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Everything posted by ShpakRoma

  1. any good suggestions then about retextures for this case? some special modes ? tweaks in ini that i should try? and how to do this ? "" diffuse the normalmaps so they are "smoother". ""
  2. soo ? anyone knows how to fix this ? i have the same problem. What ini configs should i try ? how to fix this ? cause i have the same in game
  3. Soo i have texture flikering but only in close range !!! and when i move my my screen rly rly slow ( i mean my point of view ) Tryed different video drivers. with or without mods, with twiked ini and without. Any ideas ? Nvidia 450 gts 1 gb
  4. Hi all i am looking for a mod that recude the cut range of weapons when you swing them near some corpses. I mean i am allmost 2m away from the corpse, i swing my weapon and the dead body gets cut, resulting in blood splits. Is there any mod or tweak to reduce the range?
  5. Yeeee. i found the solution :D http://www.gameskyrim.com/how-fix-indoorcavedungeon-fps-drop-t228497.html To fix this issue, put these command into your Skyrim.ini file and save it. [LightingShader]fSpecularLODFadeEnd=0.0fSpecularLODFadeStart=0.0 My fps went from 30 to solid 80 :D
  6. I have 1280X1024 resolution monitor Nvidia geforce gts 450 1 gb ( for this resolution its op videocard) intel i3 540 3.07 Ghz windows 7 I have allways the latest nvidia drivers. Tryed even switching to old ones with hope that they maybe somehow are better. No improvments at all, only fps dropped If needed i can copy-past here my ini settings cause i dunno what is doing this 1) question, dunno how to explain but will try maybe this is the problem. Is there a way to make the light from torches be like light from normal room lights ? cause fire moves a little from torch and the light is like ( alive ) soo i am asking if there is a way to make it stop moving and be like light the one we have in normal houses ? Its called maybe dynamic light but not sure.
  7. The same. Nothing changed. Got the same fps results with lower setting on high ( the one that system choose herself) Huh... any more ideas ? anyone ?
  8. Reinstaling skyrim and will try to launch clean game with no ini tweaks. By the way i have skyrim
  9. New game. Tryed clean skyrim and with mods. Both give the same result. I run on ultra settings. Only shadows on high, with twicked ini for them to be max friendly for fps. I am not rly hungry for shadows. Soo normaly i run 60-110 fps , sometimes 52 . Vsync turned off The problem is like this. New game. Dragon attacks. I run to the fortress with the imperial. Equiping. Killing 2 people from the opposite faction. Going through the next door and... here it comes. When i come to the stairs and watch down from them to the next door my fps drops from 92 to 31. I turn little left it goes to 45... a little more and it goes to 60... when i turn around with my back to the stairs my fps is 90.... Came to the door (the one i was watching from the stairs) and tryed from there to look at the same spot that i looked from above... and... nothing. My fps was 75 and thats normal. The only things there are: one single torch that emits light and a little-little-little fog but the light if i am not mistaking isnt even reaching that fog...Soo nothing special Sry for my bad english and bad explanation. If you need more details ask me. But i think you know in what place i have this fps drop now. Dunno what to do.
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