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Posts posted by ExoKallum

  1. This is a wishlist type request because I'm happy with my Type A/B character choices, but I would really like to see the slender option of the player model have a male version, and also a female version for the heavier option while were at it.


    I'm very new to DS - when I first saw the slender option in the character creator I was like omg finally... but then I felt kinda dumb realizing it was just phrasing. I'm looking to make the options more like what I thought they were providing at first, i.e. an option to make a very slender male character that resembles myself, minus the shortness I guess.


    I have only pretty slim experience modding assets in Dragon's Dogma, but I know that mesh stuff is a super-b&@*$ in that game. Is it the same for this version of the engine? Or is this even the same engine family - I don't know. Anyway, that's all I got

  2. I'm a simple creature of simple aspirations, and also I'm easily inspired. I couldn't work that sentence out very well after a few attempts - I apologize if it enrages you as trite or cliché, or just confusing.


    What I mean to say is that I've been playing around with qbit for a day or so after getting really excited about VirtualBox and Xubuntu (and it's ISO torrent), and that combined with checking in here has led to my belief that some kind of custom bittorrent client can solve all the problems the entire world has right now the Nexus has what with its server rack(s) being slowly destroyed like Robert Patrick in Terminator 2 (or perhaps like Robert Patrick in the pilot episode of Stargate: Atlantis) and its cloud solutions cackling madly before a pyre of burning cash offerings.


    Anyway, predictably, this comment has begun to burn up the rails so I'll temporize before I further live up to my sometime(ct) moniker Excursus: Wouldn't it be nice to have a custom peer to peer solution for the incredibly vast array of files, works, assets, records, history and etc that is held in trust by you guys? I would pay to use it, so that's a few dollars down.


    I think (am sure) the resource here has come to be historically significant, and I at least would like to see that significance matched by assured longevity - and in my mind it appears that means peer to peer file distribution of some form. It's a fact that your user base will continue to increase in size, if not in complexity :D, and someday people on Mars will need their mods...... no amount of vapor capitol will resolve that issue.


    I will now exit before I being to verbally explore all those phenomena that "Mars needs Mods" creates synergies with

  3. So, if anyone would look for this: weapons swinging sounds in main weapon .arc (dag.arc, one.arc etc) and I managed to swap daggers sounds with maces sounds so it seems to work.

    This is apparently the only place on the planet where swapping audio between equipment items in DDDA is talked about as having been successful... if somehow 5 years later you're still following this thread, can you explain a little more what you did exactly?


    If in the super-likely event that there's no reply I'll try to remember to post again when I eventually figure it out.

  4. Once again, I'm answering myself in case some other boob has the same silly question: That answer is maybe, by there's really no need to. There's just a few quests that come up with timescale problems regularly over the past many years, and those problems are probably just people forgetting how dramatically long setting a low timescale makes certain things take.


    The only real issues with timescale settings are minor and that's only if you go severely ham and set it to 1:1 or something along those lines. Stick to reason - around 15, or 10, or I've even heard of madmen who select the timescale of 6.

  5. Make a hidden perk that calls out the specific weapon as a condition, and make the effect something that either invokes a script somehow to run the formula your describing, or just "additem"s a set amount of caps? You'd also need to make a quest to add the perk automatically if you plan on making it a mod I think, but this definitely sounds like Perk territory.


    I might be very wrong, but this is how I would look at trying to accomplish this

  6. I've decided to play through a fully modded game from a vanilla save. I know this isn't great, but I have my reasons!


    Soooo, my fancy question is what functions / commands might (should) I run to attempt to rebuild whatever may need rebuilding?


    I'm quoting myself, this is awesome, but if one person asked it at one point someone else is bound to wonder, so I shall answer the me of the past:


    Nothing needs to be done. A vanilla save is basically invisible to mostly everything without an NVSE co-save - which, btw, is something that the beginner needs to be very aware of.1


    As long as your vanilla save is as vanilla as mine - meaning you have basically no quests running except the main quest - you will most likely be ok. If you have a whole lot going on you may need to do some quest repair with the console (set your problem quest active, console: sgt, then console: resetquest questname), but you should potentially still be ok. Some initial weirdness might be present depending on who showed up where for you, but it's worth a shot if you have a vanilla save you really want to play though a modded game.


