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Posts posted by Marundanation

  1. Hello,


    Is there any way to allow characters in New Vegas to overlap or combine different armour or clothing pieces together?

    Because I downloaded a mod where you can wear a balaclava, gasmask and a helmet. Wearing a helmet with a gasmask works fine but it will not allow me to use the balaclava.


    The Balaclava is a headwrap, helmet is a helmet/hat and the gasmask is a mask. For some reason equiping a headwrap (eg balaclava) would unequip the mask (eg gasmask). There might be ofcourse clipping issues but I do not think in this case a Balaclava wouldn't clip that badly with a gasmask. Is there a way (Mod or Console commands) to allow my Balaclava and the Gasmask to be equipped at the same time? There was a glitch in Fallout 3 (PS3 version) where you can equip multiple hats and glasses at the same time. Surely we should be able to do that without glitching on PC right?



  2. Hello,


    I have just recently finished Metro 2033, it became one of my favourite FPS ever made. I only just started Metro Last Light - 4 hours in.


    The problem is after I am done with Last Light, what else am I going to play?


    I got Fallout New Vegas and have done used some mods (kudos to Gopher). But are there particular mods that makes the game feel immersive like Metro did?


    This ENB / graphic mod looks very interesting http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55112/

    Is there anything else like it? Other item or gameplay mods? Weapons? Texture packs? Flashlight mod that can be worn with any apparel (I don't mind clipping)?


    Please share!


  3. Hello,


    I got Skyrim Legendary Edition and I downloaded a nexus mod that can max my skills and unlock all the perks. But the problem is it gives me 100,000 health/stamina/magicka, essentially a God mode.


    The reason for me to use this mod is because I already a character in Skyrim on my PS3 (just got a new PC) that pretty much got all perks and maxed out all skills so I do not want to grind for those again but I do not want to be invincible either. I was strolling around in the forest and got attacked by 2 bears, I do not fear them because I just cannot die, ruining my experience.


    My companions are Level 88 and has around 1200 Health and 500 Stamina, even though they are calculated according to a NPC multiplier that relates to the Player's level - am I suppose to force my stats similar to their values? (forceav)


    Is there a console command that reset these values to a default multiplier or recalculate my stat automatically? I tried "forceav health 0" but that literally replaces my health to 0 which kills my character instantly.


    EDIT: I could be wrong but the thing about forceav is it overrides and other multiplier or effects that your player is currently using. For example before any mods let say I have 200 health, then I got this armour which gives a bonus of 5 health, so if I wear them my Health will be 205. But if I use forceav it just overrides the extra 5 health so if I do "forceav health 400" it will be 400 not 405 because it ignores and overrides other buffs. Am I right? I'm just guessing.


    Thank you

  4. Hello,


    I downloaded a BF3 sound mod for New Vegas which can be seen in this YouTube video (link to mod is in the video description).



    Direct Link to mod: http://www.rivierasoftware.net/BF3_Sound_Mod.zip


    Now I have the wav files and I preview them using Windows Media Player and indeed all BF3 shooting and reload sounds are in the folder (link). But I do not know what to do with the file? Where to put them? GECK required?


    I tried replacing everything in the C:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\Sound\wpn directory but in-game it still uses vanilla gun sounds - 9mm Pistol still sound the same crappy 9mm. I want that BF3 sound godammit!


    You should download and try out the mod too.


    Thank you.

  5. Hello,


    I just installed NMM and when I tried to use Skyrim, it gives me this exact error presented by another poster: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/592808-unable-to-install-nmm-newbie/


    Just to clarify, THIS is my computer, infact I built this machine with my own hands only a few weeks ago. However my dad holds the admin privileges and is the admin of ALL the computers under this roof and he is tech savvy.


    The error message suggest that to disable UAC (never going to happen) and run as administrator (that is truly impossible under standard user). The only other possible solution is to reinstall the program in a separate directory. Me and my dad accidentally installed it under Program Files which the error message said you were not supposed to.


    The question is even if we reinstall NMM not under the Program Files. Would it still run with standard user, will UAC prompt be in my face all the time?

    I watched videos of people using the NMM and when they open the application they do not get any UAC prompts, password check or admin permission. It just instantly opens like a normal application. Will that be a case with NMM after reinstalling it the proper way? Does installing it somewhere else fixes it?


    Thank you.


    PS: You might ask if he is so tech savvy why not disable UAC? He knows about it and he does not want to.


  6. Hello,


    First off this is a duplicate post from http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1291290-ultimate-followers-overhaul-mod-unlimited-followers/

    I was not actually sure where to post this question so I decided to post it under the mod section, but the traffic of that section is low so I thought I should had post it here. To the moderators, you may remove that post I made if no one is actually reading it.


    But anyway.

    I am new to Nexus, in fact I am new to the PC scene in general and I do not even have Skyrim for PC yet.

    But I am getting Skyrim tomorrow (or atleast soon) and I would like to ask those with the UFO mod that can you still have unlimited followers even though the author stated it is capped at 15?

    Because I want to stress my new machine (FX-8350, R9 270X) and have fun with my own private army consisting of 50 followers, overkill I know but I wanted to do something radical.


    One suggestion I read is to use the command "set PlayerFollowerCount" to a specific number. I do not know which number but would it override the 15 followers cap of this mod?




    Also that mod has different version to download from. I am planning to get the Skyrim Legendary Edition (all DLCs) and I do not know which file(s) to download.


    Lastly I might use the Horses for Followers mod, is that also capped?


    Thank you.


    PS: To those wondering how could you have 50 followers. You can use the Creation Kit (at Steam) to make your own NPC and turn them into a full function follower. Obviously you can make dozens of NPCs so I will turn them into potential followers. Yes I will make 50 NPCs but how do you make them follow you all at once is the question here (with or without mods).

  7. Hello,


    I am new to Nexus, in fact I am new to the PC scene in general and I do not even have Skyrim for PC yet.

    But I am getting Skyrim tomorrow (or atleast soon) and I would like to ask those with the UFO mod that can you still have unlimited followers even though the author stated it is capped at 15?

    Because I want to stress my new machine (FX-8350, R9 270X) and have fun with my own private army consisting of 50 followers, overkill I know but I wanted to do something radical.


    One suggestion I read is to use the command "set PlayerFollowerCount" to a specific number. I do not know which number but would it override the 15 followers cap of this mod?




    Also that mod has different version to download from. I am planning to get the Skyrim Legendary Edition (all DLCs) and I do not know which file(s) to download.


    Lastly I might use the Horses for Followers mod, is that also capped?


    Thank you.


    PS: To those wondering how could you have 50 followers. You can use the Creation Kit (at Steam) to make your own NPC and turn them into a full function follower. Obviously you can make dozens of NPCs so I will obviously turn them into potential followers.


    EDIT: Yes I will make 50 NPCs but how do you make them follow you all at once is the question here.

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