums, I post this here too. Like I said, I guess this problem applies to FO3 too, so does anyone have any hints on what could've went wrong?
  12. I just went and created myself some custom radio stations for New Vegas, just in the same manner as I did for Fallout 3. All seems to work well, but there's one problem: All the songs are just being played for like 5 seconds, then the next song starts. Other than that, the radio stations work well. But if all I hear is the first 5 seconds of every song, and then the next song is being played (for 5 seconds), a custom radio station doesn't make much sense. Is this a known problem from Fallout 3? Maybe I've done something wrong, like the Sound files, the Quest data or the Talking Activator. While like I said, the radio works, but just plays the first 5 seconds of every song. :ermm:
  13. Is it possible to use the current build of the Fallout Mod Manager for New Vegas? Considering BSA file management, load order etc. I simply installed it into my New Vegas directory but it won't work, still loads the old Fallout 3 mod files and doesn't even seem to think about New Vegas. Any workarounds for this yet or do we have to wait for a new version of FOMM?
  14. Yeah well, I threw out WttWL since it seemed to do about the same things in about the same way as FWE. So I'm using FWE, MMM and WMK now, and with the FOIP kits I don't think there'll be a problem.
  15. I can imagine that you people - just like most of the other forums around - dislike crossposting and I know that. But since noone seems to answer in the "Troubleshooting" forums, probably my thread was misplaced there. I guess I simply quote myself here, hope someone can answer my question. I'm really sorry for asking this twice, but the question seems quite simple to such experts that I expected here. :D :yes:
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