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Everything posted by pomarf

  1. I wanted to make a desert warp totem, but after some research and trial and error, I discovered that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to making a mod. But the good news is I have everything pretty flushed out with the exception of code. I have made .png files for the totem and warp location statue. I have the location where I want the statue to be on the map (if possible). So if anyone is interested in making this mod please, let me know, and I can supply the files. :D
  2. So I found this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/75/? It doesn't seem to work anymore as far as I can tell. I was just wondering if someone could make a new updated version of it as it seems to have been abandoned. I would make it myself but I have no idea how to create mods for Stardew, and it seems to be a bit more complicated to mod than other games like Minecraft or Fallout 4.
  3. So you can equip armor via hotkeying it, but is there a way to make it so you can also unequip it by pressing the same hotkey again?
  4. I am trying to figure out how to make constructed items come out of a custom builder faster. I've tried fFiringTimer, and that seems to change the speed at which the builder's animation moves. I've also messed with MinAcceleration and MaxAcceleration, and they don't seem to change anything from what I've noticed. Also, just as a disclaimer, I am extremely new to modding in Fallout 4.
  5. Well I've just about re-created the mod, I'm just working on figuring out how to get the Pre-War Money to come out quicker, but I think I may have figured it out. :D Edit: I was wrong, I have not figured it out. Yet.
  6. Oh man I feel like an idiot, i was staring at the CK for like an hour trying to figure out where that recipe was xD
  7. Okay, so I opened this up in the CK because even though I cannot make mods, and barely understand what I am looking at, I am still interested in learning things. But I cannot for the life of me figure out where you put the "1 Cloth --> 1 PW Money" recipe, or how you got the recipe to work without a need for a terminal for that matter. :wacko: I was looking at some modding tutorials before I posted this request, and from what I can see, did you somehow make this in only two files?
  8. I tested it out and left some notes on the mod page. :D Don't let those people posting on it get you down btw man, they just don't understand what it is. But I can guarantee I'm not the only person who wants this.
  9. Awesome thank you! I'll test it out and let you know if I find any bugs or anything. :D
  10. I posted about this on Reddit last night and haven't gotten any replies, so I figured I would post here and see if this community is any more active. :laugh: So what the printing press would be is just a duplicate of the builder from the Contraptions Workshop DLC, that only has a single recipe: 1 Cloth = 1 Pre-War Money That's all I'm asking. I tried downloading the creation kit and messing around with it to see if I could make this mod myself because I didn't think it would be too complicated. Turns out I have literally no idea what I'm doing, so I figured I would ask someone who is more experienced if they would be willing to do it for me.
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