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Nexus Mods Profile

About ExoKallum

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    Hades, Morrowind, Half Life: Alyx
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    Team Fortress 2, Elite: Dangerous, Half Life: Alyx

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  1. This is a wishlist type request because I'm happy with my Type A/B character choices, but I would really like to see the slender option of the player model have a male version, and also a female version for the heavier option while were at it. I'm very new to DS - when I first saw the slender option in the character creator I was like omg finally... but then I felt kinda dumb realizing it was just phrasing. I'm looking to make the options more like what I thought they were providing at first, i.e. an option to make a very slender male character that resembles myself, minus the shortness I guess. I have only pretty slim experience modding assets in Dragon's Dogma, but I know that mesh stuff is a super-b&@*$ in that game. Is it the same for this version of the engine? Or is this even the same engine family - I don't know. Anyway, that's all I got
  2. Hm, no replies, really. Booo... I would really love to do the same with my best friend. If you get anywhere with this ping me! I'd be willing to help too, but all my modding experience is with pretty simple stuff in the engine versioned for Dragon's Dogma.
  3. I'm a simple creature of simple aspirations, and also I'm easily inspired. I couldn't work that sentence out very well after a few attempts - I apologize if it enrages you as trite or cliché, or just confusing. What I mean to say is that I've been playing around with qbit for a day or so after getting really excited about VirtualBox and Xubuntu (and it's ISO torrent), and that combined with checking in here has led to my belief that some kind of custom bittorrent client can solve all the problems the entire world has right now the Nexus has what with its server rack(s) being slowly destroyed like Robert Patrick in Terminator 2 (or perhaps like Robert Patrick in the pilot episode of Stargate: Atlantis) and its cloud solutions cackling madly before a pyre of burning cash offerings. Anyway, predictably, this comment has begun to burn up the rails so I'll temporize before I further live up to my sometime(ct) moniker Excursus: Wouldn't it be nice to have a custom peer to peer solution for the incredibly vast array of files, works, assets, records, history and etc that is held in trust by you guys? I would pay to use it, so that's a few dollars down. I think (am sure) the resource here has come to be historically significant, and I at least would like to see that significance matched by assured longevity - and in my mind it appears that means peer to peer file distribution of some form. It's a fact that your user base will continue to increase in size, if not in complexity :D, and someday people on Mars will need their mods...... no amount of vapor capitol will resolve that issue. I will now exit before I being to verbally explore all those phenomena that "Mars needs Mods" creates synergies with
  4. This is apparently the only place on the planet where swapping audio between equipment items in DDDA is talked about as having been successful... if somehow 5 years later you're still following this thread, can you explain a little more what you did exactly? If in the super-likely event that there's no reply I'll try to remember to post again when I eventually figure it out.
  5. Did you ever get anywhere with this? I started a game a little while ago... and now I'm in modding limbo of course, lol
  6. I found my first set of binoculars in Primm.. using them though - there is no animation when i zoom them in, I just get a zoom field overlay while they stay at my chest. Is this normal? I'm a little, uh, unwell this morning so my inquiry functions are not great, but I did google it and search around here.
  7. Once again, I'm answering myself in case some other boob has the same silly question: That answer is maybe, by there's really no need to. There's just a few quests that come up with timescale problems regularly over the past many years, and those problems are probably just people forgetting how dramatically long setting a low timescale makes certain things take. The only real issues with timescale settings are minor and that's only if you go severely ham and set it to 1:1 or something along those lines. Stick to reason - around 15, or 10, or I've even heard of madmen who select the timescale of 6.
  8. Make a hidden perk that calls out the specific weapon as a condition, and make the effect something that either invokes a script somehow to run the formula your describing, or just "additem"s a set amount of caps? You'd also need to make a quest to add the perk automatically if you plan on making it a mod I think, but this definitely sounds like Perk territory. I might be very wrong, but this is how I would look at trying to accomplish this
  9. I'm quoting myself, this is awesome, but if one person asked it at one point someone else is bound to wonder, so I shall answer the me of the past: Nothing needs to be done. A vanilla save is basically invisible to mostly everything without an NVSE co-save - which, btw, is something that the beginner needs to be very aware of.1 As long as your vanilla save is as vanilla as mine - meaning you have basically no quests running except the main quest - you will most likely be ok. If you have a whole lot going on you may need to do some quest repair with the console (set your problem quest active, console: sgt, then console: resetquest questname), but you should potentially still be ok. Some initial weirdness might be present depending on who showed up where for you, but it's worth a shot if you have a vanilla save you really want to play though a modded game. 1Be careful with NVSE stuff, and test test test immediately, because if you don't like a particular NVSE reliant mod you cannot roll the mod out of you game and continue on the same save without potential issues hanging over your head because the NVSE cosave will have data from that mod baked in, and it cannot be removed unless you really, really, developer level of knowledge know what your doing. You might be fine, but then you might not.