    1Be careful with NVSE stuff, and test test test immediately, because if you don't like a particular NVSE reliant mod you cannot roll the mod out of you game and continue on the same save without potential issues hanging over your head because the NVSE cosave will have data from that mod baked in, and it cannot be removed unless you really, really, developer level of knowledge know what your doing. You might be fine, but then you might not.

  7. Hm. That makes sense. Actually, I can't believe how stable my game appears to be considering the variety of experimental tweaks I have going. Other odd behaviors are NPC"s repeating gestures over and over for a few moments, sometimes in an uncanny fashion (since resolved), NPC's approaching the player character and eyeing it for a few beats before walking away... and also I guess absolutely uncanny commentary at some points lol - if you're interested that is.


    Thanks for informing. this soothes my mind - I have enough to worry about in the wasteland and so does my doppelganger in null sector

  8. ... I understand the Creation Engine is a hallowed and priceless collection of tools, intricacies and mysteries held by its masters at Bethesda, so let me make it clear that I am not looking for anything that I should more properly expect to pay a fortune for - BUT:


    Can anyone point me in the right direction for understanding certain types of GMST variables that are present in Fallout New Vegas?


    I've found a completely awesome tool to play around with in-engine and I'm doing my little experiments, but I keep running into mysteries about how timing variables are being used. Many of these that control idle behavior and combat seem to follow a convention, but I can't determine if they are tied to framerate (sans Havok related stuff), GameHours/Days/Seconds or another engine timing I know nothing about.


    I wish I was a developer, I wish I worked with this specific engine actually, but sigh. Anyway, any hint or advice or even knowing nod or wink would make my day :smile:


    EDIT: Uh, sorry about the typo in the post title ..... lol

  9. I use MO2! Maybe you've discovered by now - the Overwrite folder is where MO2 will put everything that a tool produces when run from the executables menu. This way you control exactly what is changed and how by intercepting it for inspection and manual sorting/placement into the very robust virtual file system that this software creates to protect your actual Fallout installation.


    The big warning flag on the organizer is to make sure you know something has shown up here, it doesn't indicate there is something wrong. Your options for dealing with the contents of the folder are these:


    • Add to existing mod: Drag the files over a mod already in your list on the left pane. You would do this in the case of creating a modified .esp with FNVEdit for instance. Typically you will want to select "Merge" when doing this to preserve anything not updated specifically.


    • Create a new mod: Right click on the Overwrite at the bottom of the mod list and select the "Create" option. Name the mod whatever is appropriate and it will add it as a new mod in the left hand pane. Be aware you will need to put it where it goes load-order wise. You would use this in the case of brand new content generated, like when using FNVLODGen to generate new LOD resources from LOD replacers/fixes.


    • Clear Overwrite: This just deletes everything in the overwrite folder. This won't hurt anything, and if you don't know why there is anything there in the first place it is safe to do.


    I'm not even close to being an expert but my advice I guess is to keep reproducing the issue until you know what is showing up there and why! Modding with a mod organizer is definitely tricky despite appearing to be straight forward, but everything begins to makes sense once you become familiar with the tools and it gets really fun, if not exhausting and mind bending. Also, you can't really break anything that a reinstall won't fix, which is the work of a few minutes if you backup your .ini's and your mods. Make sure you test your game after serious mods installed or every couple small mods and take advantage of the excellent organization features in the left pane of MO2. You don't want to spend hours and hours modding only to determine something has become sideways somewhere while you were trucking along :)

  10. From the Intro to GECK pages:


    "Games prior to Skyrim don't support overriding of assets in archives using other archives; only loose files can. If the same resource is contained in several BSA archives, those games won't use it from the last BSA on 100% of occasions. They may grab the resource from a random one of the BSAs containing the same file"


    I think I understand what this means in that assets are meshes and textures, but a strange thing happened a while ago and I wonder if anyone knows if it is related to a change in the above made by NVSE or something else at some point:


    I came across a container that had a double of every item in it. When removing any of the items, it's double would also be removed (but not to my inventory) For instance in the case of the ammo the duplicate stack would count down simultaneous to the one I was taking from, but corresponding ammo would not be added to my inventory, i.e. no double items gained.


