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Everything posted by purrfect7

  1. Can you make a mod where the female character has the walking and running animations of the male character? The male character's walking and running animations are smoother and not wobbly.
  2. Whether it's Leon or Ada, the animations of both characters are not smooth(shaky, just like leon when he aimed)when they walk, run or crouch. The body movements are very sharp,wobbly,shaky and there are tiny but constantly repeating torso and neck animations that prevent the animations from looking natural.re2 and re3 remakes were really good at animation. I wonder if it is possible to make a mod that includes animations(walk,run) from re2R for Leon and Ada? I am asking because there are people who make dodge, sprint and various animations.Apart from the remake of the 2nd and 3rd games, there may also be animations from the original 4th game. Many people say that Leon's animations in the re4 remake are clunky.No one has made a mod for movement animations before. Please Edit:Even if you can't make new animations, I would be very happy if you make a mod where we can replace Luis' walking and running animations when he is an NPC with us, not a Mercenary, with Leon's current animations. Unlike Luis' sharp, overly dynamic and shaky animations in Mercenary, the NPC walking and running animations in the main game are more stable and smooth.
  3. The faces of the female characters in the game look scary.The good news is that the bug report I created on this subject has been processed by the technical team. https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-543 the walking and running animations of the female character are not as smooth as the male character and there are many problems that need to be fixed I would be very happy if you vote for the bug report I created for this problem. https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-556 While the heights of the male and female characters are close to each other on the character creation screen, the female character is very short compared to the male character in the main menu and in the game.Also, I would be very happy if you vote for the bug report I created for this problem. https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-3003 Evidence videos available in bug reports
  4. While the heights of male and female characters are so close to each other on the character creation screen, why are the female characters so short in the game and in the main menu? Is it possible to fix this situation? Also, I would be very happy if you vote for the bug report I created for this problem. https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-3003
  5. I have a request from you and those who read this.There is a problem with the walking-running animation of female characters in the pc version of the game, and I have created a bug report for this, but I ask everyone to vote for it to be processed.Unfortunately,Even half of the attention given to the male character was not given to the female character. . https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-556 please vote Also, the bug report I created about the faces and facial animations of female characters has already been processed by the technical team. https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-543 On the other hand, I'm calling out to all mod makers please fix this issue!
  6. the walking animation of the male characters is fine,when the female character starts walking, she first has a weird twitch-stutter in her upper body and head(it happens all the time) and doesn't have animations that look as smooth and good as the male character.When we play the game on PC with a ps4 controller, we can minimize the twitching-stuttering of the female character's upper body by keeping the walking speed low.But when we press the w key to walk while playing the game with keyboard and mouse on PC,twitching always occurs in the upper body of the female character,as there is a constant walking speed.It's very clear that you are based on PlayStation while making animations.Also, when the male or female character suddenly starts running, their upper body and head twitches unevenly at first and continue to shaking as the running action continues.Please fix this situations because it ruins a cinematic experience.Evidence video link
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