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About Dromihetes

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  1. Yes, you are right. I reverted from beta e1.4.0 to stable e.1.3.0 (now 1.3.1.), and with no mods at all it works, but with any small mods added like ModLIb or BannerlodTweaks...it crashes soon in the game play. I hope it is something fixable, either by Tele, either my modders community. The game without some basic mods, it is very hard to play, in a time-consuming matter....it takes an exasperated amount of time to make small progress. I must say that I am currently using a retail version of MB2
  2. I must also mention that I deactivated all mods, and re-manual added only two: ModLIB (for e1.4.0) and BannerlordTweaks (also for e1.4.0) - and it still crashes just after character construction ...when starting new Campaign
  3. I realized today after this new patch e1.4.0 that all may save games crash, and I tried to start a new one, and it also crashes before character construction. If I disable all mods it will start a new campaign, but I like to use it with my selected mods, that were all working fine on version e1.3.0 ....at special banelordtweaks ... Any sugestions on this topic? What can I do? Thank you all, Dromihetes
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