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Nexus Mods Profile

About SubSaibot820

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    The tune in your heart
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age Origins/ELder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

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  1. That is a gorgeous avatar picture!
  2. Wow thank you. :) and you could you please stop calling me God? I'm blushing every time you call me that! :D and thank you, yes Legolas indeed is hottie! :) and I love your picture. Bloody tear that's so pretty. :)and you should really visit Nexus more often. :) the community is great. :)and also fill your image share as well? *hint hint* :)
  3. No problem my friend. My channel are as empty as the void itself, so you stand correct. I havent even been there before now hehe.. Anyway I damn love your picture of Legolas, he`s like THE Sexiest God ever xD

    Whoa saying things I shouldn`t say again. Anyway keep beeing God you!^^

  4. Just wanted to thank you for your endorsments. ^.^ glad you liked those screenshots. Because I couldn't load my save game I have to start all over again so that means more screenies yay! :D
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