    I think I can fix whatever's wrong myself, advice welcome, but it was such a strange situation that I'm curious about how it came about. I'm kinda guessing it has something to do with leveled lists(?) since the "container" was a vendor NPC I accidentally annihilated out in the waste :smile: Also, I'm doubly curious HAHA because awhile ago I came across a mod problem on reddit where every NPC had 4 eyes....

  11. Did you use a mod organizer to install NVSE? Maybe it's running into problems trying to access the .ini after the game is loaded, i.e. the dll is being blocked from accessing the virtualization? I think I'm being helpful at least


    You could put everything directly into the root/data folder if that might be an issue - no way that any of it will cause any problems.

  12. Is there a way to search for all quests that are sensitive to timescale? A. I'm curious and B. I think it would be fun to make a 1:1 timescale mod at some point. Also, what's the consensus on timescale and NPC/Quest scheduling? fyi: I don't have many quests running yet (1).



    Details: I've only seen a few sparse comments around that claim nebulous bad results from timescaling things around, i.e. I just timescaled the NCRCF encounter with Sgt. Lee down to 1:1 for an hour or so, because I'm obsessive about my loot man.. Also it was kinda neat to be doing that and realizing "hey, it's getting dark" and then so much realism dawned on me :smile:.. plus, sunsets are gorgeous and having that last is nice. My game is modded but I left texture assets untouched, and no %@!*)# ENB of course, just lighting update from Viva. Hi five Obsidian!


    With that long duration time distortion though I'm kinda worried the rest of the gamespace has been pitched into bizarro world, although I haven't seen anything strange.... excepted a random NCR trooper pointing at a blocked door every 8 seconds. Hm, odd



    EDIT: Here, for consistency: (Imp's Timescale Adjuster) https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34718/

  13. Meh.. I looked at the save details by generating a text dump through "save [savename] 1"... everything actually appears to be there, flags for quest lines and perks added in installed mods and etc.


    Everything seems to be working - nps's populating normally at least in goodsprings, and lists appear to be fine as far as ammo and craftables.


    I think I'll just wander through, if I hit something terrible then it will be interesting to see what broke and when lol.


    Btw, it's not simple chargen stuff - it's that my character looks pretty cool. I don't know how I managed to do that but I for sure am having zero luck doing it again. Being obsessive about things, i'd rather take the risk. Howl put it best in Miyazaki's classic, but I won't repeat his moaning complaints here lol


    EDIT: Actually, if I make it all the way through I'll post about it. Seems like being able to play an old vanilla save through a heavily modded install would be news.

  14. I've decided to play through a fully modded game from a vanilla save. I know this isn't great, but I have my reasons!

    Soooo, my fancy question is what functions / commands might (should) I run to attempt to rebuild whatever may need rebuilding? Right now I'm scumming through all the commands I can find and hitting what seems like it might do something helpful, I mean I have nothing to lose really.

    The save, which loads and seems fine, is on the highway close to Goodsprings on the way to Primm and it's completely vanilla: no DLC's or NVSE attached. I've only completed the tutorial missions. I didn't even start the NCR mission (something about Eddie) because of certain actions.

    Anyway, I don't really know enough to know what I'm asking, I'm sorry about that. However, if anyone knows of any quest/worldstate/chargen specific commands that might help I would really appreciate it! Or, if the expert opinion is if the save loads it should be ok then that would be great to hear too!

    As for now I'm just going to put my character in the chargen state for a bit in the hope that it does something mysterious in the background.



    Mod list!


