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Posts posted by waltherkk300

  1. Yeah THIS has to be fixed ASAP. Technically it is easy, in theory. Fidn the proper animation for Guard Post, remove it and add the animation that the Goodneighbour or Diamond City guards use when they 'stand guard'.Trick is finding the damned thing. Still trying to do this myself, but so far no luck.

    Any success?


    Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to request a simple mod that makes guards at settlements keep their weapon equipped instead of the hand behind the back animation when they are at their guard tower.

    I have no idea how difficult or easy it would be to make this, so I would like to hear what you think about it. Thanks for your time in advance.



    Here is what I found that works, at least for me:


    1. I created special clothing - vanilla - for the settlements. I take their clothing from their inventory and give them what I created, after I have assigned them to what ever project. You have to ' enable this ' on them.


    2. I also create Plasma Rifles for them and take their weapons from them and enable them as well.


    Then I see, especially the guards with their weapons, even when walking around, their weapons are seen.


    Hope this helps?


    .. Jj ...


    when the guard goes from one point to another, their weapons visible.

    But when the guard stands at one point, their weapons are not visible:




    Animation of visible weapons in "Goodneighbor":


    It would be nice to make visible guards weapon in the settlements.
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