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Nexus Mods Profile

About WKnape1988

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. wait, WHAT. the nudity is CENSORED outside of inventory. WTF
  2. This would be great. Why CDPR didn't include it is beyond me.
  3. This would be a great mod, or a vender who only deals in blueprints of all types. perhaps have materials that restock daily.
  4. I would like a room for power leveling as well. an arena would be nice too, spawning enemies to fight would be nice. a list would work.
  5. I would like a higher max level and more skill points to spend on skills. or a cheat mod that lets you basically max out everything
  6. I agree, more joytoys, and brothels (Don't know the game term for them) this could be a huge mod for people. I may not use them, but it would be more realistic. also, strip clubs and strippers. I feel the game lacks a lot of this kind of content
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