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About djangoku

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    Fallout 4
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    Fallout 4

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  1. This is also a good source i think: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Bible_0
  2. I want far more skimpy outfits, and even bigger boobs. I really like the "show adult content only" checkbox.
  3. Since i played "Secret of Cabbot House" the first time, i hope this background-story will be expanded by one of the DLC. I dont want a warmed up Mothership-Zeta, even if i found this one of the best DLC ever. (I know, most ppl didnt like it...)
  4. Are you sure you still have on in your inventory, or did you craft halluzigen-grenades with it?
  5. Or dismiss all the girls (if possible), disable the mod, try again. If it worked, install mod again and get the girls back.
  6. Hmm, after reading twice all steps you have allready done: Did you use any reshade/enb? (not sure if it can cause ctd's when something is missing, but the injector is still running?) What about NMM, and the virtual install dir? (also not sure if this can be the cause, but i would try) Good luck.
  7. I put this in spoilers because...
  8. I guess you did install optional file "Break undies"? This should be the cause...
  9. Hello. I am trying to make my first own mod and am using the latest version of the CK. For now i want to create some Unique weapons, like f.e. Kellogs Pistol. My problem is, i cannot find the method, how legendary effects are applied to an item. I saw a video, where the guy made a quest and other things for his weapon, but it seems the effect is random like dropped weapons are. But i want to make static stats weapons, with an effect i determined. So, can anyone explain to me, how i can give an legendary effect to my custom weapon? I tried to take a look at Kellogs Pistol, to see how it was done, but there is no hint where the legendary effect is applied. Thanks.
  10. Ok, mabye i did understand the problem in the first read :D So let me say that again. The ranged hacking wasnt intended and therefor fixed. But i thought you wrote, that now you cannot hack any robot at all? You have to be pretty close, as you said. But iirc they also changed it, that it works while in combat, so you dont have to sneak up on them. The difference to the other perks simply is, they are only chance based and can fail, hacking can not fail. So this limit is pretty fair imho.
  11. I liked the last one most, the first ones were a little bit to easy for my taste.
  12. Just do whatever you want, go whereever you want. I played over 1000 hours since release (this is double time to skyrim, 5x fo3, 5x fnv for me), and in every new playthrough i see things, buildings and stuff, i never saw before. If you enjoy building i recommend using homemaker and build th sh** out of the commonwealth. If you enjoy exploring, just go explore, maybe play on survival for that extra thrill, use "adjusted encounter zones" if you like even more thrill. I highly recommend to get cait, curie Hancock and mcreedy to play their quests. What i do in most playthrougs is: - join Minutemen, conquer the north and build some stuff. - from graygarden on, join BoS and do some quests - after coming to goodneighbor or diamond city, try to join the railroad - do all kinds of things - eventually join the institut and do some things for them - do more things for RR and BoS - conquer every settlement and build stuff, shops, make fortune - and finally, have fun
  13. Before this mode came out, i knew i would never play this without saving. But there are some mods out, that do anything you need. (Bad decision from Beth anyway) The lack of fast travel was the second thing, i could not accept. No fun to run from sanctuary to castle and back for a quest... (mods solved that, too) Besides this, i was ok with the food, water, desease stuff. The levels up to 30 was dominated by finding radstags for food, rest was easy to obtain (too easy). And after level 50 its the same as before, you only have to click you food from time to time. So: this mode made the game more challenging, but only things like "get mats", "get radstag-food". Enemies to me dont seem to be any harder. I was oneshot by some enemies before the new mode, so nothing new her. I never had a problem with bulletsponges, ok, sometimes a really highlevel supermutant takes some more bullets than the rest, but most enemies can be killed with one bullet... even really bigones like mirelurkqueen are far too easy, after you reached a certain level (around 50 for me).
  14. Hey, thanks for this, i guess that was too obious and easy for me to find out myself :D
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