in cc i already set "setessential 7 1" (make essential) , but this "No Death Mod" it doesn't seems like invulnerable (take no damage) or tagged as children flag but anyway thanks for information . but i know nearest mods that maybe can be called invulnerable but not really invulnerable . Invincible player (so many bug when follow a lot of quest and CTD at sometime): simply balanced (MCM , set player takes damage to 0%) : Shazam (when you change race as Shazam there is a invulnerability script and abalduininvulnerability inside this race but still die when enemies has reflectattack and enemies damage value more than your health): Chuck Norris Race (you know :D) : Ultimate Superman (this has steelbodyperk that make enemy stagger when they attack and has many options in lesser power menu) : ouwh umm , i'm sorry i didn't know .. have a nice day .. looks like im just gonna give up for this request . i guess not many people here like One Punch Man build .. (anime that main character has infinite health , no stagger , anti magic and one hit kills) Sorry if there is a wrong words . i typed with help Google Translate ..