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About w20w23

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    Korea, South

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  1. I'm having trouble with the texture suddenly getting weird like a screenshot when I get close to it even though it looks normal at long distances.. I'm not sure what the hell this is for. Is there anyone who knows? Your response would be greatly appreciated!
  2. @RoNin1971 Thank you, your reply has helped me a lot:)
  3. I've updated the FO4 next gen patch and I'm still using the cbbe body. I downloaded the unfair skin mod in Nexus mode and installed it through mod organizer, but in the game, the skin texture is only partially applied to the face and hands like the screenshot. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please reply.
  4. @subaverage Your reponse was perfect. Reshade allowed me to find a solution! Thank you
  5. While exploring YouTube, I came across a light effect like the one above. I really liked the graphic, which seemed to have a glow emanating from the light, but I couldn't figure out how to achieve it, even after tweaking the ENB settings. Does anyone know how to replicate this light effect like in the picture?
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