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About pinkneonrose

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Obilion, fallout3, fear 2, Witcher
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  1. Hey, I'm fine. Already thought about getting Skyrim too. Maybe during easter hollydays steam has sales or sth? I think I'm waiting.
  2. Hi not much her been thinking about getting skyrim so I'm looking around how are you
  3. Hey, what's goin on?
  4. thank you i have been looking for so long thank you :thumbsup:
  5. Hi guys im looking for the oringals CM partner mod i know its here but i cant seem to find it :wallbash: i keep coming up with mods that need it for them to work can someone please help me ;D thanks
  6. hello everyone i havent been here in a long time. im trying to load up my game on laptop and on the chocolate elves i have no eyes or hair yes i loaded the face exchange on pc and everything is checked in the data file can some one please help this is what i have oblivion.esm unofficial patch unoffiicial patch shivering isl tempo skills chocolate elves oh and hgec body 1 4 0 omod thanks for any help
  7. So you hate leaving your house? lol, i know what you mean. btw, my girlfriends name is also Tina. well, it's spelled Tyna, but i digress, i think both of us need to spend some time outside,but not right now. lol.
  8. Thanks for adding me,wow I haven't been here in a long time
  9. i have learned that even though i love the game i really suck at playing it
  10. I also love the new look i think it looks awesome two thumbs up from whoever did this kudos to you this is an awesome job
  11. hello after looking at these i relized these are for Oblivion i was looking for the links and info for Dragon Age this will help me get my sisters oblivion going but i need to know how to get dragon age started can you help me with that thank you
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