    "0000","DLC: DeadMoney"
    "0001","DLC: HonestHearts"
    "0002","DLC: OldWorldBlues"
    "0003","DLC: LonesomeRoad"
    "0004","DLC: GunRunnersArsenal"
    "0005","DLC: ClassicPack"
    "0006","DLC: MercenaryPack"
    "0007","DLC: TribalPack"
    "0008","DLC: CaravanPack"
    "0011","Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP"
    "0012","Navmesh Fixes and Improvements"
    "0013","Unofficial Patch NVSE"
    "0014","Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod"
    "0015","WMIM Spooky WristFix"
    "0016","WMIM Addendum"
    "0017","Legion Armor Fix"
    "0018","Legion Fix ESP Replacer"
    "0019","lStewieAl's Tweaks"
    "0020","lStewieAl's Tweaks Custom INI"
    "0022","UIO - User Interface Organizer"
    "0023","The Mod Configuration Menu"
    "0024","MCM BugFix 2"
    "0025","JIP Improved Recipe Menu"
    "0026","Simple DLC Delay"
    "0027","Vanilla UI Plus"
    "0028","FOV Slider"
    "0029","No Snow in Globes - Snowglobe Performance"
    "0030","Sierra Madre Exterior Fixed"
    "0033","Semitransparent Door Glass"
    "0034","SemiXparent Glass ESP Replacer"
    "0035","Character Expansions Revised"
    "0036","Anniversary Anim Pack"
    "0037","1st Person Animation Replacers"
    "0038","B42 Weapon Inertia"
    "0039","B42 Weapon Inertia INI Configuration"
    "0041","A Little More Lamplight"
    "0042","Lucky 38 E3 Lights Restored"
    "0043","Burning Campfire REDONE"
    "0044","Burning Campfire REDONE 2 Electric Boogaloo"
    "0045","Enhanced Grass"
    "0046","Realistic Wasteland Lighting Redesigned"
    "0048","Bathroom Doors Fix"
    "0049","Strip Wall Billboards"
    "0050","Bighorner Model Variants"
    "0051","Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs"
    "0052","The Robobrains Have Eyes"
    "0053","Vanilla Underwear Replacer"
    "0054","Cataract Eyes"
    "0055","Transparent Nuka Bottles"
    "0056","McCarran Escalator Glass"
    "0057","McCarran Terminal Glass"
    "0058","NV Animated Terminal Screen Saver"
    "0059","NV Animated Microfilm Machines"
    "0060","Old World Blues - Path Lighting"
    "0061","Better Pause Menu Screen"
    "0064","LOD additions and improvements"
    "0065","Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD Mesh"
    "0066","Much Needed LOD"
    "0068","FNVLODGen Output"
    "0071","JSawyer Ultimate Edition"
    "0072","JSUE Addendum"
    "0073","Economy Overhaul"
    "0074","Economy Overhaul Addendum"
    "0075","Mojave Arsenal"
    "0076","Mojave Wildlife"
    "0077","Mojave Raiders"
    "0078","Mojave Raiders Addendum"
    "0079","JSawyer Ultimate Edition Patches"
    "0080","Follower Tweaks"
    "0082","Fallout 4 Survival Mode-Style Damage"
    "0083","NPCs Sprint In Combat"
    "0084","Real Recoil"
    "0085","AnonPlum's Real Recoil Fixes and Additional Patches"
    "0086","Collision Meshes"
    "0087","Yukichigai Gameplay Tweaks"
    "0088","Qolore Gameplay Tweaks"
    "0089","JIP Companions Command and Control"
    "0091","VNV Follower Tweaks"
    "0092","B42 Quickthrow - an alternative grenade hotkey mod"
    "0093","Quickthrow Stylized HUD Icons"
    "0094","JAM - Just Assorted Mods"
    "0095","Just Mods Assorted Custom INI"
    "0096","GRA Unique Weapons Relocated"
    "0098","Better NCR Supply Cache"
    "0099","Honest Hearts Workbench Crate Luck"
    "0100","Dead Money Toxic Cloud Fix"
    "0101","Starting Gear Overhaul"
    "0102","Vicious Wastes Standalone Mechanics"
    "0103","Stat Choices"
    "0104","NPCs use Aid items"
    "0106","Gameplay - Conflict Resolution FOMOD"
    "0109","Uncut Wasteland"
    "0110","The Moon Comes Over The Tower - Restored"
    "0111","Functional Post Game Ending"
    "0112","The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more"
    "0113","LSO - A Lightweight Strip Overhaul"
    "0114","The Mogul Mausoleum - A Lucky 38 Overhaul"
    "0115","The Mogul Mausoleum ESP Replacer"
    "0117","Th3Overseer's Core ESM"
    "0118","The North Road Remastered"
    "0119","th3overseer Quest Mod Bugfixes"
    "0120","Todd JIP CCC Avatar"
    "0121","The REPCONN Blues"
    "0123","Afterschool Special"
    "0124","Afterschool Special Tweaks"
    "0125","Autumn Leaves"
    "0126","YUP - Autumn Leaves Patch"
    "0127","A Quiet Start - Quest Mod Delayers"
    "0128","Quest Mod Face Textures"
    "0131","M37 Ithaca"
    "0132","Camon Pack Complete"
    "0133","Plasma Boomstick"
    "0134","Homemade Chechen rebel SMG - Borz"
    "0135","Lore Friendly Weapons Pack"
    "0136","Lore Friendly Weapons Pack Iron Sights Recoil Animations"
    "0137","Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3"
    "0138","Spice of Life - Vanilla Body Patch"
    "0139","Tammer's NIF-Bashed Armor and Clothing Pack"
    "0140","NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta"
    "0141","NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta Update"
    "0142","NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed"
    "0143","NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta Patch"
    "0144","Lore Friendly Armor Pack"
    "0146","FNV Opposite Traits"
    "0147","Improved Traits"
    "0148","Improved Traits Improved"
    "0149","Baddarkl Perk Overhaul"
    "0151","All Weapon Sounds Overhaul"
    "0152","All Weapon Sounds Overhaul ESP Replacer"
    "0153","All Explosion Sounds Overhaul"
    "0154","Passive Combat Music Tweaked"
    "0155","Mojave Music Radio - Extended"
    "0157","Cut Sewers Restored"
    "0158","Beyond The Beef Tweaks"
    "0159","I Fought the Law - NCR Start"
    "0160","Burden to Bear - Original"
    "0161","Immersive Pickup Sounds FNV Edition"
    "0163","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons"
    "0164","Clean Vanilla Hud"
    "0165","The HUD Editor"
    "0166","Content - Conflict Resolution FOMOD"


