So basically, it would be epic, if someone made a mod that changed out the vampire lord, with an angel. Everything about the vampire lord is evil and dark, which scares people. If someone could create a mod that's an angel and has the complete opposite of the vampire lord's appearance (and also change it to where NPCs won't run in terror) , that would be amazing. Another nice feature to add on would be spells like Heavenly Fire, and Angels Healing (for the player healing) and Grand Blessing (NPC healing). Please, don't make a separate race for this, that would just mess up everything. OH and especially a lightning spell with a cool name, i really love to use lightning bolt,and chain lightning. Someone make this mod please!! I would be in heaven! (no pun intended :wink: ) Legend1060 P.S. btw you know how you have to equip the vampire lord power in the magic>power menu then use the power button to transform? Make the mod just like that!!! :D And you know how when you transform into the vampire lord there's spraying blood everywhere and the player gives an animal - like scream? for the angel, change it to spraying bright light, and the sound a bell or hum that is the A note (in music) (sorry for the inconvenience:add a perk tree pleeeeeezz!) AAAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!