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Everything posted by GIGN

  1. The epic fail in this thread is bewildering. "Durrr you're paying for the same product as in the shops!" No, really? Yeah, except the final cost of the physical product is supposed to reflect a ton of extras such as producing the physical copies and, just as importantly, shipping. Digital delivery has its own costs (Valve takes a portion of the profits), but it's much lower than the traditional method and comes with its own unique benefits. Anyone capable of basic reasoning should be able to deduce that the final price should be lower if the costs to take it to market are lower as well. But instead of making digital delivery a cheaper option for gamers, publishers have decided to use it as a way of making extra profits over hard copies. Obviously -- if you didn't see this coming, then you have no idea how ruthless business is. Companies only care about customers if there's a way to make more money out of them. While people keep buying at this price, they'll continue pushing. There's your answer without all the fanboy sugarcoating and excuses.
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