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  1. Just got back to Skyrim with the AE edition. Started a new save and noticed that when I encounter creatures like Bears, Spider, and Wolves, they t-pose or in a default pose and do not damage me. I hear the combat music and human companions would attack them. I've installed a bunch of mods at once before my new save so I'm not sure which mod might be causing this issue. Here are the version of things that I think might be relevant Skyrim AE 1.6.353 SKSE 2.1.5 FNIS 7.6, with the latest version of FNIS spell, creature and using FNIS XXL SL AE 164c I've set Vortex to run GenerateFNISforUsers after deployments and I switched to XXL after seen some errors with regular FNIS. Not sure if switching to XXL would cause any issues but I've also manually ran GenerateFNISforUsers as well. Any tips on how I can start dissecting this issue?
  2. Hey guys, not sure if this would be the right place but I was wondering how would someone make their model available for other players? I found this guy's amazing model and I want either play as her or have her as a follower. I know a follower may be harder to make than a save but can you give me direction on how I would approach this problem. I asked him what mods he uses and he said he has about 300 installed. What types of mods would I need to know from him in order to use his save? Known Mods he has: racemenu "eyes" "sg hair" Thank you http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/867233077582283867/00BDAF37FC7E00857159FA1F3440D490B314A32C/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/867233077531278383/EDF748E572015C1D71A442CA0A272D1D4F9D3FD1/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/867233805980817978/6A34BE23F5B09BCB5D00C47DFB6C5CF51026343F/
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