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About srmacpherson

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    Fallout NV
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    Fallout Series

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  1. I haven't played FO4 in a very long time. Now when I do, there are no graphics during the loading screens and they take around 30 seconds, maybe more to load. Inside AND outside locations. No hardware changes to my computer since I last played. GTX 970, latest drivers. Win 10 64 i7-6700K Samsung SSD (tried on two, thinking my old one was sluggish or something) Before, when I played not long after the game was released, my load screens were so fast that I couldn't read the text. Now, there are no graphics during the load screens, just the Vault Tec icon in the bottom right. A couple of times, it just froze during a load. It doesn't much matter how large the area is being loaded. I quit and began searching forums when the game took more than thirty seconds to load a basement. A basement! I did a vanilla re-install onto a different SSD, no mods, same issues. from all of the looking I did, nobody seems to have found a solution to this. There are Alt-Tab bandaids, V-Sync bandaids, things I don't want to try because theyre far too f*#@ing complicated bandaids. It doesn't seem to be mod-related. has anyone discovered an actual fix to this? Or perhaps a reason behind it?
  2. ] Thats ass. The torso is easier to hit. What they should have done was create sectional Damage Resistance. For example, if you wear a frag vest, it protects your vitals only. Front, back, shoulders, neck. So your torso, which has a chance to hit of 85% is protected by DT14. Your arms, which have a 35% chance to hit are protected by DT1. The torso, while easier to hit, has a higher DT, so even if you hit it, nothing may happen. The arm, harder to hit, has nothing protecting it. Shooting the arm, however may not produce the same OVERALL damage. I notice in Fallout you can cripple a limb and it might still only amount to maybe 15% overall health of your target. On the flipside, once the arm is crippled, you need not worry about your target shooting back anymore. Anyways. It's a stupid concept in my opinion but I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed, or has issues with it. If I can wrap my head around the concept of the harder chance to hit amounting to more vital damage, maybe I'll start aiming for centre of mass.
  3. Is anyone else finding it odd that trying to hit a torso, the largest part on any FNV enemy is harder to hit sometimes than the smallest? Why is it easier for me to hit an arm than the torso? Or flapping wings instead of a body? Or the spindly legs of an ant instead of that fat juicy bulbous body? I'm a qualified marksman, a three-inch grouping at 300m isn't hard, but you know what? Its a LOT harder than a 12 inch grouping! Hitting an arm shouldn't be easier than hitting the body! Am I the only one finding this?
  4. I'm having similar issues. I've edited my default.ini and increased my LOD settings, and also used FOMM to do the same. I've got cells set to 11 and still I'm having last-second pop-ups of buildings, billboards, etc. Or I'm having issues with HQ LOD loading until I'm really close on some structures.
  5. hmm. My post didn't work. Anyways, I am also having this issue. I have noticed things vanish in the King's place, Vaults, pretty much any large indoor area. Also, the road under the bridge to Primm seems to change from dark (night?) to regular depending on how you're turned/looking. If anyone has an answer to this, or a fix, I'd love to know as well.
  6. Its a fatal bug. Everyone suffers from it. The only thing I have been able to do is use the console to remove the poison. Boone always dies from the poison in my game otherwise and there is no possible way for him to heal. Enter the console "~" select your infected companion and enter "dispel 0012a22e" then enter. It should say some blah and once you exit the console, you may heal your friend. NOTE: from what I understand, if you run through steam, if you use the console, nothing you do from that point on counts towards your online statistics/awards or whatever. But I think if you save and then restart the game it resets this and you'll be fine. Hope that helps.
  7. Then something must be done. The cazadors are thousands of units away from me when I hear this noise. Its LOUD, as though I've just been attacked by them, but they are barely registering on my radar, if even at all.
  8. Starflight Fallout 1,2 Ultima VI Hero's Quest (Quest for Glory) 1,2 Simcity Civilization Bard's Tale
  9. I keep hearing this super-loud "splash" sound effect when I near the Southern Nevada Wind Farm. Is anyone else getting this? Is this some buggy Cazador sound effect that needs fixing or is it a trigger related to the windfarm?
  10. I discovered this (a little late having re-started my game) that if you save your game indoors, quit the game, make the changes, then reload the game with the indoor save-game, it will work. The problem is only when you are outdoors and the save is loading stuff that aren't in the visible cell range. It gets confused and crashes.
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