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  1. Go through each of your mods and make sure none of the mod dll's are blocked.
  2. Hmmm.. Not sure what to tell you. I realized I posted a list that was a little outdated I had to drop of a few because they've become unusable. This is the order I have them in Modlist.. Some have manual installation like Xorberax's Deadly Comnbat, Others I have to unblock dll's But they all have been working more me. 10/16 ModName/Version=======================================================ButterLib 1.0.12Harmony 1.0.3Mod Config Menu Beta 4.0.7MCMv4 MCMv3 IntegrationMCMv4 ModLib v1/v13 IntegrationNativeSandBox CoreCustomBattleSandBoxStoryModeSettlementIcons / Settlement Icons for latest 1.2.3ModLib 1.4.1Bannerloard Tweaks My Banner Simple version 0.7.2Bloodmod 1.9Crafted Items Copyright 1.5.1Distinguished Service for 1.5.0b 2.7DismembermentPlus Hair Cover Base 1.0.2 Improved Garrisons For 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 Let Me Fight 1.0.0Kazniam's Make Lord Naked 1.4Leadership Reloaded (hotfix) 1.3.3Looted Villiger Interactions 1.3.1Mixed Gender Troops (Fixed) 1.5.1More Workshops 1.4.2NPC Revamp 9.0Recruitable 1.0.4Party Screen Enhancements 1.5.5SelectUnitBanner 1.0.0SoundTheAlarm 1.5.1TrueArenaExperience (Arena Experience) 1.0.2TrueBrigands 1.1.2TrueCompanions 1.0.0TrueGifts 1.0.1TrueNobleOpinion 1.0.1TruePerks(for 1.5.0 and 1.5.1) 1.0.2TruePrisoners 1.5.6TrueRelations 1.3.9Volley 1.2.0Xorberax's Deadly Comnbat -- Manual Install Xorberax's Training Field For Bannerlord 1.5 0.3.2Detailed Character Creation 1.1.10 Detailed Character Creation - Addtl Body Slider 1.1.9
  3. When I started playing I didn't have any mods when I found this site I became a junkie.. Here's my list! Harmony ButterLib UIExtender Mod Configuration Menuv4 MCMv4 MCMv3 Integration MCMv4 ModLib v1/v13 Integration *Native *Sandbox Core *CustomBattle *Sandbox *StoryMode Settlement Icons ModLib Another Chance at Marriage Bannerlord Tweaks Bear My Banner BloodMod Crafter Item Copyright- Jiro's fix DismembermentPlus Distinguished Service Helmet Hair Cover Improved Garrisons Just Let Me Fight Kaszniam's Make Lord Naked Leadership Reloaded Looted Village Interactions Mixed Gender Troops More Workshops NPC Revamp Party Screen Enhancements Recruitable SelectedUnitBanner Sound the Alarm Arena Experience True Brigands True Companions Traits and Skills True Gifts True Noble Opinion True Perks True Prisoners True Relations Volley Xorberax's Deadly Combat Xorberax's Training Field Detailed Character Creation
  4. Has anyone looked into Mesh to Hit pathing or mapping? Hey there I have a dev question for those who have dabbled or run across this Currently you can capture collision data for a hit by using the struct AttackCollisionData You have properties in that struct like CoillisionBoneIndex, AttackBoneIndex, or VictimBodyPartHit, Using indexes or bones from the collision switch over to the Agent class where you can drill into AgentVisuals.GetSkeleton().GetAllMeshes() That dumps out <50 meshes that are applied to that particular Agent. Like the list below. This is just a scrape of just the names returned not the full Mesh object: (I believe these are mesh names from what was a random Hillman) "weapon_trail_mesh","body_male_a","body_male_a.lod2","body_male_a.lod3","body_male_a.lod4","body_male_a.lod5","body_male_a.lod1","hands_male_a.lod5","hands_male_a.lod2","hands_male_a.lod3","hands_male_a.lod4","hands_male_a.lod1","hands_male_a","head_male_a.lod1","head_male_a.lod2","head_male_a.lod3","head_male_a.lod4","head_male_a.lod5","head_male_a","head_male_a.1","head_male_a.2","beards_c_d","beards_c_d.lod1","beards_c_d.lod2","beards_c_d.lod3","beards_c_d.lod4","beards_c_d.lod5","hair_male_g_d.lod3","hair_male_g_d.lod5","hair_male_g_d.lod1","hair_male_g_d","male_eyebrow_8","bandit_1_c.0","bandit_1_c.1","bandit_1_c.lod1","bandit_1_c.lod2","bandit_1_c.lod3","bandit_1_c.lod4","bandit_1_c.lod5","boot_e.lod0.gen","boot_e.lod1.gen","boot_e.lod2.gen","boot_e.lod3.gen","boot_e.lod4.gen","boot_e.lod5.gen" My question if anyone has run into this or knows what the link is between mesh and bone or mesh and bodypart? Am I thinking about this the wrong way? Are the guts for rendering skin and items to the character/Agent body not as granular as I would like it to be. Looking for anything resembling a point in the right direction.
  5. Thanks for the idea, I never used that one personally. I don't think there is a shortage off mods people would like to have picked up again. If I so choose to add to Dismemberment the "free time" that would eat alone up may be more than I would be willing to devote to further modding. I am not saying its out of the question but I don't think at his time I am going to be rushing out looking for a new project.
  6. I ended up posting it... was first ever upload hopefully not my last. I only did it cause I really enjoyed making heads roll. Ha All cred goes to the the original author.
  7. Well I managed to get the Dismemberment mod working on 1.5+ It took quite a bit to rework and rebuild the .dll so I don't know that making a guide to fix will help much.
  8. yeah that's the unfortunate part the original author has not responded and many have tried. :-(
  9. If I would have happened to of fixed a mod that was dead and not been updated in some time... What is the etiquette for sharing the fix or releasing a fix? I am not the original author.
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