  15. Ok, I read you post a few times and I think I have the gist of your feedback.


    If you're not happy with the categories/tags/filters on offer, I'm all ears on your suggestions to improve them. We are doing a lot of work behind the scenes already but we're always open feedback.


    In case you've not found it yet, you can see our FAQs here: https://help.nexusmods.com/category/26-frequently-asked-questions

    I'll have to check that out! Ty. Also I bought a month of premium... I've probably downloaded 100+ files in the past 24 hours following VIva New Vegas :D


    Also it was pretty late.. but I'm pretty sure I was thinking that there are too many options when it comes to filtering things. I regularly use just a few options when I'm digging around, and I just link directly in to mods if I can without using search at all. The site really seems to hate filtering things, but that's just from my, uh, unique perspective? I'm glad you were able to get anything out of my half asleep tirade lol.


    Incidentally, the servers have been running great for me up until a few minutes ago - now I'm pulling stuff at around 500kbs with MO2, first file maybe at 600Mb almost. I assume the servers are just busy. I'm patient though, I can wait :smile:. Thanks for replying!


    Edit: Ya, there's a lot of confusing points in there. I'm sorry lol

  16. I'm not here very often, only when I buy a new old game. I'm always annoyed by the video ads - wait, don't judge - and I usually wind up poking around in the forums to determine the state of everything: the mood, feeling, the angry eyes of disenfranchisement... mostly I make note of signs to determine if Nexus Mods is about to rise up in a white hot fireball upon the horizon after failing a routine insanity check somewhere.


    This time I found something neat - a sticky post explaining ads, traffic, servers, moons, teaspoons, all the reasons why Akira ended the way it did and not some other make-believe way, and why it's so expensive to give us the various filters, categories, tags and etc and whatever that we all obviously need and use.


