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Still no answer ...
To be honest, I cannot think of a way that you could enchant any item through a script. There are other options that might work: A: Create predefined enchanted weapons. Say you make a steel sword with the enchantment. When the followers "enchants" it, the steel sword is removed from your inventory and the predefined enchanted version is added. To make this work, you need to make enchanted versions of all vanilla weapons. Obviously this does not work for weapons added by mods. The mod you refer to most probably uses that system as honed versions of weapons are already in the creation kit. B: Use a spell to temporarely add an enchantment to an unenchanted weapon. The elemental fury shout basicly does this. The problem with this approach is that the enchament is not permanent, but it will work on (unenchanted) weapons from mods. I think neither option is exactly what you're looking for. Option A will do the trick but takes lots of work. Option B is easier to make but allows only a temporary enchantment. When the weapon is sheated or the spell wears, the weapon is unenchanted again.
The condition has different tabs. Go to the weapon tab and you'll see the condition that the player must have equipped a bow to activate the perk..
Thats pretty much what I thought but I also was not sure. Was half hopeful you could run a script and toss things in a list to affect. So basically if you want to affect speed/gravity/ect it has to be via changing the projectile. I guess for practicality and compatibility sake it would be best to do that with ammo damage as well or can you pull off hidden damage boosting via raising marksmen skill that does not hit a cap? Actually, you can use perks to increace/decrease the damage a weapon deals. Look at the overdraw perk that increases damage dealt by bows by X%. You can temporarely add that perk with a spell to make your arrows deal more dammage.
No one knows?
I don't think it's possible. The speed of the projectile is a property of the projectile. You can however make several projectiles that look identical, but move at different speeds.
From what I understand the sound of the player actually shouting (the Fus Ro Dah kind of stuff) comes from a quest called VoicePowers. I am trying to make some new shouts and I want to use the sounds of some Dragonborn DLC shouts to go with them. The problem is that unlike the Dawnguard shouts, the Dragonborn shouts are not added to the VoicePowers quest. Does anyone know where I can find them? To be clear, I am not reffering to the actual shout effects (as in spells or magic effects), but the dialog and sounds that go with them.
I'm impressed with what you've achieved here. I thought that I could edit the colours by tweaking shaders and effect in the creation kit, with no success. You have actually found a way to do it! I don't know about half of what you've done to make it, but I think I know what those little flames are. Most spells use projectiles (like flames), but some of them also have an explosion attached to them for when they hit an object. The beam for flames is such a projectile. The explosion has a different art (nif) file so you probably have to do some tweaking in that file as well. When I see this, I have no doubt you can change that explosion as well. I hope you continue with more custom effects, and maybe share them as a modders resource. I'm sure I can make good use of them ;)
I think that this is the best option. It would be a lot of work to make such a relatively simple effect. I still wonder why the actorvalues LeftItemCharge and RightItemCharge behave this way. I've seen some other topics about other values were broken as well. Thank you for explaining Papyrus. Where did you learn to use Papyrus or was it just some trial and (lots of) error before you could understand it?
That the spell can only be left handed isn't a problem. I don't think the fire and forget spell will be usefull. I wanted it to be a concentration spell so the player has more control over the amount of charge he wants in the weapon. I tested the script. The problem is the unequiping and equiping. I tried it with the flames spell and whenever you unequip a weapon, the concentration spell stops. I think we must force the player to recast when the weapon is re-equiped. Maybe we can do something like this: Scriptname WeaponChargerScript extends activemagiceffect int property charge = 5 auto int property cost = 10 auto bool property casting = True auto Spell property WeaponChargerSpell auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) float current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge") akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", 99999) weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true) akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true) float max = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge") int currentint = current as int int maxint = max as int akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", currentint) cast(WeaponChargerSpell, akTarget) While casting current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge") ... endwhile endevent ... This most likely won't work, I don't know much about scripting and it most likely will trigger a loop (if those 2 lines of code are correct), because when the spell is recast the script might restart and unequip the weapon again. I hope you get the idea.