  10. I've managed to answer this myself. Ah, when I think of the me from several days ago I chuckle in a patronizing manner. Anyway, if anyone else has a question similar to what I appear to have been wondering about, pm me :)
  11. Hm. That makes sense. Actually, I can't believe how stable my game appears to be considering the variety of experimental tweaks I have going. Other odd behaviors are NPC"s repeating gestures over and over for a few moments, sometimes in an uncanny fashion (since resolved), NPC's approaching the player character and eyeing it for a few beats before walking away... and also I guess absolutely uncanny commentary at some points lol - if you're interested that is. Thanks for informing. this soothes my mind - I have enough to worry about in the wasteland and so does my doppelganger in null sector
  12. ... I understand the Creation Engine is a hallowed and priceless collection of tools, intricacies and mysteries held by its masters at Bethesda, so let me make it clear that I am not looking for anything that I should more properly expect to pay a fortune for - BUT: Can anyone point me in the right direction for understanding certain types of GMST variables that are present in Fallout New Vegas? I've found a completely awesome tool to play around with in-engine and I'm doing my little experiments, but I keep running into mysteries about how timing variables are being used. Many of these that control idle behavior and combat seem to follow a convention, but I can't determine if they are tied to framerate (sans Havok related stuff), GameHours/Days/Seconds or another engine timing I know nothing about. I wish I was a developer, I wish I worked with this specific engine actually, but sigh. Anyway, any hint or advice or even knowing nod or wink would make my day :smile: EDIT: Uh, sorry about the typo in the post title ..... lol
  13. I use MO2! Maybe you've discovered by now - the Overwrite folder is where MO2 will put everything that a tool produces when run from the executables menu. This way you control exactly what is changed and how by intercepting it for inspection and manual sorting/placement into the very robust virtual file system that this software creates to protect your actual Fallout installation. The big warning flag on the organizer is to make sure you know something has shown up here, it doesn't indicate there is something wrong. Your options for dealing with the contents of the folder are these: Add to existing mod: Drag the files over a mod already in your list on the left pane. You would do this in the case of creating a modified .esp with FNVEdit for instance. Typically you will want to select "Merge" when doing this to preserve anything not updated specifically. Create a new mod: Right click on the Overwrite at the bottom of the mod list and select the "Create" option. Name the mod whatever is appropriate and it will add it as a new mod in the left hand pane. Be aware you will need to put it where it goes load-order wise. You would use this in the case of brand new content generated, like when using FNVLODGen to generate new LOD resources from LOD replacers/fixes. Clear Overwrite: This just deletes everything in the overwrite folder. This won't hurt anything, and if you don't know why there is anything there in the first place it is safe to do. I'm not even close to being an expert but my advice I guess is to keep reproducing the issue until you know what is showing up there and why! Modding with a mod organizer is definitely tricky despite appearing to be straight forward, but everything begins to makes sense once you become familiar with the tools and it gets really fun, if not exhausting and mind bending. Also, you can't really break anything that a reinstall won't fix, which is the work of a few minutes if you backup your .ini's and your mods. Make sure you test your game after serious mods installed or every couple small mods and take advantage of the excellent organization features in the left pane of MO2. You don't want to spend hours and hours modding only to determine something has become sideways somewhere while you were trucking along :)
  14. From the Intro to GECK pages: "Games prior to Skyrim don't support overriding of assets in archives using other archives; only loose files can. If the same resource is contained in several BSA archives, those games won't use it from the last BSA on 100% of occasions. They may grab the resource from a random one of the BSAs containing the same file" I think I understand what this means in that assets are meshes and textures, but a strange thing happened a while ago and I wonder if anyone knows if it is related to a change in the above made by NVSE or something else at some point: I came across a container that had a double of every item in it. When removing any of the items, it's double would also be removed (but not to my inventory) For instance in the case of the ammo the duplicate stack would count down simultaneous to the one I was taking from, but corresponding ammo would not be added to my inventory, i.e. no double items gained. I think I can fix whatever's wrong myself, advice welcome, but it was such a strange situation that I'm curious about how it came about. I'm kinda guessing it has something to do with leveled lists(?) since the "container" was a vendor NPC I accidentally annihilated out in the waste :smile: Also, I'm doubly curious HAHA because awhile ago I came across a mod problem on reddit where every NPC had 4 eyes....
  15. Did you use a mod organizer to install NVSE? Maybe it's running into problems trying to access the .ini after the game is loaded, i.e. the dll is being blocked from accessing the virtualization? I think I'm being helpful at least You could put everything directly into the root/data folder if that might be an issue - no way that any of it will cause any problems.
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