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  1. Here is a list of better, but less obvious routes for provisioners. If you play on Survival where fast travel is disabled, then this is definitely for you. Likewise, if you like aesthetics and common sense, this is also for you. FYI, this is still a WIP so feel free to contribute any findings here as well. Additionally, I exclude popular routes that actually work (i.e. Sanctuary to Red Rocket). This list is meant to show which popular routes do not work and provide an alternative. 1. Abernathy to Starlight. This is preferred over Red Rocket to Starlight because provisioners don't actually go through Concord. They like to go to Abernathy first and then take the road west of Abernathy down towards Starlight. 2. Sunshine Tidings to Graygarden. This is preferred over Starlight to Graygarden because provisoners like to avoid the train track heading south and instead takes the long way eastward and through Boston. 3. Covenant to Zimonja. It is very tempting to connect Tenpines and Zimonja, but there is no actual road between the two settlements. Provisioner will take a detour. 4. Taffington (Needs testing). Taffington to Greentop actually does not work. Provisioner from Taffington likes to go south towards Bunker Hill and then north towards the bridge to get to Greentop. Some options are Zimonja to Taffington, Taffington to Bunker Hill, Taffington to County Crossing. These are my observations thus far. Feel free to add your observations. UPDATE: 5. Red Rocket to Tenpines. Provisioner will not take the train tracks directly from Starlight to Tenpines. They go through the north of Concord. 6. Egret Tours (Needs testing). Several options just like Taffington above. Egret Tours to Jamaica Plains does not work. Provisioner will head north towards Diamond City instead of taking the small road between the two.
  2. It seems like LOC HardwareTownLocation, REF HardwareTownMapMarker, REF Companion, and REF PaintTarget have NONE. I'm not sure if already having green paint changes anything though. I got the green paint from a Creation Club content (Tunnel Snakes maybe).
  3. It worked! I just changed every alias to optional, and Abbot finally talked to me. Thanks for everything!
  4. Hmm, I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I can't seem to get the quest to start. 1. I unchecked the "run once" for both FFDiamondCity01 and FFDiamondCity01Misc 2. Saved it as an .esp plugin 3. Enabled it on Vortex. 4. Loaded my save in SanctuaryBasementJahani 5. Typed the StopQuest, ResetQuest commands 6. coc to DiamondCityWall 7. Talked to a random resident to get the misc quest But Abbot still won't talk to me. Even after using StartQuest, it still shows "stopped".
  5. So the .esp method didn't work. Now every alias shows NONE, but the first method worked like a charm. I just manually typed each one, and now they talk to me! Tysm, you're my hero! :laugh: Also, this might be a little off topic, but I get a similar issue with Abbot at the wall. I get a misc quest marker to talk to him, and he just says he is busy. I used "sqs FFDiamondCity01," and it shows "stopped." Seems like the quest just won't trigger. I tried using resetquest and startquest, but to no avail. It seems like the aliases work fine when I type "showquestaliases DialogueDiamondCity," but I get all NONE for "showquestaliases FFDiamondCity01."
  6. Oh yeah, it does seem tedious to type all those. How do I make the .esp? I know very little about FO4edit and CK.
  7. Yes, I also get NONE even with "StartQuest DLC04DialogueSettlement." How do I use the ForceRefIntoAlias command? I will try that first. Again, I really appreciate your help. :laugh:
  8. ResetQuest was also unsuccessful: If the quest is running but the aliases are still NONE. In this case, the problem is probably caused by a mod. After I reset the quest, the actors still show NONE, so I decided to test the mods. Here are the steps I have tried: 1. I started a completely new save with the same mods that I currently have. The actors actually have IDs on a new save, so I thought maybe it's because I uninstalled some mods. 2. After checking the mods (PANPC, Settlement Attacks Beyond) that I've uninstalled mid-save, I installed them individually and loaded my very first save before removing them. Individually, they weren't the culprits. 3. I tried testing mods that I have installed mid-save before Nuka-World. After uninstalling them and loading my first save, I still get NONE. I don't understand what could be causing this since a new save with the same mods seem to work fine.
  9. Thanks for helping me with the diagnosis. When I type "SQS DLC04DialogueSettlement," I get "Quest: DLC04DialogueSettlement - Running - Current Stage: 410." When I type "ShowQuestAliases DLC04DialogueSettlement," I get a list of actors that have NONE, including the Nuka-World traders Mackenzie, Shelbie, Maddox, Chip Morse, and LakeTrader (which I think is Cora from Cora, Chelsea, and Peter).
  10. UPDATE. Here are a few things I have tested to see if there is a work around: I tried completing Grand Tour and then Home Sweet Home so that I can get Open Season from Preston. After I eliminated the raider bosses, the quest directs me to talk to Mackenzie. No luck, I still have no dialogue options. She does update what she says in response to my betrayal of the gangs, but I just have no way of responding to her. I also tried to recycleactor in a different cell before ever going into the market. No luck either. The only workaround seems to be using setstage to complete the quest. Breaks a lot of immersion though.
  11. I read a few posts about UF4P messing up Nuka World Trader dialogue in a very old version. Then after UF4P fixed this issue with 2.0.9, Bethesda messed it up again? I am not sure what is going on, but my UF4P is 2.1.2 and has always been. Anyone know how to fix this issue? I'm just trying to get Mackenzie to cure my rads and give me her quest.
  12. I need some insight from experts. I noticed that there is not a consensus on this question: do we clean masters or leave them dirty? Some say it is completely safe, and others say do not ever touch masters. I have always cleaned for both TESV and FO4 games and have not run into any problems, until I played the Nuka-World DLC. Cleaning Nuka-World apparently breaks at least two locations: Bradberton Amphitheater and the Market. The locations just never load and actors are floating in the air. I do not know anything about modding, and I know only the very basics of ITM and UDRs. My cleaning was done through FO4edit auto-clean with the suggestion from LOOT. So here are the questions: 1. Why do people say it is safe to clean masters? Nuka-World breaking clearly suggests otherwise. 2. Is it safe to restore the dirty backup mid-save? 3. Is this actually a problem from LOOT or auto-clean? Thanks for your expert responses.
  13. New to modding, don't know jack about CK, but I need help with using CK to edit the attack scripts in the Settlement Ambush Kit. I used the mod "Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone" to 'remove' the enemy attack markers inside my settlements, but this mod does not work with Ambush Kit. I played around with CK and found a bunch of attack scripts like the vanilla attack scripts, but they use different markers. I can't figure out what exactly is going on, but I suspect that the script uses its own spawn markers that are not dependent on the vanilla ones. TLDR: Make Settlement Ambush Kit use AGOMBz markers. Here is a screenshot of how it looks: Thanks in advance.
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