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    Fall out New Vegas

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  1. YES!!!! as in surprise and excitement. Or in the words of Mister Burns... "Exxxxcellent"
  2. your probably right, I've tried every fix I could find and nothing. so on a whim I went to my back up drive where I keep both a current copy of my game folder and a clean game install folder and copied the current folder over and Geck started working.
  3. I've recently run into a problem with GECK. First I've installed everything on a new computer the game runs fine, but then I boot up geck and fine goes out the window along with the babies bath water. Geck starts and it looks normal, then I open a world space any world space and as soon as it starts rendering buildings, markers etc in the render window a message appears about running into a problem and back to desktop. I've tried it with powerup, then just NVSE then just GECK and still the same issue. I've reinstalled, deleted, verified files, offered it dinner and a dance, even tried cash bribery still nothing. I've tried starting with no plugins, saved as a new plug in no changes, nothing opened, closed the GECK reopened GECK opened a world space and Crash back to desktop. It seems like every few months GECK just craps out and gives me errors and problems.
  4. just some advice, when modding with the GECK, save often, often defined as after every change you make LOL and then make a copy of your esp every few days or so, just in case. It really sucks to open your mod one day and find an entire town you spent a month on, gone, not a brick left and no aliens with probes in sight.
  5. there are some changes you have to make to the NIFs in Nifscope before skyrim Nifs can be imported into Blender, off the top of my head I can't remember exactly what they are. But if I have time I will look around and see if I can find what you need.
  6. you can apply a texture using Nifscope. the textures you use in blender can be place holders.
  7. you can script it to change using various "conditions" for lack of a better term.
  8. for those that need the FO3 geck, it comes with the FO3 GOTY on steam. I don't know if its available on steam by itself, or if it is legal for those that own it to share copies of the GECK. Any one know the answer to that? I would assume its fine to share, but thats all it is an assumption.
  9. LOL and Yes I am wanting to put together a team to help out with this MOD. Especially since I don't have a lot of time and I really want to get this puppy finished and out there. So drop me a Line and we can talk.
  10. it's just me I'm sure but I find 2.49 easier to work with than the newest versions. the newer versions are more capable of course, but not as easy.
  11. and some times its almost like the behavior of some NPcs is hard coded somewhere. at least three times Ive used an existing NPC as a base for a npc I created, and no matter what I changed, what packages i added and subtracted, the new NPC would do things the original model did. odd but there you go. most of those make any one a follower mods, create a copy of the NPC with new packages that becomes the follower or at least all of the ones I have looked through in GECK.
  12. okay, open your NIF, right click anywhere in your block list and add a BSAfadenode. Sorry its been a little bit since I've done this. to stripify, look at the bar at the top of you nif when in nifscope, go to spells, optimize, stripify, all trishapes.
  13. if Im not badly mistaken, you can change that using NIFscope. I have to look through my notes on it to be sure.
  14. try adding Power up and PU 1.4 that should help
  15. well still plugging along on this. currently I am stuck in another state with intermittent internet access and a truck with a broken axle. Joy! Had a odd error occur in the tully world space, all the buildings vanished and the water suddenly is above the land. I have no clue but am working to redo the whole thing. I should get some one to do some animations for me just to add a little zing to a few things. well thats is for now. signed Lost in Trumptonia.
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