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Status Updates posted by mojodajojo

  1. Ah, I apparently I have some sort of comment approval turned on. Too lazy to figure out how to turn it off right now.
  2. Your member title is full of awesome.
  3. I've never used twitter, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, either.
  4. I haven't done anything in ages anyway :) I just got skyrim not too long ago and have been messing around trying to get my head around the kit and Papyrus.
  5. Cute, I'd leave you a comment on youtube, but I'm lazy and deleted my youtube account when they tried to make me create a google account to keep the youtube one active.
  6. Uh, thanks :) I think most of my profile visitors just pop in to point and do the Nelson laugh, though.
  7. Someone got my humor?! Will wonders never cease?
  8. Hey :) Not much.
  9. That Muppet/The Shining picture is chocked full of win.
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