    Here I am at 4 something with my feedback: I don't use that crap: I pick my game somehow, I check out the mod categories for it, which are often duplicated and messy and not all that helpful kinda in the way a badly organized Steam library isn't that helpful, and then I get out of there and just sort mods by most downloaded of all time to get the patches and must have crap. Usually, actually, I already know what I'm after because of some other smart guy who never directs me to drill down using the hugely fancy tags and stuff but instead just gives me the exact link or name I need.


    I don't recall ever painstakingly filtering out the very idea of a sexy-mod, or becoming red in the face and aghast when some hair or armor mod inevitable chooses a bizarrely suggestive image to present to the casual browser who has not carefully selected various tags and filters to shield their chastity. I won't mention the decidedly quaint place I go for stuff like that, but sexy or gory or naughty-languaged stuff here is a non-issue and not worth the molten flying silicates of net gear, and neither are half the tags and other features that are only used because what the hell else are we supposed to do... know what we're looking for?! Maybe I'm wrong, you know. Maybe some day I'll be overjoyed to play with every tag and filter I can find because when I search for stuff now I definitely don't think to myself ease down, ease down... you're just grinding metal.


    Let me use my favorite line: "I get it, I do" lol Anyway, I don't remember who authored the sticky post but maybe they can be directed to this one. Mostly because I don't get it, but also because the post seemed peevish - in an endearing way - and I want to make sure that person knows I at least appreciate everything all of you do, despite my casual usage. And also I've forgotten my lifetime login from years ago, so don't point out that I should probably pay cash money for anything, because I won't until I get over that sad and annoying fact.


    I do don't get it though, and to be honest I don't care but I would hate to see this site implode in some beard-rending apocalypse brought on by the ungrateful hordes because of a lack of feedback, and so here you see I'm helping as only the ENFP can, and speaking of that I'll now crawl into bed since it's so late, so so late



    dictated not read KA


    I just want my one click downloads back, stop making me have to go and hit "slow download" each time.

    If you really want those one click downloads back all you need to do is buy a subscription (or a Lifetime subscription). The Lifetime subscription starts to cost less then a monthly / annual subscription in about 2 years.


    I totally had a lifetime subscription ages ago, but completely lost the login and every other detail associated after being away for a long stretch.


    Also I'm kinda here for a reason - and hear me out, I'm not bashing things nor am I too lazy or cheap to subscribe. I find the download screen to be about a 6 out of 10 on the "this is annoying" level, which is meh, to make an ancient reference. I also get a little splash video ad playing on my lower right screen on every page I visit, which is also annoying, about a 8 out of 10. I came to download a ~32 mb file which isn't on Steam, and I have zero complaints about the speed cap - which I think is pretty high actually considering the traffic that must run.


    All that said, the only reason I'm here is because there's no other place to find this giant pile of great mod; it's like a bazaar of olden times and I think it's pretty neat. But how did we get to this state? Are un-closable popup video ads really the way forward for this community? Why is the download screen so unfriendly? Why are the forums running at a bare trickle? Does anyone even want to be doing this anymore?


    Anyway, I used to use Nexus to mod Morrowind when I was just a tiny child, and it was kinda a grown-up place then so to speak. Over the years I've become pretty turned-offish about the whole thing, despite paying to help run things several times at least over the past 20 years I think and so just barely proving I'm not a dead run, or a catch in the line, or always broke, or lazy, or a non-premium and unwelcome user of resources, though that last part is too harsh a judgement for an old acquaintance.


    Hope everyone's feeling ok, that's all. No need for anyone to respond to my concerns, as if. This wood has grown strange and hostile to me, and so I will not linger here in my small pants and overshoes.


    Happy Day-After-Halloween though! I hope you're not too terribly hungover as some in my household are.... :D


    Although most of the gamer basement dwellers on this site are probably the safest covid19 free portion of the population, social distancing guidelines prevent guests.


    Who is in charge of the Census of the Basement Dwellers, so I can report my change of status when the time arrives?



