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  1. Thanks for your reply! Very interesting :) However, since I totally suck at scripting I will avoid wasting any time on this and let it be ^^ Enchanting own weapons at the altar is still far superior than this weapon would be at high kill counts, but it would be a fun thing to use, and probably get stronger with a high enough kill count.
  2. Hi I wondered if anyone that is good in scripting could do this. The idea is, the Dawnfang/Duskfang starts with 15fire or cold damage, after you have 12 kills with the sword, it goes up 5 more so it would be 20fire or 20 cold damage, the kill count is permanent and so is the damage increase, after that the kill requirement is double to 24 from 12 to get 25fire/Cold damage and after that doubled to 48 to get to 30fire/cold damage. The idea is that the kill count and damage is permanent but since it doubles all the time, it will require more and more kills to get to the next level. So at the beginning: Starts at 15dmg ( can be lowered for balance) 12 kills ---> 20dmg 24kills ---> 25dmg 48kills ---> 30dmg 96kills ---> 35dmg And it just goes on! I have no idea how to script this, but I think it would be very cool and fresh and the sword would be fun to use.
  3. Holy s***, it worked! Thanks a lot mate ^^ Could have never found that script by myself, wasn't even named anything close to dawnfang/dusk just ' SE03TsaesciBladeScript ' :P
  4. Hi! New here ^^ What I want to do is to change the 12 kills required to transform itself to Duskfang/dawn Superior to 6 kills. I found the script in Enchantments using Construction set and changed some values to make it become superior after 6 kills. It almost worked, at the 6th kill it said ' Duskfang/Dawn's thirst has been quenched ' but didnt give me the superior fang. when I changed back the values I had changed, 5 5 6 to 11, 11, 12 it worked... but I want 6 kills and not 12 kills, 12 is too much :P begin ScriptEffectUpdate if ( KillingBlow == 0 ) if ( Target.GetDead == 1 ) if ( SESwordDawnfangKills < 1 ) Set SESwordDawnfangKills to ( SESwordDawnfangKills + 1 ) Message "Dawnfang has extinguished %.0f life.", SESwordDawnfangKills Set KillingBlow to 1 elseif ( SESwordDawnfangKills >= 1 ) && ( SESwordDawnfangKills < 5 ) Set SESwordDawnfangKills to ( SESwordDawnfangKills + 1 ) Message "Dawnfang has extinguished %.0f lives.", SESwordDawnfangKills Set KillingBlow to 1 elseif ( SESwordDawnfangKills == 5 ) Set SESwordDawnfangKills to ( SESwordDawnfangKills + 1 ) Message "Dawnfang's bloodthirst has been quenched." Set KillingBlow to 1 elseif ( SESwordDawnfangKills >= 6 ) Set KillingBlow to 1 endif endif endif Is there anything more I must change? Because it dosn't work if the values isnt for 12 kills. Argh ^^
  5. Hey could you perhaps post the script? Also I'm wondering how to change so Mehrunes razor insta kills in like 10% or 25% instead of 6% if you have 100 in luck?
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