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About Arael54

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  1. Hello everyone, is there a mod that shows more information about an item, especially critical damage, stagger,... Would it be possible to make a mod like this with the CK ? Thank you
  2. Hello, I'm experienced in using the fallout 4 and skyrim creation kit and I'd like to learn how to mod Cyberpunk. I've got the basics in navigating wolvenkit, but I'd like to know if there are precise documentation, especially about modifying skills, attribute per levels, etc. IE, I can see the curves of progression with Wolvenkit, but how do I find/modify/create the things that are amplified by the curves I found ? Thank you.
  3. Hello, I have some experience modding Skyrim and fallout 4 to my liking, and I'm now interested in doing the same for Cyberpunk. Sadly, it seems far less accessible ; I'm not finding much documentation about it online. Could someone direct me to documents or guides to help me starting ? I'm currently trying wolvenkit and I have a basic comprehension of the structure. I know how to modify curves, but I i'm looking for the direct stats of other things (NPCs, weapons, etc). Is it better to use RedMod for this ? Thanks.
  4. Hello, It seems that by launching the game via mod organizer, twitch drops aren't added to the game when I create a new game. is there a way to make it works ? I'd rather not switch between normal launch and MO saves to limits incompatibility. Edit : Seems that deleting argument "-skipStartScreen" do the job. Any idea what the argument "-modded" do to the game ?
  5. Hello, I'm not really good at scripting, and I need a way to return the weapon AP cost in a script. Or better yet, the final weapon AP cost of an actor, accounting AP costs modifiers. Is there a way to do this ? Thanks.
  6. Hello, There are numerous mods for Skyrim in which stamina is drained for each swing or arrow fired. I'm wondering if something like this exists for Fallout 4 ? Stamina drained foe each bullet fired, or each attack animation ?
  7. Thank you. But unless I'm mistaken (which is totally possible), it doesn't explain why I have 2 different ingame range value with 2 weapons if they have the exact same stats in the CK Edit : Found it, some rifles have ap_Gun_UniversalOffset_Range in parent slots that seems to change the weapon range
  8. Hello, It seems most of the weapons have a 256 range in the CK, but they still have range differences between them (even if I delete their range bonus gained via their weapon mods), and I don't understand why. Exemple : A pipe revolver has a 256 range in the CK, and will have a 18 range in game ; A hunting rifle has a 256 range in the CK, but 84 range in game. I deleted their bonus range gained from mods. Is there another range modifier in the CK I'm not aware of ? I'd like to change the range stat but I need to now how it exactly works. Thanks
  9. 1/ Thanks, it may be the solution, even if I'm not familiar with those kind of edits. I tried to change strings files with xtranslator, but I can't seem to see my edits in game, I may have done something wrong.
  10. Hello, Could someone help me about these questions ? : 1/ Is there a way with the CK (or with something else) to change the information visible on the pip boy about weapons stats ? To be more specific, pip boy weapon information list the "range" of the weapon, and I'd like to change the text "range" to something else. 2/ Is there a way to change the icons visible on the pip boy ? To be more specific, I'd like to replace the energy damage icon with something else. Or replace the energy dmg incon with the fire dmg one. Is it possible ? Thank you.
  11. Hello, I'm trying to understand how explosion damage works with the Creation Kit. Every explosive weapon or explosive shows very low physical damage (most of the time, 1 damage). As I understand it, the actual explosion damage comes from somewhere else ; I think it is in "Explosion" in "SpecialEffect", as there are multiple explosions in there with a damage value. But what type of damage are they ? Physical ? Energy ? I try to understand if damage reduction (either physical or energy) protects from explosion damage. Or if it is a separate type that is not affected by either physical or energy damage. The wiki says : In Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, explosive is not its own damage type, rather it is a damage sub-type. Explosives are a way to deal proper damage types. For example, a missile launcher will create an explosion that deals physical damage, while a plasma grenade will create an explosive that deals both physical and energy damage. But it seems to contradict information I read elsewhere (can't remember where, sadly). So : - is explosion damage its own damage type, not affected by energy or physical reduction ? - is explosion damage dependent of the weapon used to fire (so energy grenades create energy damage explosion and traditional grenades create physical explosion. If it's the case, how does the CK can "tell" which type of explosion must be used ? - can explosion damage crit ? If the answer is yes, how is it calculated ? Thank you.
  12. In fact, the mod "Dynamic animation casting" let you do exactly what I was looking for.
  13. Thank you, I indeed understand I'm not quite there yet. A different animation event for each type of weapon (sword, dagger, bow, etc) with a different stagger value could suffice ? So ~8 different event ? I need to understand this a bit more (well, a lot more). Thanks for you help, and happy holidays !
  14. Thank you. This and a answer in another thread gave me roughly the idea of what I should do I think. I want to add a stagger effect, with a different magnitude relative to the type of weapon used (dagger, bow, etc). So I think the difference between left weapon and right weapon is not necessary anymore, but I need to make a different animation (on swing ? Would it work as expected ?) event for each type of weapon (bow, sword, etc), each with a different spell attached with a different stagger value. I'm pretty sure don't have the knowledge to do this yet. I have to find some mods which do something similar to understand it a bit better. Thank you again. Edit : In fact, the mod "Dynamic animation casting" let you do exactly what I was looking for.
  15. I understand. As you can probably tell, I don't know much about scripting; All I can do at the moment is more or less understand how existing scripts work and how to modify them. Sadly I don't know yet which method to use and why. So, as you suggested, I'll try to explain my idea and what happened : - I was trying to find a way to apply stagger when actors attack, with a different stagger depending of the weapon used ; - I found this mod (scripted stagger on hit) ; - The mod does add stagger, with this script that cast a spell, but the magnitude of the effect is always the same ; - I try to find a way to modify the mod to add different stagger magnitudes depending of the weapon used ; - I tried to find a way to add condition to the spell, the magic effect or even with a perk that limit stagger so I can add different staggers, by trying to point it to the attacker ; - As you pointed it, that it wasn't working because the script wasn't casting the spell from the attacker, but from the victim ; - I'm still trying to find a way to be able to make attacks stagger depending of the weapon used, by modify the script, or with a different script, or with any other solution but modifying attack data.
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