I think I know what's the problem weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true) akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true) In the first line you don't specify which hand is checked. It could be the spell itself is stored as the weapon and unequiped, breaking the spell at that point. I don't know what the syntax for GetEquippedWeapon() is. I couldn't find it on the creation kit site either. I guess it must be something like: weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon(false) as weapon akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true) akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true)
This is from what I understand about the 'wonders' of the actorvalues LeftItemCharge and RightItemCharge: -When using (peak) value modifier in the magic effects it can only recharge up to the chargelevel when it was drawn, so an empty weapon cannot be recharged this way. We need Papyrus to do it. -Upon sheating and redrawing, the item's charge will reset to it's maximum when the charge was higher then the maximum. -Soul gems seem to be hard-coded in the creation kit. I couldn't see any script attached to it to prevent overcharing (or any other script) I think this is going on when you draw an enchanted weapon: -Skyrim sets AV "LeftItemCharge" as the current base or maximum, that would explain why (peak) value modifier doesn't work correctly -When unequiping, that value stored in "LeftItemCharge" is returned to weapon stats. -Some kind of script kicks in when the value is higher than the max charge stat of the weapon, probably the same script that prevents soulgems from overcharging -When you draw the weapon again, the value send back as the new "LeftItemCharge" will be the maximum charge. I haven't been able to find any kind of script for soulgems or in the weaponstats. This is what I think is going on, now see how we can use it in Papyrus. My idea would be this: - Store the current charge in a variable - Overcharge the weapon to an insane level (99999 charge or something) - Force a redraw of the weapon to get it's maximum - Store the maximum charge in a variable - Set the "LeftItemCharge" back to it's old value - Now we can use a condition to prevent the current value from going beyond the maximum charge Many thanks Steve and Spinner, I think we're really getting somewhere now.
It seems we were posting at the same time so I didn't see your new script when I posted it. I checked the weapon type outside the script in the magic effect conditions window. It does exactly the same thing, but it is good to see how you check it in a script. For the magicka cost, I think it can be handeled best by just modifying it in the spell window. Again I really appreciate it you show it in Papyrus. It will come in handy when I want another script. Also I want damage the health of the caster "take part of his soul" every second. I did this with a seperate magic effect. I'm pretty sure it would have to work the same as with the magicka cost if I wanted it in the script. I see you have renamed loop from your earlier script in casting. I think I get the principal now. I knew about the overcharge problem but I couldn't figure out how to equip en re-equipe an item without knowing the ID of that item. I still don't really get what you've done there, but it works. Do you make a new variable or can you just say LHitem and Papyrus knows that you want to unequip the lefthand item? Anyway, I will add those lines to eliminate the overcharge problem. There is one small bug. When finished charging the weapon in your left hand it re-equips in the right hand. Is there anyway to equip an item in a specific hand? Many thanks!
Thank you very much for your help! The script works now! I knew that it had to be something with condition for the while loop, but couldn't think of using an event when the spell finishes. I had to tweak your script a bit: Scriptname ChargeLHConc extends activemagiceffect {Charge the weapon equiped in Left Hand of caster} bool loop = True Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Debug.Notification("Charging the weapon in your left hand") While loop == True Target.ModAV("LeftItemCharge", 5) Utility.Wait(0.1) EndWhile EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) {this safeguard is redundant as the script will end when the spell ends} loop = False Debug.Notification("The weapon in your left hand has been charged") EndEvent The Event OnEffectFinish needed another input to make it work. Another small tweak was to make it add 5 charge every 0.1 second. It just looks better. Thank you again! I will add this spell as Soul Conversion in my mod Lost Magic soon.
Thank you for your time Spinner385, I really appreciate this. I would like to see the script with some explanation, so I can understand Papyrus myself. This was my first attempt of a script but I just couldn't figure out how to make a concentration version of this spell. I had to change it into a fire and forget version for my mod "Lost Magic" you can check it out here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=82398601&searchtext=. In the meanwhile I discovered that I could replace these lines: float ChargeWeapon = Target.GetAV("LeftItemCharge") ChargeWeapon += 50 Target.SetAV("LeftItemCharge", ChargeWeapon) by only this Target.ModAV("LeftItemCharge", 50) My aim was a concentration spell, so I will make a new version of the Soulcharge spell and give you credit for the script. Thanks again for trying to help me out.