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About GreatSilentOne

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  1. Wouldn't recommend TES5Edit for making mods, though I've never tried so I have no idea if you can do what you're trying to do. In the Creation Kit, you can find that all radiant ("random") NPCs are based on templates, which inherit their inventories from other templates, and are themselves put into a list, from which the NPCs you see in game are generated. To change the female NPCs specifically, I believe you can simply add the jewelry items to the lists, and add conditions to ensure they only spawn if the NPC is female ("GetSex() == 1" should be what you want). The downfall of this is that you can't set those conditions via script, which means you can't add the items to the list via script (which limits compatibility with other mods). There are some other ways around this, but let's keep it simple for the moment. I'm writing this assuming you have some idea of what you're doing. If you don't, let me know and I'll try to provide some more help. It really should be fairly simple.
  2. I hope you're competent with scripting, because you're going to be doing a lot of it. Starting the quests dependent on another quest's completion is quite simple, actually. In the first tab on the quest menu, set a condition to find whether or not the quest or quest stage you need completed has been completed. If it hasn't, then your new quest will be unable to start until it has. The chest is also fairly easy. You need to attach a script to the chest to periodically check how much time has passed before using the additem function to actually add whatever it is you're looking to add. Raids should be something you add later on, after you have the majority of your necessary features in place. They would need to be implemented via quest, meaning you'll have to find some sort of trigger, whether that be a conversation, an activator, or a script running an RNG. Depending on how you set up the quest, it probably wouldn't be that difficult to force only one thaneship. For the sake of continuity, I'd recommend calling your new title something other than "thane." While in real life, a thane is fairly indistinguishable from a feudal lord, the title is basically nominal in Elder Scrolls lore (as most of the jarls point out before appointing you the title). Since vanilla dialogue has the player being referred to as thane both by their housecarls and the town guards, it doesn't really make any sense to change that rank to housecarl. Using quest aliases and filling them based on who is currently the jarl of whatever hold you're currently working in would be the best way to avoid the issues with the civil war. The vanilla thane quests use a similar system, so I'd recommend checking that out first.
  3. The magic effect displayed below (combined with its script, also displayed) is intended to remove the target NPC from the world and replace it with a friendly, "follower" version. (pardon any syntax/efficiency errors, I haven't had much time to work on the script -- it doesn't even get as far as the script). For whatever reason, with all conditions met, the script is never used. I'm hoping that I simply missed a condition or something that someone else will see, but I'm honestly not sure. The effect is being applied via a lesser power.
  4. It's probably safe to ignore the error, unless you see anything visually incorrect with Serana's face. If it's grey, however, open up the Creation Kit, find her under Actors, select her and hit Ctrl + F4. This will generate facegen data and fix the problem.
  5. Having 200 mods active will do that. Try to cut it down to under 150, under 120 being optimal. The game can only handle so many active ESPs before things start randomly breaking. It's probably not an incompatibility, just an overload.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femininity Just a concept a few of you might want to familiarize yourselves with. Whether you agree with it or not, some people do, and since the Nexus caters to other "sexist" leanings (like, objectifying body modifications and armour remeshes), your outbursts are really uncalled for. Sakabato, you're not likely to find an author willing to do this for you for a variety of reasons, political backlash being among them (as made evident by certain someones). However, you can download the Creation Kit, load up the Skyrim.esm and manually change the guards for yourself -- it's actually not that difficult.
  7. Try adding the "MagicAlchHarmful" keyword to your poisons.
  8. https://youtu.be/PYNGK2vJ418?t=858 This should link you to where he starts talking about XMarkers and enable parents, but you may want to watch it all of the way through to get the gist of what he's talking about. This will help you implement the system CSBX mentioned, with a visual guide on what he's talking about.
  9. I believe Darkfox has a tutorial on creating a purchase system for a custom house. The concept is similar, so you should definitely take a look at that.
  10. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Actor_Script Look through the events listed here to see if you can find one that you can use for this (just remember that some of those events are for the new engine, i.e. Fallout 4). If none of them work, take a look at the quest to rob the Temple of Dibella in Markarth, as that does something similar on entering the inner sanctum.
  11. Your problem is actually related to setting Cloaks of Skyrim as a master file, from the looks of things. Try installing WryeBash, scrolling to Cloaks of Skyrim, right-clicking on it, and clicking "ESMify," then load it back into the Creation Kit with your follower mod. This will set Cloaks of Skyrim as a master file for your mod, so the changes should be persistent through reloading. Just remember to go back into WryeBash and set Cloaks of Skyrim as an ESP again when you're done.
  12. Whatever your mod does, you'll need to have it start with a quest or a script, and only after the player joins the Dawnguard. There's no way to activate an ESP once the game is launched. Even if you did, the game loads all of the data at launch, so it won't update if you've already launched the game. The alternative would be to simply not install the mod until you've reached that point, but that's more likely to result in people spamming your mod's page claiming that it broke things when they simply didn't follow instructions. Activating a script or quest conditionally isn't that difficult, if that's what you decide to do.
  13. Have you tried entering negative values in the magic effect form...?
  14. A pretty general tip for modding fairly simple things like this: If you can't figure out how it's done, find something in the base game that does something similar (such as J'zargo's Flame Cloak Scrolls in this case, which basically do the same thing, except with flame cloak).
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