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About DarthNato

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    Dragon Age, Oblivion, OutSpark Feista, World of warcraft
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age and Oblivion

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  1. Soul Eater is a great anime and there are lots of interesting weapons in it. I was wondering if someone could make some of the weapons from the anime like, ragnarok, Tsubaki, Soul Eater, and Excalibur, and add in their Soul resonance forms.
  2. I have recently come across an image by an artist by the name theDURRRRIAN that would make an awesome concept for an armor mod. I was hoping someone with considerable modelling and texture skill would make this armor mod. It looks SO cool and would an excellent addition to the modding community. You can find more of art by theDURRRRIAN here http://thedurrrrian.deviantart.com/http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/358/9/1/the_four_horsemen___wallpaper_by_thedurrrrian-d5p31m8.jpg
  3. DarthNato


    I've been playing a lot of minecraft lately and have discovered the joys of modding minecraft. There are plenty of different mods ranging from basic texture packs, to weapon and armor mods, world generation types, additional mining implimentation such as BuildCraft, and different biomes to explore. I've probaly missed a few things, but i'm sure you get the point. It's a great game, but a lot of mod updates that are essential to continue playing a world after a major update are scattered all over the place. A site where they could all be placed and updated in a neat and orderly fashion is just what it needs. I hope that this is taken into consideration as this is also another great avanue for modding. So, Please vote and let me know what you think.
  4. I was looking though the art section on newgrounds and found a pic of some particularly Splendid Armor
  5. On the Bethesda Forums recently a set of images was uploaded showing off a fantastic Xbox360 case mod. This Case mod is truly a master piece and has obviously has taken a lot of effort, time and patients. The creative person who made it is known as DragonSlayer1987. Here's a Link to the forums where you will find pictures of this magnificent case mod : http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F1210337-my-tribute-to-the-elder-scrolls-series%2F
  6. Excellent! Someone has put in interest i will upload some pics of weapons and armor in the next post.
  7. I got myself a copy of Sudeki some time ago, and really like the weapons in the game especially the one that the character Tal gets. I would like someone to make these weapons for me and the rest of the community. If anyone is interested i will upload some pics in a post. If not well that's just bad luck. I would be cool as well if someone could make the animations of 2 special abilities from the game. I will try and record a video of both and upload them in a post as well if anyone is interested. If anyone is especially interested either PM me on thenexusforums or email at [email protected].
  8. Thank you for being such an expert at your profession. I hope you give this hacker everything he/she deserves being both Strict and Fair. I'm a teenager myself and would expect that if i managed to do something like that and not even bother to cover my tracks, to get 100+ viruses streaming into my computer after being such an idiot.
  9. I recently browsed through google images of pictures of Norse gods and such. I then remembered Odin's 8 legged Horse Sleipnir and thought that that would make the perfect mount for any rampaging barbarian. So i've started this topic to catch the attention of modders in hope of having someone make and release it for me. Here is a link to a picture that is perfect for getting detail for this mount and even has a description. http://www.keiththompsonart.com/pages/sleipnir.html If anyone is interested and is willing to make this for me, pm me and i will get back to you ASAP. :biggrin:
  10. Bioware in currently making a Dragon Age 2, though from pictures i've seen for it show that they've changed the look of a fair few things in game. Reason: They believe that the current Dragon Age looks a bit too much like LOTR. Is This a Good or Bad thing, and please express your opinion.
  11. Of course Mehrunes Dagon would that battle. Have you that axe of his, it's huge. He could literally cleave liberty prime in half and then some. You mess with Dagon, your asking for trouble.
  12. There was a music pack that was at one stage uploaded on tesnexus, but i can no longer find it. The music pack was music converted from Prince of Persia : Warrior Within. I was wondering if anybody knew what the file name was or any other sites i could get this same music. If anyone knows can you please send me a pm.
  13. For any modders reading, i would like someone to make a mod for Oblivion that adds races, armor and/or weapons from the Xbox/PC game Sudeki. The race i would like to be done would have to be something that looked like the god Tetsu. It would also be great to have all the weapons from Tal and Ailish added to the game as well as the armor from all the main playable characters Tal, Ailish, Buki and Elco. Anyone who does this will be adding some fantastic new content to the oblivion world. P.S. If you do make this mod please mention that i Darthnato came up with the idea for the mod. :biggrin:
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