    Simply fill out the prescribed forms and bury them at least 1 but no more than 3 feet beneath the mean surface of that open place nearest to your dwelling! I'm alarmed such an old campaigner should forget this prescription! ..but alas - many great lineages pass into comfortable dotage before need of their wisdom is set aside. Anyhow, cheers my friend!

  19. I thought I would make Chili Verde the other night... I wound up making Slow Cooker Chili Pork(?). It took about 7 hours and I'm surprised it came out as good as it did. This is a pretty flexible recipe. We had:



    - a slow cooker of medium size. A large pot will work too but you'll have to carefully get things just under a simmer, too hot and the pork will be really tough.

    - a pork shoulder (3lbs, bone in)

    - one half jar of really great red salsa

    - one third jar really great green salsa

    - one red bellpepper, one green bellpepper (or any combination of similar peppers)

    - one white onion half

    - 2 cups broth of any kind (powdered, cubed or liquid)

    - 3 or 4 garlic cloves

    - one small can of kidney beans, or any kind of bean except green

    - Corriander (as a replacement for cilantro)

    - salt, pepper, cumin

    - flour

    - cooking oil


    -corn or flour tortillas (optional)



    So, i don't really know how to cook but I'm a natural it seems and I often create happy accidents. This was one of them - it obviously isn't Chili Verde, but it came out about as good.


    1. Preheat an oven or toaster oven to around 450


    2. Cube up the pork. If you have a bone in shoulder, which I recommend i guess, get it off the bone as best you can and then season whats left (on the bone) with black pepper, chili powder... whatever seems good


    3. Peel the garlic and chop up the onion into large quarters and put all this on an oven pan. Put the shoulder bone you have on a separate pan, or the same one I guess. Roast all this in the oven for a while, maybe 10 minutes.


    4. Mix about 1/3 cup flour with black pepper, salt and chili powder if you have it. Toss the pork cubes in this mixture until they're coated. Use a collander or something to get rid of the excess flour.


    5. Take the roasted stuff out of the oven if you haven't already. Place the shoulder bone into the middle of your slow cooker and turn it to "LOW". High will ruin this. For a pot, just let it sit for the moment I guess. Don't forget to turn the oven off.


    6. Put a good amount of oil (enough to coat the bottom and still have a small amount pool on the side) into a big pan, preferably a cast iron pan. Get it pretty warm.. not too hot though or you might accidentally overcook the pork cubes. If it's way too hot then just tumble the pork around at hyperspeed and get it out as fast as possible onto a plate or something.


    7. Brown all the pork - you might need to do this in batches. You can either lightly brown it like me, or brown it a little deeper like I wish I had. After you have it all browned, put it into the slow cooker or pot (try not to get too much of the cooking oil in with it).


    8. Put your onion, garlic cloves, whatever salsa you have, a pretty good amount of corriander and cumin, and 2 cups of broth into a blender and blend it severely. No need to puree, but make sure the large onion chunks are now very small. Pour this into the slow cooker or pot. It will look a little brown.. this is normal and fun. **make sure the lid goes on and doesn't come of except for brief moments to add stuff**


    8a. If your using a pot, you need to carefully get it to just under simmering. Turn the heat up until it simmers, then turn it down until it just stops simmering but is still too hot to actually taste or eat, then let it sit that way. I think this will work but I'm not sure and your times may be different than below.


    9. Let it cook this way for a while, maybe a couple hours, then put the beans in and stir them around. At this point you can probably test for seasoning... I used a good amount of salt and a medium amount of black pepper.


    10. After about 5 or 6 hours, dice up the bell pepper or whatever pepper you have and add that in.


    11. Keep it going for another hour or two.. the pork should be extremely tender... It may be done just a little bit after you add the bell pepper. At any rate just taste the pork and if it's good to go then your ready to eat!



    Corn tortillas go really great with this. I tried to steam them in a double boiler type thing which made them mushy.. I think the microwave and a wet cloth or paper towel would also work. I don't know what to call this but I'm pretty glad i made it. Sorry if this recipe is impossible to follow... I don't know what I'm doing obviously. The boyfriend pointed out that we can use the leftover bone to make split pea soup, which we will probably.


    EDIT: typos, clarity, etc

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