] Thats ass. The torso is easier to hit. What they should have done was create sectional Damage Resistance. For example, if you wear a frag vest, it protects your vitals only. Front, back, shoulders, neck. So your torso, which has a chance to hit of 85% is protected by DT14. Your arms, which have a 35% chance to hit are protected by DT1. The torso, while easier to hit, has a higher DT, so even if you hit it, nothing may happen. The arm, harder to hit, has nothing protecting it. Shooting the arm, however may not produce the same OVERALL damage. I notice in Fallout you can cripple a limb and it might still only amount to maybe 15% overall health of your target. On the flipside, once the arm is crippled, you need not worry about your target shooting back anymore. Anyways. It's a stupid concept in my opinion but I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed, or has issues with it. If I can wrap my head around the concept of the harder chance to hit amounting to more vital damage, maybe I'll start aiming for centre of mass.