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Posts posted by AchillesIV

  1. I used this mod all the time on the original Skyrim for immersion purposes (I also turned Skyrim into a horror game via mods). I wanted something brutal and overwhelming. I also managed to get it working temporarily with Skyrim:SE by launching it through the Script Extender and disabling any other mods excluding CBBE and XP32 Maximum Skeleton. (You have to have those for it to work properly I learned, if someone has found a way around this do let me know.)


    The problem with this is the mod eventually becomes unstable, and over time it breaks your save, to where it can be compared to Doki Doki Literature Club in that the game just gradually falls to pieces, the frame rate drastically begins to drop, and it eventually becomes completely and utterly unplayable. Not sure if it has something to do with too many scripts not updating themselves, or perhaps it uses an infinite amount of scripts (ex: has no script limit) if so this was a very sloppy coding job on the modders end, and may even cause conflicts with the use of the Skyrim Script Extender due to far, far too many scripts even for SKSE. This isn't even including the armor and clothing incompatibility issues and the CTD that follows. Honestly, the improvements that this mod needs is many many bug fixes. If someone or a group of people could do some debugging on this mod, I'm sure we could have a smooth running Skyrim:SE version in no time. I would do it myself if I were more experienced with modding, but I simply don't have the current knowledge or capability to debug even the most simple of mods and as such I especially cannot debug a mod that is this complicated and broken.

    Very informative post, thanks. I was looking for this mod as an SE port but thinking about this at the same time. The original seemed quite buggy even though it was hands-down one of my all-time favorite mods that I would use on every playthrough. Often there would be torsos disappearing or clothes disappearing, but it didn't matter as it made the combat so satisfying and brutal. The spell effects were also a huge bonus and mod I couldn't live without, but from reading the comments, there seem to be other mods that offer that.


    I second your post and it would be truly awesome if an interested modder or group of modders could take a look at this mod and either fix it up for a port or make a new one for SE. It truly is one-of-a-kind and brings a really fun and immersive element to Skyrim.


    With an entire website dedicated to 1,000 nudity and sex mods, you'd think there would be more gore and other body-modifying mods. It's pretty disappointing how much more productive the horny modders are than the barbarian modders honestly lol.

  2. For the love. of. GOD why has nobody made a mod that improves the damn NPC Vampires, like for a vampire hunter or Paladin playthrough? With all of the vampire/werewolf themed stuff and quests already in Skyrim, it's mind-blowing that we have zero mods outside of small stuff in Truly Undead, Bring Your Silver, and Bloodthirst (all kind of small mods) that make NPC Vampires better and more frightening/tough to fight.


    6 years on and I can't get a single mod that makes Vampires only attack at night. I mean, come on! That's all I want, is stupid vampires not to be running around during daytime.


    Also it would be great if the vampires in general were made far stronger, and Harkon made insanely strong since he's one of the weaker bosses in the game.


    I will donate $25 to someone that makes a comprehensive Vampire Hunter/NPC Vampire(maybe even throw in Werewolves) mod that improves the npc vamps and adds options like "Vampires only come out at night." How about going the extra mile and making a dynamic infection system like in Moonlight Tales? Vampires attack townspeople and guards at night, then escape, and these people then turn into vampires? You could even call it 'Dynamic NPC Vampires' or 'NPC Vampire Overhaul' or 'Immersive Vampire Hunting.'


    Please, holy Stendarr, hear my prayers.


    EDIT - Let me kick myself for not finding this one despite my searching:


    Better Vampire NPC's - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79761/?


    It doesn't do everything, but aims to make them have better AI, be stronger, and adds some cool new weapons and abilities. It's also made by the guy who made Better Vampires, so you know it's good!


    Combined with Truly Undead and Bring Your Silver, we're getting close to some real vampire hunting that can justify a whole playthrough without getting boring. Now if we could just get dynamic vampirism infections and no vamps during the day, I would play forever lol.

  3. So I've gotten a SkyRe setup to work near-perfectly, and I'm about to hit level 35 with my character. I've been using Climates of Tamriel with ELFX for the entire time, and it's been fine. However lately I'm realizing that any time during the day, the sun is way, WAY too bright and washes out a lot of the color. It's like there's a permanent sunglare, but it's not just at noon, it's any time during the day even into the late afternoon and early evening.


    I use the sw 15e and fw 15e console commands sometimes, and this does change it, but then it looks kind of like a muted blue and strange.


    Has anyone else run into this problem using CoT? I don't know why it started doing this or what caused it, but my other profiles/playthroughs that are using CoT look fine and don't seem to have this issue. It's apparently something that happened over the course of my game and I don't know what I could do to fix it.


    Would've posted this in the CoT forum, but there isn't one.

  4. I swear I've asked this before, possibly months back, but searching my post history and the forums I've found nothing lol so I can safely say I'm losing my mind and can make this post.


    I love a lot of the player home mods, but so many I try come with pre-placed, static decorations and loot. Personally one of my favorite parts about player homes is decorating them with all of your OWN stuff once you've had some adventures in the world, and not just armor and weapon plaques/display cases, but things like shelves and general surfaces.


    One of them I tried recently even had a kitchen I really liked, but when I built it, all of the barrels of fruit and food on the shelves were baked-in statics you couldn't even eat. Talk about breaking immersion when you're using a needs mod. :mad:


    Does anyone have some favorite player homes that are either free of pre-placed clutter or have clutter you can remove and replace with your own stuff? This is a make-or-break issue with player home mods for me as I just don't really enjoy a house where everything is already stuffed to the gills and decorated for me. Feels like I moved into someone else's home tbh.

  5. In response to post #24561569. #24567479, #24586154 are all replies on the same post.

    Dark0ne wrote:
    Naznaczony wrote: R.I.P Skyrim mods.
    Olliaf wrote: Shame on all those who make it. Please all modder fan don't take that way and boycott these mods. Thanks

    Long live Skyrim modding !

    I'm very disappointed in this and the people lining up to support it.

    We might as well pay people for fan-fiction and fan-art, since they spend hundreds of hours on it and are apparently all starving.

    This will do a lot of damage to one of the best communities within gaming, and one of the only holdouts in this era of nickel-and-dime microtransactions and monetization of EVERYTHING. The last refuge of gaming freedom and artistic passion has finally been breached.

    I think Bethesda will also lose some credibility over this.
  6. I struggle with this too, currently using:


    Deadly Combat

    Locational Damage (no headshots because oh my jesus)



    Along with many other mods including AFT, and I get the same problem. My followers will almost one-shot nearly everything, though Faendal did die somehow the other day during an attack at Mistwatch.


    My biggest complaint has got to be the cramped dungeons in Skyrim that are pretty much designed for one person. Getting in front is risky because if you need to backpedal or escape, you have four people behind you that won't move, and staying in back is, well, just not as fun lol. When we get into an open area and can spread out and fight, like in forts, it's much more fun as you can tactically get in and out of the fighting and deal with archers, mages, what not.


    Here's a suggestion, if you have something like AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks) or any mod that lets you change the combat styles of your followers, you could always set them to bow and arrow or magic so they stay in the back. I currently have 2 front liners, 1 ranger (mixed,) and 1 archer.

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