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Everything posted by ElectronicSamurai

  1. Is there anything like Oblivion's "createfullactorduplicate" command?
  2. Is there an easy way to determine what items are being assigned to which bodyslot on a given character? Thanks!
  3. Hi there, I'm trying to track down the headgear used in this picture: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1247190653.jpg Any ideas as to what it might be?
  4. Hey guys, I've been having this recurring problem with my installation of Fallout 3. After a while (~10 minutes) of play, the game suffers from slowdown every few seconds, lasting perhaps a second or two. This is a fairly recent problem - it only started happening last week, but it's made the game extremely frustrating to play. I've tried a few things to fix the problem so far - - removing all recent / nonessential mods - updating my video drivers - setting the graphics settings to minimum Nothing seems to have helped so far. I'd appreciate if you guys have any ideas. Here's my mod list, just for the heck of it: [X] Fallout3.esm [X] FakePatch_v1.4.0.6.ESM [X] Anchorage.esm [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp [X] ThePitt.esm [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp [X] Pitt Ammo Press Fix.esp [X] The Pitt Crash Fix.esp [X] BrokenSteel.esm [X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp [X] RemapWaterType.esp [X] PointLookout.esm [X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm [X] Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain Plugin.esp [X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp [X] RRR+ANCH+PITT 1.0.esp [X] Amplified Critical Effects v2.0b.esp [X] Survival Perk Pack 2.0b.esp [X] Dogmeat Leather Armor v1.6 - no crafting.esp [X] Shoulder PAD Anchorage.esp [X] Shoulder PAD PITT.esp [X] Shoulder PAD.esp [X] Shoulder PAD Hellhire.esp [X] FollowersRelax.esp [X] Named Wasteland.esp [X] Cliff's_Sellable_Body_Parts v1.0.esp [X] Slower Degradation (-80%).esp [X] PurifyWaterWithLabEV.esp [X] WellrestedImproved.esp [X] SniperZooming v1.2.esp [X] 3EFhelmlessstealthsuit.esp [X] ComboHeadgear.esp [X] ComboHeadgearOA.esp [X] ComboHeadgearPITT.esp [X] Explosive Entry.esp [X] Burnification v0.2.esp [X] FleshBurningPlasma.esp [X] OutcastRewards.esp [X] pickelhaube.esp [X] BlasterEquipmentPackagev1_2.esp [X] Deputy Weld and Steel - Badges and Hats.esp [X] NAPA-Sneak.esp [X] Targeting System.esp [X] RD_Vault77Puppet.esp [X] SunGlassesFX.esp [X] GasMask.esp [X] BigPaw's Better Cannibals v1.2.esp [X] knockdowns.esp [X] Vanity Camera Mod.esp [X] NightvisionGoggles(Powered).esp (modified to make a power-up noise) [X] Implants v1.1.esp [X] Colossus Hvy Armor.esp [X] Neunens Axes v2b.esp [X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp [X] MoreMapMarkers.esp [X] CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.esp [X] GalaxyNewsRadio60[M].esp [X] mutantradio.esp [X] WeaponModKits.esp [X] RTS.esm [X] RTS_Life_Of_Raider_Addon.esp (modified for increased part placement distance)
  5. Hah, neat. COC'ing into ImperialDungeon01 seems to have done the trick - Valen Dreth started the script for the main quest as soon as he spotted me. Thanks for your help, all!
  6. Blast it all, I did do that quest. ... I don't suppose there's any way to start the main quest regardless? What console commands would I need?
  7. Hey all, I'm having an issue with one of my mods. I started my most recent game with the Modular Oblivion Enhanced main quest delayer, and now I've finished pretty much all the available quests except for the main one. I'd like to finish it so I can get started on some mods that start once you become Champion of Cyrodiil (Malevolent, etc), but I can't seem to start it! According to the description, you need to get arrested by a guard captain, and you'll start the main quest. However, I'm just sent to an ordinary jail cell. Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Thanks for the help! I will try your suggestions.
  9. Hello all, I've got a bit of an issue with one of my mods, but unfortunately I can't tell which one! I appear to have incorrectly installed the meshes / textures for a weapons mod, which is resulting in giant hideous yellow "MISSING A MESH" signs around Tamriel. So far, I've had this problem occur with four custom weapons in-game: - steel brown arrows - steel brown mace - chainmail dark greaves - leather camouflage boots Any idea which mod this might be, and / or how to fix the problem?
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