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  1. My personal favorite is Breton heavy warriors. Their passive magic resistance means 1/4 of ALL elemental damage is blocked. Through various sources this can be raised even further to a 85% maximum. With an armor at 570 your physical resistance is at 85% as well. When only 15% of all damage affects you (even less when you block with a shield), you pretty much become a short unstoppable juggernaut.
  2. Oppose the major factions. Work with Mjoll the Lioness to root out and destroy the Thieves Guild and the Black Briars. Once you know of their true face, join the Silver Hand to oppose the Companions. Perhaps make an assassin group that works for justice instead of money to oppose the Dark Brotherhood (and maybe the Silver Bloods as well). Join a cult of morally ambiguous Necromancers to oppose the College. True Bioware-quality companions. Fully voiced with backstories, conversations and opinions. Don't drop their greaves for the first adventurer with an amulet of Mara.
  3. This SO should have happened. :woot: At the final battle, 3 or so dragons show up and help the opposing side. Fighting the Stormcloaks "See! Talos deems our cause worthy and sends his servants to help us! Fight on!" Fighting the Empire "The spirits of the Dragonborn Emperors look down upon us and send aid! Fight to the last man!"
  4. Once you pick up the conditioning perks for HA or LA the weight and speed decrease becomes a non-issue, so it all comes down to sneaking. If you REALLY want to sneak around in heavy armor, there's the illusion 'muffle' spell or the rare muffle enchantment. As for the defense bonuses, they really don't matter because the cap for armor is 567 and with smithing and perks, this is ridiculously easy to achieve with either heavy or light. Basically, it all comes down to perks and which you think looks the best.
  5. First of all, the 1h and 2h skill trees are pretty much identical in terms of perks, I'm thinking they should be merged together into a single tree called 'Melee Weapons' or what have you. The easiest way to accomplish this, is probably by getting rid of the 2h tree and adding the 'sweep' perk to the 1h, along with adding some text to the perk descriptions (ie bladesman, bonebreaker, and hack and slash including greatswords, battleaxes and mauls) Next, changing up some of the styles. Basically, I want both 1h and 2h weapons to be used however you want, with different bonuses. A stands for attack power, D stands for defense, S stands for speed and T stands for stamina usage. 1h weapon and shield. Low attack, Very High defense, moderate speed, moderate stamina use A * D **** S ** T ** 2h weapon and shield. Moderate attack, Very High defense, low speed, high stamina use A ** D **** S * T *** 1h weapon in 2 hands. Moderate attack, moderate defense, high speed, low stamina use A ** D ** S *** T * 2h weapon in 2 hands. High attack, moderate defense, moderate speed, moderate stamina use A *** D ** S ** T ** Dual wielded 1h weapons. High attack, low defense, very high speed, high stamina use. A *** D * S **** T *** Dual wielded 2h weapons. Very high attack, low defense, high speed, very high stamina use. A **** D * S *** T **** What do you guys think?
  6. I'd settle for a pack of ACTUAL companions. You know, with history, personality, opinion, and generally MORE than 12 spoken phrases.
  7. Hex Mark (for you Koei fans out there) Appearance: White with black mane and tail. Special: slightly better than average horses Perk: Lucky - Find slightly better items in chests Hex Mark can be bought from horse vendors at a slightly higher price (10k or so?)
  8. Thought of one more, please feel free to add your own ideas ;) Specter Appearance: Transparent pale blue Special: Specter is ethereal, meaning he cannot attack or be attacked. While riding, you gain this property as well. Perk: Between Two Worlds - 5% of attacks miss you. However, you lose 20% of your health.
  9. It's kind of lame that the only choice for a unique mount is to join the Brotherhood. There should definitely be more out there to find. A few ideas Flare Appearance: Scarlet red with a fiery mane. Ideally we can use the Flame Attronach fire trails as it runs. Special: Instead of running into melee, Flare fights at range using fire based destruction magic. Perk: While Flare is your horse, he grants you +25% fire resistance To acquire Flare you have to first break him. This is difficult as he does constant fire damage turning the process into an endurance test. Virtue Appearance: Snow white with blue glowing eyes. Perhaps a unicorn? Special: Fastest of horses, most endurance, and strongest in melee. Perk: Lightness of Heart - Your character moves 15% faster. Virtue cannot be mounted by one who is not pure. If it senses a stolen item in your inventory or innocent blood on your hands, it will leave your service. The Forest Lord Appearance: A white, long horned stag covered in vines. Special: While mounted, natural creatures (skeevers, wolves, bears, sabre cats, spriggins) are neutral towards you. Perk: Skeevers and wolves are neutral towards you. TFL detests vampires and werewolves.
  10. I'm finding that these patches are 1 step forward and 2 steps back. They'll fix one minor thing and create 2 or three MAJOR bugs.
  11. Not only has it been mentioned on this forum before, it's already been done :tongue: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1935
  12. The problem is that dragon slaying suffers greatly from what I like to call "Oblivion Gate Syndrome" in which, doing something that's supposed to be epic and exciting just becomes a boring and repetitive chore.
  13. Swords, without a question, are the best. Once smithing is all said and done, there's only a few points difference between swords, axes and maces. So the question becomes, do you want to hit 10 times for 150 damage each or 8 times for 160? Add enchanting into the mix and the outcome is even clearer as it adds a flat rate of damage. Perk wise, swords still come up ahead. Axes only adds a flat rate of DoT, great for beginning, but almost unnoticeable at the end and only works on living creatures. Maces WOULD be awesome but nothing seems to have much more than 20% armor (hopefully this will be rebalenced). Critical hits, while nothing to write home about, still add a bit do your dps and work on everything. Aesthetically, swords just look better (the ones with scabbards anyway) and have more finishing moves than maces/axes.
  14. Maybe Alduin was holding them back for a massive invasion and without him they're just left to do whatever they want? In any case, you'd think dragons would go out of their way to avoid you after you just ate their leader's soul. It'd be a great mod if after the main quest, dragons would start fighting you, but after awhile shout "Dovakiin!" in a panicked tone and high tail it out of there.
  15. He'd be an utter moron to betray you after he provided the key to learning Dragonrend. I'm sure it's possible that he could just wait a few decades till you've died of natural (or unnatural) causes and make his bid for power, but if here were going to do that, why spend a thousand years meditating and generally being helpful? That's a pretty long charade to keep up.
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