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Status Updates posted by Zephyr2011

  1. Does anyone know what replaces ratings and/or kudos? I just noticed those were gone (or at least appeared to be). I wanted to give props to someone and was disappointed when I couldn't find them.
    1. AurianaValoria1


      Kudos are still existent on the individual Nexus sites.
  2. Long time indeed haha. You know me. Always up for a good RP
  3. Yeah, th'ats been somewhat of a work in progress. The characters on Chrunus will either leave or die. And at least one of them is going to Saros where everyone else is. Then we'll more or less have two groups: the Creed hires and those seeking the audience of the King (which unfortunately are the least active and fewest in numbers)
  4. Yes, yes we do but my isse is that I don't want to be the one to have every-other post. It's too monopolizing and people areon so rarely it's highly unfotunate. And there's little player to player interaction it's mainly me influencing the world around the players that generates post and its really incohesive : /
  5. Has discovered a new list of mods for Morrowind and in it finally discovered something that will tide me over until 11/11/11
  6. I find it ironic that two hours after your comment I post haha. Most RPs don't move this fast so I've been slightly overwhelmed. It's also been homecoming week so I've been swamped. The three away soccer games haven't helped. my spare time.
  7. Working on "finishing" Nosebleed's Fair Port with quests hopefully.
  8. The ranks of the RP Team are swelling HUZZAH! RP will start up in about a month.
    1. XanAlderon


      Looking forward to it then.
  9. Unfortunately I think he has. But my friend just got a Nexus account, it's Yesnah and he's really interested in the RP section.
  10. Not my intention to give scar heart attacks lol. I was going for some kind of confrontation that could lead to some interesting dialog
  11. Good thanks for asking. Been pretty busy lately so I'm not on as often as I'd like but otherwise good. yourself?
  12. Thanks for your comment on the song I wrote Dezi, that means a lot to me.
  13. HAI! What's new?

    been awhile

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