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Nexus Mods Profile

About pakrj434

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  1. Hi, I would like to request UI timer, enemies killed count, combo timer, boss alert icon, in mercenaries, to be removed. I'm already using Simple UI mod for merc.
  2. Hi I would like to do paid request for replacing Plaga spiders with the Little Crawlers from RE7
  3. Hi I would like to paid request to make Island (merc) have the Village lighting and Village to have the Rainy night version
  4. Hi, I was requesting a mod for Ada to be able to Rip Shields in merc mode just like in her story mode
  5. Requesting a night version for Island on mercenaries
  6. Requesting a night version for Island on mercenaries
  7. Hi, I'm not getting any answers for my request when I msg modders and post in this forum, so I'll add an incentive. I'm willing to pay for a trainer/mod for AI Partner's in Mercenaries (up to 4 players like RE5's Ultimate trainer AI Partner options). For example, if I want to play as Leon, I can add Ada, Luis, Ashley as partners, vice versa. Please pm me if interested in the project. I believe this trainer/mod is totally doable because you have a partner in storymode (e.g. Luis). Therefore, the code must be in there somewhere.
  8. Can someone please make a trainer or mod that adds AI partners for Mercenaries (just like AI Partner in story mode)! I feel lonely in mercs! XD
  9. Hi, I was hoping someone can implement an REframework mod that lets you equip Luis partner with any weapon.
  10. Hi I was hoping for a unlimited wave of enemies in Merc mode. Survive until you die.
  11. Hi, I was wondering if someone can add Kalina Ann to Lady's back for the Playable mod? Thanks
  12. Hi I was wanting to request AI partner (Lady and Trish) to fight alongside you in campaign. If that cant work, then one of the playable guy characters as partner instead. Thanks
  13. Hi I wanted to request night version of Merc map Island and Rainy night version of village
  14. Hi, I was wondering if someone can do mod with Castle night lighting in Village merc map, scary dark village style
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