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  1. When does the CK come out anyway? I keep wondering about that... is it supposed to be in jan?
  2. Would this be pretty much impossible without the construction kit, or merely difficult? I'm not sure how much work it would take (I'm horrible at manipulating textures and models...).
  3. Indeed, it was. You can see it in the intro sequence before you go into helgen keep.
  4. Storm Call isn't really a breath attack though.
  5. Yeah, my lightning themed mage would like it as well.
  6. We have a fire breath, a frost breath-- but no thunder breath. Would it be possible to add one in, and a trio of dungeons in which you get the three words? I know it sounds odd, lightning breath that is-- but I recall it done interestingly enough in the Breath of Fire series.
  7. Maybe, but I don't. I absolutely LOATHED the changes they made to Khajiit in Morrowind. Skyrim's a notable improvement over that, but it hasn't gone far enough.
  8. Have you tried wearing equipment which buffs your skill at enchanting?
  9. Might just wait and bump this after the CK is released...
  10. Would be crappy if it didn't, but eh, them's the breaks. I'll make another save and try it out.
  11. How would I spawn another dragon after deleting it?
  12. Also when it does move, it flies backwards.
  13. ... which basically means instead of completely nude airbrushed photoshopped women for the sole purposes of being ogled it's just ALMOST nude airbrushed photoshopped women for the sole purposes of being ogled. So the latter is sleazy level 75, and the latter is sleazy level 60. :P Not that I'm saying "don't mod this", oh no... do whatever you want. Rather, I just don't see the distinction, or more accurately, it just seems intellectually dishonest to call an image of a naked woman sleazy but add a few strips of cloth/leather and it's not anymore...
  14. The Blood Dragon that spawns near Bonestrewn Crest is behaving oddly-- it literally cannot get closer than a certain distance from my player character, and even bugs out and goes through terrain to avoid doing so. I can still hit it with fireballs (it frequently ends up staying perfectly still) but if I kill it, it simply vanishes and respawns somewhere else. It is well out of range of targeting as far as I know, so is there a way I can just kill it with console commands to get its soul and bones/scales?
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